Title Details

Focus on Canberra

This film shows the picturesque quality and quiet beauty of the environment in which the nerve centre of Australia's federal government is situated.
Year : 1980 | Total Duration : 20 Minutes | Producer : Peter Johnson
Satellite shot of moon. Satellite with Earth in distance in half darkness. CUs panels of coloured lights flashing on and off. WS of parabolic tracking dish at sunrise with LS pink clouds over distant hills. CUs computer reels spinning, coloured lights flashing and VS of tracking dishes and complex of buildings at Tidbinbilla Tracking Station. GS of radio operator sitting at console with banks of video screens and controls pressing buttons and speaking into microphone. Good shots of dishes. Aerial track around Black Mountain Tower with Lake Burley Griffin and city surrounds below. High angle track along green parklands around the Lake with city buildings in background. CU man carrying sculling boat past camera. Jogger and son emerging over rise running towards camera. Pan across reeds to sculler in water rowing.
Access No. 140454 | 1 min 37 secs | 1980s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Full screen shot of Canberra Times Fountain, VS of water jets from Treasury building fountain. Various views of city and office buildings. WS of Henry Moore sculpture in front of National Library Australia. WS of Lakeside high-rise hotel with Black Mountain and tower in background. WS Commonwealth Administration Offices, High Court of Australia building with stepped fountain in foreground and aerial track along freeways and crossing bridge over Lake Burley Griffin. WS bridge and WS traffic. High angle WS looking down Anzac Parade. VS cars passing camera in city traffic. WS bus pulling into city street, pedestrian traffic and VS people alighting buses. GS commuters depositing used tickets into bin.
Access No. 141597 | 1 min 32 secs | 1980s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
WS track of red flags travelling through park greenery with WS revealing children on bicycles with the red flags attached cycling along line of tall trees. WS of children on bikes arriving at school consisting of cube shaped buildings with primary coloured stripes around outside walls. CU bicycle wheels being parked in bicycle racks. VS of university students around University plaza walking between classes, riding bicycles. Shots include student in dungarees, posters on concrete walls, lecturers. High angle shot over domed Academy of Science building.
Access No. 141598 | 1 min 18 secs | 1980s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Zoom into ECU of bright poster with radioactive materials warning. Slow track along pipes and wiring inside nuclear plant to technician in white coat at work. CU hand turning knobs on machine, GS of two technicians and CU of Danger sign. CU machine then blur to machinery flashing intermittently in darkened room. Aerials over Plant buildings. Truck past camera and pan to sign for Fyshwick Industrial Estate. VS trucks, forklifts and general activity in supply yard. Brief CUs signs for brands including the wool mark. Zoom out from semi-trailers, GS crane loading timber onto back of truck, CU bags of cement on back of truck. GS man with up new cement mixers, man walking on top of petrol tankers.
Access No. 141599 | 1 min 2 secs | 1980s | Fyshwick, Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Sequence from Australian Mint. GS furnace and flames, CUs of coins dropping and VS rolls of metal sheets on machinery. WS rolling mill and machinery perforating metal with technician watching. CUs piston, perforated metal and worker in earmuffs. CU metal discs falling into rotating tray. CU coins on conveyor belt being sorted by inspector. CUs of one cent coins piling up in bucket. WS Woolworths supermarket exterior. Zoom out from people crossing walkway of Belconnen Mall and Cameron Offices. Tilt from upper level down to shoppers in Mall. VS neon shop signs and store mannequins. VS children in strollers and shoppers, CU electric train carrying doughnuts circling plate of doughnuts and children watching. Tilt following internal elevator to ceiling.
Access No. 141600 | 1 min 44 secs | 1980s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Antenna. Dept of Defence Russell Offices exterior. Interior office scenes with staff in naval uniform sitting at computers. CU hands on computer keyboard. VS male and female staff at screens and MS Univac machine. CU telex machine. WS flat rural landscape with LS to Belconnen Naval Radio Station and radio masts. CU Australian naval flag flying and GS aerial. CUs hand on control dials, CU technicians in headphones and CU to flicking dial measuring KWs. External pan along wires from power station with VS power cells, power wires and tilt up tower. WS Old Parliament House and GS car delivering politician to press photographers and news crews on steps at front. Doorstop interview with booms and lenses surrounding politician.
