Title Details

And Their Ghosts May Be Heard

The story about a group of disenchanted Australian workers who sailed to Paraguay in 1893 to set up a utopian society.
Year : 1975 | Total Duration : 50 Minutes | Producer : Caroline Jones
Director : Keith Gow |
A bull fighter dressed as a clown taunts a bull. A bull fighter taunts a bull with a red flag. A bull fighter taunts a bull. A bus and horse drawn carriage pass each other on a street. A girl looks out side window of a bus.
Busy street scene in Asuncion. Cat yawning on grass in a garden. Cigarette advertisement of a concierge on the side of a building. Cinematographer Dean Semler sets up camera to film a horse drawn carriage, Laurie Wood stands in front of his camera. Cinematographer Dean Semler, in the back of a car.
City street scene of women walking along the footpath, some with baskets on their heads. Indigenous Guarani man in ceremonial dress, with a python on his shoulder. Indigenous Guarani man in ceremonial dress. Indigenous Guarani man in ceremonial dress. Indigenous Guarani man in ceremonial dress.
Indigenous Guarani man in ceremonial dress. Indigenous Guarani man in traditional adornment. Indigenous Guarani men gathered in ceremonial dress. Indigenous Guarani woman in ceremonial dress, listens to sound recordings with headphones. Indigenous Guarani women in ceremonial dress.
Indigenous Guarani women in ceremonial dress. Indigenous Guarani women in ceremonial dress. Leopard crouched on the ground. Man asleep on a deck chair. Men and boys carrying eskies gathered in front of a corner shop.
Paraguayan boy wearing straw hat. Paraguayan bullfighting, three matadors are on the field with a bull, one rides a horse, spectators look on. Paraguayan bullfighting, three matadors are on the field with a bull, spectators look on. Paraguayan man in hat, pulling a face at camera. Paraguayan presidential military guard, standing at attention.
Paraguayan presidential military guard, standing at attention. Paraguayan street scene of a woman crossing the street with a basket on her head. Paraguayan street vendor selling bread. Portrait of a young boy in the street. Producer/presenter Caroline Jones beside an indigenous Guarani man in ceremonial dress, with a python on his shoulder.
Producer/presenter Caroline Jones sits in canoe with Guarani men in ceremonial dress, by a river bank. Street scene, a woman carries two large basket of vegetables one her head the other in her arm. The front of a bus, destined for Asuncion. Two bullfighters dressed as clowns. Two young boys riding horses, a mans leg is seen in the foreground.
Woman standing on a street corner.
Montage of VS (brief) from And Their Ghosts May Be Heard. Narrator Caroline Jones sits in a canoe rowed by indigenous Paraguayans wearing head dresses. She introduces the documentary.
Access No. 122998 | 49 secs | 1970s | Paraguay | © NFSA | Colour |
1) B/W archival footage from feature film Eureka Stockade. 2) B/W still of William Lane, political journalist and leader of the group of Australians making the journey to Paraguay. 3) B/W still (1893) of Australia standing in front of ship at Balmain wharf prior to setting off for Paraguay. 4) B/W still (1893) of passengers on board ship. Map of Australia and South America showing ships route. LA of ship's sails against blue sky.
Access No. 122999 | 1 min 45 secs | 1890s | NSW, Australia | © 1)EMI Elstree Studios Borehamwood, UK 2 - 4) National Library of Australia / NSWSL - Mitchell Library / University of Sydney - Fisher Library (Rare Book Section, Colonia Cosme Collection) | Colour |
Peter Wood from Griffith, NSW walks through departure terminal of Sydney International Airport. He is making the journey back to his birthplace of Paraguay. His grandfather, Billy Wood was one of the Australians who settled in Paraguay. Aeroplane takes off. Peter Wood looks out of planes window. Peter Wood in Uruguay walking through crowded street.
Access No. 123000 | 58 secs | 1970s | Uruguay | © NFSA | Colour |
Map of South America retracing the boat journey of 1893 from Montevideo in Uruguay through Argentina to Paraguay. Peter Wood sits in back of taxi travelling through streets of Montevideo. Caroline Jones to camera describing the dictator like behaviour of Lane towards fellow Australians and their breaking of the no-alcohol pact on their first day in South America.
Access No. 123001 | 4 mins 11 secs | 1970s | Montevideo, Uruguay | © NFSA | Colour |
Caroline Jones on board ship reads extracts from the local newspaper of 1893 describing the Australians. South Americans in crowded dining room of ship eating and drinking. Ship officer sends signal. View of Paraguay from ship. Captain at wheel. View from ship of historic stone fort in Paraguay. Ship arriving in Asuncion, capital of Paraguay. Peter Wood looks out from boats deck. Passengers waving. Dignitaries arrive on board. Passengers make their way down gang plank.
Access No. 123002 | 4 mins 44 secs | 1970s | Asuncion, Paraguay | © NFSA | Colour |
B/W still (1890's) of Asuncion main street with horse drawn carts. Exterior of Municipal Theatre where Australians were billeted. Various shots of Asuncion street scenes - traffic, fruit and vegetable markets, travelling train and police directing traffic. Soldiers on parade. President Stresna salutes.
Access No. 123003 | 1 min 46 secs | 1970s | Asuncion, Paraguay | © University of Sydney - Fisher Library (Colonia Cosme Material) | Colour |
Seated audience entertained by Paraguayan male dancers and drummer. Audience applauds including Peter Wood. Female Paraguayans dance with bottles on their heads. Peter Wood with his three uncles have their photos taken on an Asuncion street. They board the steam train. This begins the journey to Peters parents in the Paraguayan countryside. Steam train departs. Guard collects tickets. Peter and uncles travel on train with other passengers. Back view of train.
Access No. 123004 | 4 mins 38 secs | 1970s | Paraguay | © NFSA | Colour |
Steam train at Villarrica station. Peter Wood and uncles are met by Peter's cousin Carmen. They stand atop an ox drawn open cart making their way through the countryside. Caroline Jones also travelling on cart talks to camera. Peter Wood's cousin Laurie visiting from Texas jumps on the cart. Sunset. Cart in silhouette.
Access No. 123005 | 3 mins 52 secs | 1970s | Villarrica, Paraguay | © NFSA | Colour |
Peter Wood and family sit around camp fire at night. Uncle Alex Wood recalls lyrics of Waltzing Matilda. Cousin Laurie plays guitar and sings Waltzing Matilda. Various CU shots of wildlife including frog, birds and cheetah. Peter's brothers Patricio and Francisco arrive with horses. They all cross the river on horseback. Singing they make their way up the embankment.
Access No. 123006 | 2 mins 50 secs | 1970s | Paraguay | © NFSA | Colour |
View of farm with pig and farm house. Peter Wood's parents wave from gate and welcomes their son and extended family. CU strings of harp being plucked. Wood family singing and dancing to traditional Paraguayan song. Family celebrating. Man shoots small gun into air. People cheer and applaud. Clouds pass full moon.
Access No. 123154 | 3 mins 3 secs | 1970s | Paraguay | © NFSA | Colour |
B/W stills (1890s) of Australian settlers posing in front of wagons and farm houses, children in one roomed school and settlers clearing forest.
Access No. 123155 | 1 min 9 secs | 1890s | Paraguay | © University of Sydney - Fisher Library (Colonia Cosme collection) | B&W |
Indigenous Paraguayan Indians in traditional dress perform dance by river. Wood family elders clear couch grass with hand held hoes. Caroline Jones watches Peter Woods mother knead bread dough. Jones to camera discusses diet, food preparation and domestic life of the early settlers. Bread pulled from oven.
Access No. 123156 | 3 mins 39 secs | 1970s | Paraguay | © NFSA | Colour |
Wood elder males walk through farmland. Peter's father, Wally, talks to camera about setting up gardens and deforestation by settlers. They take a walking tour of the area and point out the landmarks to Caroline Jones. They reminisce over childhood incidents and the ultimate demise of Lane's Utopia in Paraguay. By gaslight, the Woods brothers sit around table playing cards. Peter Wood serves them drink.
Access No. 123157 | 8 mins 30 secs | 1970s | Paraguay | © NFSA | Colour |
Peter Wood collects water from well. Woman and young girl feed pigs and roosters in front of well. Water poured into pig trough. Peter Wood sits atop a wagon resting on a trunk of a tree. He smokes a cigarette. He looks out at his parents farm. View of farm. Peter Wood smoking cigarette.
Access No. 123158 | 42 secs | 1970s | Paraguay | © NFSA | Colour |
Peter Wood sits with his elderly mother. They walk to gate where the other family members bid Peter farewell. Peter embraces his family. He gets up on a horse and rides away waving back to his family. Wood male elders sit with the youngest members of the family. A young girl recites a poem in Spanish.
Access No. 123159 | 4 mins 13 secs | 1970s | Paraguay | © NFSA | Colour |