Title Details

New Cessnock, The

Progress in the country town of Cessnock, New South Wales.
Series : Australian Diary | Episode : 126 | Year : 1965 | Total Duration : 3 Minutes | Producer : R Edwards
WS town, public buildings, coal fields, mining rigs, men down mine shaft, working underground in mine, good shots of working mine, wheels at pit head, Aberdare mine, LS down Vincent Street, VS of houses, EH Holden station wagon outside city building, street scenes, mine, women working in large factory of sewing machines, mass production, vineyards, hand picking grapes, cattle, council chambers and meeting cars along road from Newcastle, Jack Cannis (?) family out of house, wave Dad goodbye, children at Olympic Pool (1965)
Access No. 43471 | 3 mins 39 secs | 1960s | Cessnock , NSW, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |