Title Details

Our Country, Our Future

On Thursday, 20 July 1989, the then Prime Minister Bob Hawke launched a major environmental policy on behalf of the Federal Government to mark the 1990s as the ÒDecade of LandcareÓ.
Year : 1989 | Total Duration : 15 Minutes |
Director : Mark Gould |
Lake in the outback full of dead trees, reflecting in the water. Lake in the outback full of dead trees, reflecting in the water.
Opening shots with pans over polluted and degraded landscapes with voice-over and MS of Prime Minister Bob Hawke making speech at podium. CUs newspaper clippings to do with environmental crises. WS idyllic country landscape.
Access No. 138376 | 46 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
MS Prime Minister Bob Hawke making environmental speech at podium with cutaways to WS heavy peak hour traffic on Sydney Harbour Bridge, WS city skyline seen across harbour, GS polluted smoke from factory or power station, GS bulldozer destroying green forest with zoom to possums stranded on smashed tree trunk and VS trees being felled with sugar glider possum trapped by falling trees.
Access No. 138422 | 28 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
High shot over contaminated sea water at bottom of cliffs and CU to dead fish floating in river. WS of badly eroded soil in grazing land and GS degraded soil. Voice over and MS Prime Minister Bob Hawke making environmental speech at podium at Wentworth, NSW on July 20, 1989. WS zoom in to bright yellow sunset.
Access No. 138423 | 25 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
VS city streets. GS group of young schoolchildren on streets and VS traffic. WS man walking out of newsagency reading newspaper held up in front of him. MS garbage truck emptying waste bin into chute and WS huge crane scooping raw materials into mining truck. Pan to farmer in tractor over dirt leaving wall of dust behind and WS house in dust or sand storm.
Access No. 138424 | 36 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
CU interview to camera with Phillip Toyne, Director of the Australian Conservation Foundation talking about responsible sustainable land use. WS degrade land in western NSW with kangaroo in foreground drinking from tin trough and WS kangaroo hopping away from camera in white degraded landscape.
Access No. 138425 | 20 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
WS large group of villagers in bare landscape in Ethiopia. Pan across semi rural community and landscape. Fade to pan across barren mining landscape then river system. MS pan across degraded landscape with blackened tree stumps left sticking out of ground. Tilt to sign reading 'Warning Water Unsuitable For Drinking Or Swimming".
Access No. 138426 | 32 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
WS group of schoolchildren sitting and standing behind barrier and pan from seated audience to MS of Prime Minister Bob Hawke making speech at podium talking about Australia's environmental treasures. Underwater CU of school of small blue fish swimming underwater, tilt down trees in Queensland rainforest and zoom into lichen hanging from branches in Tasmanian forest. WS flock of Spoonbills in wetlands of Kakadu National Park.
Access No. 138427 | 17 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Voice over of Prime Minister Bob Hawke making speech about Australia's environmental treasures with GS of waterfall emptying into Franklin River, Tasmania and aerial over tall narrow waterfall emptying into gorge. GS of Hawke at podium addressing audience. Pan across drowned trees in lake. MS Premier of NSW, Nick Greiner at podium making environmental speech.
Access No. 138428 | 56 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Aerials over river system and over flat apparently featureless land intersected by roads in yellow late afternoon light. WS dust storm. High angle zoom out to Melbourne city in 1983 becoming enveloped by dust storm. WS eroded soil and discussion around the Australian Government's National Soil Strategy with inset images showing machinery to be used for sustainable soil management.
Access No. 138429 | 44 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
CU water running over soil. High shot over building model with graphic symbol for the Landcare strategy supered over over-grazed landscapes and Zoom to men planting seedling in ground. Pan across farm to Community Landcare Support officer talking to farmers and pouring over map. Fade to map around the Murray Riverland area.
Access No. 138430 | 36 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
MS of Prime Minister Bob Hawke at podium making speech about the Government's commitment to funding the Murray Darling Basin Commission. WS mallee forest and zoom across dry red earth to one remaining tree in landscape. MS Minister for Resources, Senator Peter Cook speaking at podium and cutaway to aerial over Mildura district.
Access No. 138431 | 53 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Track along dirt road surrounded by scrub and dead trees POV car in the regeneration area of Disher Creek, Renmark, SA. Voice-over and MS interview with John Shepard of the Murray Darling Basin Commission talking about the salinity of the area. Archival photograph of the Murray Darling Junction and portrait of Charles Sturt. WS of silhouetted drowned trees in the evaporation basin of Disher Creek, Renmark, SA.
Access No. 138432 | 53 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Graphics showing saline land caused by rising water tables with voice over and CU of John Shepard of the Murray Darling Basin Commission talking about the issue. GS dead tree in affected area. VS schoolchildren participating in Victorian education program Saltwatch with shots of children collecting water samples from stream to test salinity and MS girl in classroom explaining the process to camera. VS children testing samples on an EC meter and logging results.
Access No. 138433 | 59 secs | 1980s | Vic, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Graphic map showing salt affected land in Victoria. High angle WS of schoolchildren gathered to listen to Victorian Premier John Cain speaking at podium about about community involvement in fighting salinity. VS people in audience. VS Prime Minister Bob Hawke with wife Hazel attending Apex Tree Planting Project in Renmark, SA. VS Hawke and Hazel planting tree seedlings.
Access No. 138434 | 51 secs | 1980s | Vic, SA, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Voice over of Prime Minister Bob Hawke talking about the importance of trees with VS of forests, wilderness areas, mist settled in forest and tree ferns in forest. MS Hawke making speech at podium. Graphic of trees appearing on green mountainside for the community program One Billion Trees then MS to Hawke continuing his speech. Zoom out from CU of bored looking schoolgirl in audience
Access No. 138435 | 41 secs | 1980s | Vic, SA, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Voice over explaining One Billion Trees program with VS of seedlings in tubes and tubs being gathered from nurseries for community planting. VS young people planting seedlings in greenhouses and others planting saplings on hill. CU to seeds held in the palm of person's hand and VS seeds being ploughed into soil as part of the natural regeneration and direct seeding stage. GS native trees.
Access No. 138436 | 38 secs | 1980s | Vic, SA, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
WS men removing saplings from back of truck with zoom out to paddocks with Greening Australia banner on wire fence. WS native forest and MS Prime Minister Bob Hawke speaking at podium announcing a Save the Bush Remnant Vegetation Program. VS Hawke planting tree assisted by schoolchildren and speech at podium by Premier of South Australia, John Bannon. Cut to WS of audience with steamboat in background.
Access No. 138437 | 58 secs | 1980s | SA, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
WS tilt down enormous old growth trees to two people standing at their bases dwarfed by their size. CU interview with Phillip Toyne, Director of the Australian Conservation Foundation defining Natural Heritage. WS and pan across cleared mallee with a few tree stumps remaining across to half dead tree by highway.
Access No. 138438 | 1 min 22 secs | 1980s | Vic, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
WS overlay of archival B&W footage of the last Tasmanian Tiger taken in 1937 in Hobart, Tasmania. Footage concludes with an overlaid 'extinct' stamp. Zoom in across green hill to roll call of endangered native species rolling up screen with Prime Minister Bob Hawke's voice-over. VS Mallee Fowl around their mound and digging their eggs in their nest.
Access No. 138439 | 40 secs | 1980s | Vic, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
CU endangered Marsupial Mole digging in red soil, CU numbat, tilt up Murray Pine (Callitris), MS Tree Kangaroos with one carrying young in pouch and CU Potoroo all endangered. VS scientist with Hairy-Nosed Wombat at night. WS native forest and WS mass of birds taking flight from water. High angle GS and tilt down rainforest.
Access No. 138440 | 1 min 4 secs | 1980s | Vic, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Quick shot of marsupial mouse along tree root in rainforest, CU of dove, CU of male Satin Bowerbird, Eastern Quoll (Native Cat) and WS of forest with tilt up tall straight trunks to canopy overhead. CU interview with Prime Minister Bob Hawke to camera talking about the need for a whole commitment to wildlife and natural conservation for a better future. WS trees reflected on water in late afternoon light.
Access No. 138441 | 1 min 42 secs | 1980s | Vic, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |