Title Details

Country Teacher

The life of a school teacher in Ôthe bush'.
Year : 1975 | Total Duration : 17.5 Minutes | Producer : Don Murray
Director : Phillip Roberston |
WS map of Australia graphic with zoom in to Girilambone. GS of young male teacher walking around darkened room opening blinds to let light into rooms through coloured cellophane cutouts stuck to glass. WS young woman leaving country house and track of her shadow then tilt to her as she walks on red dirt road. MS male teacher writing on blackboard. MS female teacher ringing upright bell in school grounds and being joined by male teacher. MS as they leave together. High angle WS of country schoolhouse as they get into car.
Access No. 108485 | 1 min 30 secs | 1970s | Girilambone, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS pan to goods train trucks pulling into Girilambone Station. High angle WS of car over dirt road joining main street leaving dust in it's wake. MS schoolteacher couple sitting in car. WS bus travelling through the town. WS older children with suitcases waiting on street outside shop for their school bus. MS female teacher kissing her husband goodbye as she leaves the car. WS children walking through long grasses past local post office on and GS of small boy riding his bicycle over red dirt and grasses on their way to school. Aerial track over town of Girilambone and surrounds.
Access No. 147628 | 1 min 14 secs | 1970s | Girilambone, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CUs young ginger haired boy raising his arm to answer teacher's question and zoom out to VS of other young children on classroom floor participating in activity with teacher. MS teacher interrupting his activity to help older child with her work. VS children working at tables and teacher moving between them to assist. CU young boy counting on his fingers. CU spelling bee. CUs children painting supported on angled boards. WS children performing song and playing musical instruments accompanied by teacher on autoharp. VS of the children as they sing "Brumby Jack". Outside pan across dry red dirt and surrounding landscape.
Access No. 147629 | 4 mins 40 secs | 1970s | Girilambone, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS semi-trailer transport truck towards then past camera leaving dust in it's trail. Pan dry landscape. GS dog outside timber building and WS silhouette of man wearing hat framed in window with beer propped on ledge and truck pulling into view. Zoom out from man sitting at window to "bar" painted on sash window. WS semi-trailer truck outside pub. WS farm building and WS of harvesting operation seen through heat haze. VS farming activities with harvesters in fields and GS farmer riding motor bike through grasses with cattledog perched on seat behind him. VS of him rounding up sheep with aid of his dog.
Access No. 147630 | 1 min 43 secs | 1970s | Girilambone, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS dry bush landscape with LS to emus. MS goanna perched on small tree and tilt up to bird taking flight from branch. High angle track following family of wild boars running across grass. Track of snake quickly winding it's way across hard red clay ground away from camera. WS pan across dry red dirt to homesteads. GS girl playing hopscotch in school playground and MS children playing Chinese checkers game at outdoor table. VS children playing cricket and ball being hit into long grasses. VS teacher running across playground followed by students after snake alert is called. VS of lizard on ground and VS of teacher holding it out to children to look at.
Access No. 147631 | 2 mins 2 secs | 1970s | Girilambone, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High angle shot of boy ringing the mounted school bell and WS of children leaving school grounds on foot and on bicycles. High angle WS of children walking across playground and over dry red dirt. GS young boy running as he puts cardigan on and VS of Australian flag being taken down from school flagpole by teacher. WS dust storm with small willy-willy. WS school bus coming over rise and over railway crossing towards children waiting by road. WS children kicking cans as they walk home from school. Track of girls walking through long grasses.
Access No. 147632 | 1 min 42 secs | 1970s | Girilambone, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS of young male teacher from Girilambone Public school talking to locals outside pub. VS of them drinking glasses of beer and hand rolling and smoking cigarettes. VS local dance in hall and children in Christmas parade circling floor in costumes. VS of teacher playing with children and various shots of children dancing and playing. MS teacher dancing with girl and GS of adults and children playing game of passing apple from chin to chin. WS of audience seated in hall facing stage and VS of children staging Christmas performance. WS of hall from outside lit up in black surroundings.
Access No. 147633 | 3 mins 42 secs | 1970s | Girilambone, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS couple leaving their country home in dawn light and driving away in car. CU to young ginger-haired boy peeking at camera from behind tree.
Access No. 147634 | 1 min 1 sec | 1970s | Girilambone, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |