Title Details

Coral Reef

In The Coral Reef, microphotographer Dietmar Fill and his wife Bibi visit Heron Island and bring us face to face with the life of the coral reef.
Series : Little World of Dietmar Fill, The | Episode : 1 | Year : 1984 | Total Duration : 25 Minutes | Producer : Don Murray, John Shaw
Director : Greg Reading |
Coral of Great Barrier Reef and small fish swimming past. CU red featherstar then zoom out Dietmar Fill filming scene in tank. CU black & yellow Nudibranch. ECU of stromb, a worm-like creature emerging from fish's mouth. CU featherstars. MS Dietmar Fill setting up filming in his laboratory.
Access No. 130578 | 1 min 11 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |
Macro CU of pink coral polyps. Low tide over reef and MS Dietmar Fill on reef with camera equipment addressing camera. Montage of early stills of Fill with camera equipment. Montage of images used in this and other programs introducing the work of Dietmar Fill.
Access No. 130579 | 1 min 12 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |
Aerials over blue sea and reefs of Great Barrier Reef. Track over reef floor with sunlight reflected on various corals. Aerials over reef POV helicopter. CUs Dietmar Fill and wife Bibi in helicopter. Aerial looking towards Heron Island surrounded by coral reef then sea. Landing on Heron Island and MS Fills greeting Director of research station.
Access No. 130580 | 2 mins 43 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |
Trio walking towards camera at night. CUs adult female turtle and shot from behind of laying eggs in sand. CUs with dissolves of baby hatching and emerging from egg at night. WS pan of beach looking out to blue sea.
Access No. 130581 | 25 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |
CUs to noddy terns in tree and on nests. MS Dietmar Fill and wife Bibi greeting noddies in tree as the walk past with camera gear. CU noddy on nest. Zoom across beach to reef out to sea. CU to giant clam in shallow water. Fill taking light reading and filming. High tilt of pale coral in shallow water to the Fills filming. CU white tips on coral.
Access No. 130582 | 1 min 22 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |
WS reef. CUs large blue starfish, brain coral, grey coral polyp, pink coral and colony of soft white coral. MS Dietmar and Bibi filming. CU underwater shot of large brain coral. CU to ECU of cup-like cavities in white corals. ECU pink polyp cavity. Macro of pink polyp. GS Dietmar and Bibi collecting reef specimens in buckets in shallows.
Access No. 130583 | 1 min 4 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |
CU soft coral seen through shallow water with rippling reflections. ECU soft coral surface and CU pale soft coral colony slowly opening. CUs hard white coral. ECUs pink polyps. Underwater tracking shot over spiky coral beds and CUs. Micro shot of transparent white coral larvae on shell and micro shots of pale marine worm.
Access No. 130584 | 1 min 6 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |
Micro shot of larvae turning into button coral and ECUs of marine worm moving around for food dragging the coral with it. Various CUs and ECUs of various masses of coral polyps. CUs orange and yellow fringed polyps. MS mass of grey coral fronds. CUs coral tentacle disabling fish and time-lapse covering and consuming it.
Access No. 130662 | 1 min 9 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS coral reef with tilt up across water to shipwreck in distance. VS Dietmar and Bibi Fill walking out small boat over reef and setting up film equipment in red box housing which they position in water. CUs corals POV camera. CU red hermit crab emerging from shell underwater. ECUs eyes and feelers. Zoom out to Dietmar filming scene outside tank.
Access No. 130663 | 1 min 52 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |
ECU finger poking at grey coloured flatworm in shallow tank. CUs of worm over white gravel in shallow tank water with fluttery motions. MS profile view of Dietmar Fill filming with help from wife Bibi. CUs black and purple nudibranch over coral and zoom out to filming outside tank. CUs black, white and orange striped nudibranch. ECUs bumpy orange and black nudibranch feeding.
Access No. 130664 | 1 min 30 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |
CU black tube worm fanning fronds on white coral. Zoom out Dietmar Fill observing from outside of tank. Various CUs and ECUs of tube worms in colours from pink to blue from corals. ECU tiny fish swimming along spiral fronds of orange tubeworms tentacles. Good CUs tentacles. ECUs lima (file shell), a swimming bi-valve. CUs lima ÒhoppingÓ underwater.
Access No. 130666 | 1 min 8 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |
CU cowrie enclosing its black mantle over shell as it moves along. CU Spanish Dancer, a large red nudibranch swimming through water. ECUs colourful moving surface. Micro shots of Spanish Dancer eggs and micro of larvae development. Underwater tracks of fish over reef. CUs crab and small fish camouflaged amongst corals. ECUs spotted fish.
Access No. 130668 | 1 min 37 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |
CU small striped fish manoeuvring itself into hole in coral. CUs crab camouflaged against weed. CUs banded shrimps. CUs long worm tentacles searching out food. CUs colourful featherstars. Aerial over Heron Island and surrounding reef.
Access No. 130670 | 1 min 13 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |
Dietmar and Bibi Fill walking with buckets and CUs underwater shots of sturdy shoes being worn to walk in reef. CU tentacles of Portuguese Man-of-War bluebottle. CU tentacle contracting. MS red hermit crab. WS dietmar and Bibi reef walking. CU Bibi's hand reaching into water and picking up crab. VS of the pair collecting sealife in buckets.
Access No. 130671 | 2 mins 25 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |
Zoom in to grey stromb (sea snail) in tank. VS Dietmar and Bibi Fill preparing to film tank. CU stromb in tank and ECUs of eyes out on stalk. ECUs trunk like proboscis. Low underwater track over corals. Night shots of corals in full colour. Tracks over soft corals, large brain corals, gregorian sea fans.
Access No. 130674 | 2 mins 44 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |
Macro of white coral flower against dark background. MS Dietmar and Bibi Fill filming tank. CUs white, pink, and yellow sea anemones. WS Dietmar and Bibi walking on reef and returning specimens to reef from buckets. Zoom out.
Access No. 130676 | 59 secs | 1980s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © FilmAustralia | Colour |