Title Details

Decorative Paint Work

A detailed look at the restoration of decorative paintwork in a 19th century home in Toorak, Melbourne.
Series : Artisans of Australia | Episode : 6 | Year : 1986 | Total Duration : 15 Minutes | Producer : Elisabeth Knight
Director : Keith Gow |
Interior restoration decorator Elizabeth Stevens at work on a Victorian style house.
Christine Cooke and Elizabeth Stevens at Villa Alba, Studley Park, Melbourne 1880s Victorian Italianate influence home. Ceiling, cornice and wall decoration. Women taking photographs and notes, dado decoration. 1880s Strathroy in Hawthorne, Melbourne, colonnaded verandah. Peeling decoration. Repairing ceiling blisters with glue and hypodermic needles. Whernside, Toorak, Melbourne. Materials and paints for a marbled finish. Paint, stipple on a texture, painting and feathering veins and splattering on paint, slash marks. Empty swimming pool, workmen nearby. Glazing faux marbled. Sarah Menelaus stencilling on waxed paper. Decorating wall with roller and stencil. Free-hand painted lines linking stencilled decorations. Wood graining panelled timber study door in the study, door and skirtings in the billiard room, porphyry finish on a picture frame, gold leaf transfer to plaster relief design, gilding applied to plasterwork, ballroom with lights on at night highlighting gilding work.
Access No. 138716 | 14 mins 49 secs | 1980s | Melbourne, VIC, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |