Title Details

Jack Mundey Out Takes

Jack Mundey helped shape the development of Australia's cities through his trade union's famous Ògreen bansÓ in the 1970s.
Series : Australian Biography Series 8 | Year : 2001 | Total Duration : 26 Minutes | Producer : Robin Hughes
Director : Robin Hughes |
Tape 1 - Interview Jack Mundey about growing up on dairy farm, early childhood years, father, mother, death of mother, and effect on family, memories of war (WWII) years, schooling, boxing, talent for rugby league, boarding school, working as plumber's apprentice, coming to Sydney at age of 19 to pursue sports.
Access No. 131373 | 29 mins 43 secs | 2000s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Tape 2 - Interview Jack Mundey about various sports and football ambitions, working in metal factory, joining the FAI (Federation of Ironworkers Union), various jobs, working in building industry, political influence from father, interest in left wing politics, joining Communist party as a militant worker, socialist beliefs, dangers in building / construction industry during 1960s, involvement in the union, rank and file committee / movement formed to ensure workers' rights and bring about change, hostilities with union leadership, campaign to change leadership of union, improvements to Builders' Labourers Union, role as organiser.
Access No. 131374 | 36 mins 14 secs | 2000s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Tape 3 - Interview Jack Mundey about reformations in the Builders' Labourers Union, gaining confidence of workers / rank and file, union meetings and policies, leadership, union's anti- Vietnam War stance, union's political and social involvement, tactics for dealing with issues of wages and conditions, end of penal power of arbitration court, scab labour during strike (1970), government and media attitude to trade unions, changes to conditions for builders' labourers, Mick MacNamara resigning as secretary of BLF, taking over as secretary, involvement with anti-apartheid movement, women's movement, environment movement, opposition to Australia's conscription policy for Vietnam War , 1971 Springboks tour.
Access No. 131375 | 36 mins 33 secs | 2000s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Tape 4 - Interview Jack Mundey about builders' labourers union involvement in anti-apartheid movement, first arrest during first anti-Vietnam war demonstration, standing firm against police arrests, builders' labourers relationship with women's movement in 1960s - 1970s, stop work on Sydney University campus, women's rights to work in building industry, gay movement, persuasion of rank and file to change attitudes for rights of gays, women and blacks, Paul Robeson singing to the workers on the step of the Sydney Opera House construction site, various building sites in city of Sydney, changing building / construction industry
Access No. 131376 | 32 mins 52 secs | 2000s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Tape 5 - Interview Jack Mundey about environment action by the builders' labourers, fight for Kelly's Bush, change of name from black ban to green ban, upsurge of development in Sydney, public sympathy to efforts of union, Premier Robert Askin's defeat, Neville Wran and Labor government's introduction of legislations in support of union's requests, various green ban actions including The Rocks area, Centennial Park rally , public housing for inner city, well-known squatters, Labour Council leader John Ducker against the green bans, Opera House car park battle.
Access No. 131377 | 34 mins 28 secs | 2000s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Tape 6 - Interview Jack Mundey about plans for Opera House car park, various sites in Sydney influenced by the builders' labourers, involvement in environmental issues, social actions of working class people, support of the National Trust, green bans effect in other states, friendship with Spike Milligan and Mundey's involvement with ban in Birmingham England, opinion on leadership of union operation, work as union official and policies on pay, effect with other unions, refusals of bribes, communist following used against him, destruction of the NSW BLF leadership, de-registration of union, federal union under Norm Gallagher and Master Builders takeover of NSW branch union in 1974, out of union for 5 years, support of Master Builders for Gallagher, militants and activists driven out of federal union, re-registration.
Access No. 131378 | 36 mins 18 secs | 2000s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Tape 7 - Interview Jack Mundey about criminal elements of union leadership, 1961 branch meeting that brought about the change in the old union leadership, blacklisting, meeting first wife Stephanie, birth of son Michael, joining Communist Party, belief in egalitarian principles, communism and driving force of Communist Party in Australia, human rights, 1969 visit to Russia, election to Sydney City Council in 1984, Communist Party candidate for parliament, financial struggles and sacrifices.
Access No. 131379 | 33 mins 1 sec | 2000s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Tape 8 - Interview Jack Mundey about family life, death of first wife Stephanie, second wife Judy and relationship with son Michael, Michael's death in car crash at age of 22, Michael's life and interests, thoughts on death and grieving, atheism, memory of mother's death, Catholic childhood beliefs, meeting second wife Judy, friendships, enemies, refusal of corruption and bribery attempts while secretary of the trade union for builders' labourers, activities while unable to work when blacklisted, including speaking on green bans.
Access No. 131380 | 31 mins 42 secs | 2000s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Tape 9 - Interview Jack Mundey about conservation movement, joining executive for Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF), Urban Environment Coalition, Land and Environment Court, union movement's involvement in environment issues, eg CMFEU ban on McDonalds in Centennial Park, need for an urban environment movement, amalgamations of industrial unions, threats during green ban era, disappearance of Juanita Nielson, returning to be rank and file worker, downfall of builders' labourers union, formation of CMFEU, election to Sydney City Council, sacking of the council.
Access No. 131381 | 35 mins 46 secs | 2000s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Tape 10 - Interview Jack Mundey about chairmanship of Historic Houses Trust of NSW, corporatisation, privatisation, political organisations, winding up of the Communist Party, Marxist ideals, ecological concerns, opposition to socialism / communism, unfairness of caplitalism, downturn in militancy, friendship with Patrick White, social concerns, union's involvement with the arts and culture, principles of the union (builders' labourers), benchmark set for enlightened unions of the future.
Access No. 131382 | 34 mins 41 secs | 2000s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Tape 11 - Interview Jack Mundy about childhood in Far North Queensland, being ecological socialist, personal desire for political change, leadership of Builders' Labourers Federation (BLF) movement, comments on power, education, self education, thoughts on religion, male chauvinism, influence of women in his life, women's social liberation, relationship with women, drinking, dismissal of violence in the union (BLF), property damage.
Access No. 131383 | 34 mins 47 secs | 2000s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Tape 12 - Interview Jack Mundey about women's right to work in building industry, transition from 1970s to 1980s, economic fundamentalism, belief in social values, global beliefs, being Australian, multiculturalism, concerns for future of world / society, passion for environment and ecology, pride in green ban movement, lack of confidence in younger years, fight for Kelly's Bush with residents action group, union membership and need for more involvement in social issues, arbitration court, union's open door policy, green bans success for cross section of struggles.
Access No. 131384 | 29 mins 45 secs | 2000s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |