Title Details

Pak Menggung - A Javanese Aristocrat

An insight into the courtly traditions of art, etiquette and ceremony in Java.
Series : Our Asian Neighbours - Indonesia | Episode : 8 | Year : 1975 | Total Duration : 19 Minutes | Producer : John Morris
Director : Keith Gow |
Map of Australia and Indonesia to Solo on south Java. Green volcanic mountain with cloud midway across it. Stone carvings from temples. Temple ruins and views of countryside. Palaces built during Dutch settlement now the formal homes to Indonesian kings and queens. Elderly aristocrats left over from the Dutch rule performing ceremonies and walking around palace grounds. Raden Tumenggung Walwyodipuro standing in doorway as people pass. Elderly Pak Menggung sitting at desk writing books to record Javanese tradition. Pak Menggung's collections of masks, puppets and ancient krises (swords and knives).
Access No. 141960 | 2 mins 50 secs | 1970s | Solo, Java, Indonesia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS of elderly Pak Menggung sitting at his desk working on book then looking out window. WS tall mosque tower silhouetted against night sky. GS Pak Menggung lying on his bed. WS tower during day and tilt down to high angle shot over noisy street traffic. WS street with cars, trucks and trishaws towards camera and past shops. WS theatre building and GS van in street with loadhailer on roof blaring. GS private house and VS inside with three generations of family having meal at table. VS food. MS desk, MS Pak Menggung sleeping and man reading paper at table. GS woman filling bucket with water from well and CUs of wax being applied to batik design on material with tjanting. GS women with fabrics
Access No. 141961 | 3 mins 27 secs | 1970s | Java, Indonesia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS man on motorcycle arriving at Pak Menggung's house and bowing in greeting as he enters then sitting on bench as Pak Menggung examines his sword. WS of the pair as Pak Menggung holds sword up against light from window before replacing into sheath. CUs of Pak Menggung drawing sword from sheath above his head. CU drinks in containers. WS of the Palace entrance with LS to marching band and GS statuary. WS interior of Palace library. GS Pak Menggung brushing a hat, dressing in formal outfit and preparing to leave for library. GS women doing a squatting crawl at palace. CU sign on gate. WS Pak Menggung walking past very high concrete wall with graffiti across lower section. CU to sword tucked into back of Pak Menggung's cumberbund. VS of Pak Menggung greeting military officer in trishaw as they pass each other.
Access No. 141971 | 4 mins 45 secs | 1970s | Java, Indonesia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS Pak Menggung in traditional formal dress and bare feet entering gates of Royal Palace and sits at table talking with men who appear to interview him. WS women dancing with orchestra and choir accompanying them. GS Pak Penggung entering palace library, sitting on floor at low desk looking at rare books brought to him by assistant who offers frequent bows. CUs Pak Menggung reading ancient Javanese poetry handling fragile torn pages. GS women dancing in line. MS Pak Menggung reading in a sing-song voice. LS to pair sitting in large library. WS boys' marching band past camera outdoors. VS woman sitting at small table preparing food for Pak Menggung's Javanese birthday. CUs Kris (swords) being ceremoniously cleaned.
Access No. 141972 | 6 mins 14 secs | 1970s | Java, Indonesia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS woman lighting ceremonial candle. GS Indonesian couple riding in trishaw and shots of the street with shops residences and traffic POV trishaw. Unsteady tilt to movie poster on wall. High angle shot of couple alighting from trishaw, paying driver and walking past movie poster. CU Pak Menggung at his desk at home being called into another room by woman. VS of Pak Menggung lighting incense and standing at alter. CU reflection of him in mirror praying and rear view of same. Fade to montage of temple shots and closing titles.
Access No. 141973 | 1 min 32 secs | 1970s | Java, Indonesia | © NFSA | Colour |