Access No. 141601 | 1 min 17 secs | 1980s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
MS tilt of Black Mountain Tower. WS children riding horses on carousel merry-go-round in Garema Place. Good shot of horses heads rising at different heights with children in shot. Zoom out from elderly couple walking through plaza. WS gardener pushing wheelbarrow emerging from behind oddly proportioned chalet in Miniature Village. WS mother and daughter walking past miniature cricket game on green. VS around village and GS young girl placing her Barbie doll in village scene. Zoom out from parklands to reveal some of Lake Burley Griffin. VS families picnicking near water's edge and adolescent boys skylarking in pond. VS children on playground equipment and bicycling riding. MS small Aboriginal or Islander girl. Boys playing cricket and soccer.
Access No. 141602 | 1 min 47 secs | 1980s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
VS sporting sequence. CU soccer ball being kicked, VS stadium audience and game. Line of cheerleaders in Canberra colours doing routine on sidelines and MS Canberra fans in audience. WS horses coming out of gate at race start and VS horses racing and crowd watching. GS suburban tennis player, GS cricketer hooking ball, hockey player hitting ball and golf player teeing off. GS croquet player hitting ball through hoop towards camera. GS bowler bowling ball then CU pins falling in ten pin bowling alley. GS man lawn bowling. Track following skier down mountain. CU cross-country skiers past camera then VS of race in progress. WS crowded snowfields at Perisher Valley, man on skidoo. VS children skiing. GS beginners on slopes. GS chairlift passing over camera and VS taken POV from chairlift. Good aerial over skier on slope and GS skier past camera.
Access No. 141606 | 1 min 17 secs | 1980s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
WS small sailing boats and catamarans on Lake Burley Griffin. VS catamarans, windsurfers and zoom out from paddle boat to WS of rainbow over the Lake and Captain Cook Memorial Jet Fountain. Cyclists past scene. WS two women sitting on grass in from of jet fountain with lake and Australian National Library in background. Zoom to water jet. Tilt from reflection of Carillon and trees in lake to carillon. Circling tilts up carillon and aerials over Carillon Island. CUs bells and hammers of carillon. VS churches including St John's Church, St Andrew's Presbyterian Cathedral and All Saints Anglican Church, Ainslie. Tracks along Canberra streets past both grand and suburban houses and gardens and VS of old and new architecture in the suburbs.
Access No. 141607 | 2 mins 27 secs | 1980s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
WS pan across Austrian Embassy exterior and CU to flag flying from pole. WS of Thai Embassy. Zoom out from front door to American Embassy. WS South African Embassy building and WS back of Government House residence. GS car driving past Duntroon Royal Military College. VS military cadets marching past camera and CU to feet in synchronised marching. Zoom from long approach to Australian War Memorial entrance. WS central courtyard and tracks across colonnades of War Memorial to CU of honour roll on wall. MS track across model of battlefield.
Access No. 141608 | 1 min 25 secs | 1980s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Zoom out to sunset light on shores of Lake Burley Griffin. Circling aerials centred on Captain Cook memorial jet fountain with the Lake and bridge in pink sunset light then pan to city buildings, suburbs and hills beyond. Aerial tracks and zooms past National Library of Australia and Old Parliament House. WS silhouetted couple walking along shores of the Lake with purple sunset reflected on water. Pan across purple mountains against salmon sky. WS city buildings lit up at night with traffic past camera. LS aircraft along runway towards camera at night.
Access No. 141609 | 2 mins 12 secs | 1980s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
VS naval officers standing at attention and performing drill during night ceremony and GS cannons being fired. VS night traffic towards camera. GS late night shopping and WS patriotic window display. VS couple in Bogart's restaurant with chef flambŽing dish at their table. Various CUs of restaurant signs at night and MS theatre crowd in foyer. GS solo violinist playing on darkened stage. Tilt up Statue of Eros and WS Father and Son statue and fountain lit at night. WS sculpture Dreaming, London Circuit with intermittent jets of water and WS tilt to Old Parliament House reflected in pool. Aerials of Canberra at night.
Access No. 141610 | 1 min 28 secs | 1980s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |