Title Details

A detailed look at the restoration of Coolamine Homestead, a timber hut in the Kosciuszko National Park.
Episode : 1 | Year : 1984 | Total Duration : 16 Minutes | Producer : Pamela Paddon
Director : Paul Humfress |
Axeman Bill Boyd on the verandah at Coolamine homestead. Axemen Bill Boyd and Mark Garner sharpening their axes, at Coolamine homestead. Historic Coolamine homestead, built before 1883. Historic Coolamine homestead, built before 1883. Historic Coolamine homestead, built before 1883.
Historic Coolamine homestead, built before 1883. Historic Coolamine homestead, built before 1883. Historic Coolamine homestead, built before 1883. Historic Coolamine homestead, built before 1883. Old timber carrying wagon at Coolamine homestead.
Saddle notch corner, Coolamine homestead, built before 1883.