Title Details

Australian Sugar

Shows plantations in Queensland, cane cutters at work and an interior view of sugar mills.
Year : 1934 | Total Duration : 10 Minutes | Producer : G.A.Gamon
Opening titles over good footage of farmer proudly holding long crossed stems of sugar cane to camera. Various WS rural landscapes with sugar cane plantations in foreground. Slow pan of young cane crop. WS team of four shire horses pulling man in plough. GS farmer tilling soil with aid of small tractor in a process known as ratooning. WS farmers making furrows pulled by pairs of shire horses. MS farmers tipping cane sticks from sacks into machine for planting. MS farmer pointing out 'eyes' on cane section to camera. WS three shire horses pulling machinery planting cane sections into furrows. WS pan across young cane beginning to sprout in field. WS workers in field.
Access No. 46558 | 2 mins 42 secs | 1930s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
WS sugar cane field. VS canecutters chopping stems of cane and trimming leaves. MS canecutter sharpening his cutting blade. WS row of canecutters posing for camera holding long cane stems in each hand. WS cutters bundling cut sugar cane onto shoulders and placing them in tall stacks on field. WS cane bundles stacked on tramway being pulled by four shire horses along tracks. Rear view of horse attached to back of trucks acting as brake. GS motorised vehicle shunting cane along track. WS steam train towards camera delivering cane to mill. WS cane train past camera and WS sugar mill. VS trucks being uploaded and cane being process through crusher, crystallising machine and specimen testing from crystallising machine. CUs machinery.
Access No. 46561 | 3 mins 38 secs | 1930s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
GS man operating machinery. CU specimen test. GS man operating separating machines with GS to centrifugal processing. VS men filling and weighing bags of sugar, sewing tops of bags before loading them onto conveyor belt. High angle shot over man loading sugar bags from belt onto back of truck. VS coastal freighters at port. VS wharf activity showing bags of sugar being loaded into ship's hold via mechanical conveyors as well as by trolleys. VS wharf labourers. WS pan across sugar cane plantation and WS horses pulling plough.
Access No. 46563 | 2 mins 13 secs | 1930s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |