Title Details

Til Death Do Us Part

Adolescence is a period when many of us start to drive. It is a rite of passage Ð often with tragic consequences.
Series : Auto Stories | Episode : 3 | Year : 1998 | Total Duration : 26 Minutes | Producer : Tony Wright, Stuart Menzies
Director : Fiona Hergstrom |
CU hand in door handle of car, opening door, driver young man Travis Kenyon gets in, keys turn ignition, hand changing gears, POV from rope up to Toyota 4 Wheel Drive as it drives over camera. Two young men laughing and joking as they drive, passenger Nat Wilson holds the steering wheel when driver takes his hands away. VS 4WD along dirt road through forest. Opening titles.
Access No. 115722 | 33 secs | 1990s | Healesville, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU feet in sandals peddling mountain bike on bitumen road, cyclist Richard Lourey along street. Richard talking to camera relating story of car accident he had whilst driving, talks about driving too fast and drinking, indicates to scarring on his face from injuries.
Access No. 115738 | 46 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Toyota 4 Wheel Drive drives through frame on dirt track. Young male driver Travis Kenyon at wheel of vehicle laughing. CU speedometer reading 120 kmph. Passenger Nat Wilson yelling in excitement. Two shots of 4WD skidding along dirt road through forest.
Access No. 115741 | 19 secs | 1990s | Healesville, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Young man Richard Lourey to camera talking about how he felt after his motor car accident. Colleen Lourey , mother, saying how she was told about Richard's accident. CU hand holding photograph of Richard, bandaged in hospital bed. Peter Lourey, father, talking about the shock of being told that his son had been in an accident.
Access No. 115748 | 49 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU Hand changes gears of vehicle. Dusk, Toyota 4WD along dirt track and into driveway of country home. Interior, John DeBoer, father of young driver Travis Kenyon, with young daughter. Stands up to greet Travis, friend Nat Wilson and other young man as enter house, they laugh and chat.
Access No. 115752 | 32 secs | 1990s | Healesville, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
John DeBoer to camera talking about his son Travis Kenyon and friend Nat Wilson going for an advanced driving course for young drivers, pan to Travis and Nat listening. John says they are over confident, talks about accident Travis had. Travis and Nat saying it was the rain's fault, Travis also admits that he had lost driving license for 6 months for drink driving. Mother Karin Kenyon-DeBoer sitting with young daughter, laughs and says she wondered what was the secret. John talks about the bigger picture of driving when drunk.
Access No. 115757 | 52 secs | 1990s | Healesville, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Photograph of Richard Lourey in hospital with a bandaged head. Richard talking about how he was in hospital immediately after his car accident and remembering his parents' reaction.
Access No. 115764 | 31 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Young men Nat Wilson and Travis Kenyon preparing for barbecue on football's Grand Final Day. CU ice being poured into bucket, Nat cooking sausages and burgers. Interior, young men Mick and Dale drinking Victoria Bitter beer and watching television with Nat and Travis. One asks Travis when his driving course starts, he says 8am the next day. Young men fooling about, jumping on boatshed roof tops and onto beach.
Access No. 115766 | 35 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Colleen Lourey, mother of Richard, talking about how she spoke to surgeon after Richard's accident about the severity of his injuries, that it was a long night. CU photograph of Richard with bandaged head in hospital bed.
Access No. 115778 | 22 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Young men Nat Wilson and Travis Kenyon with their friends Mick and Dale sitting on couch and fooling around the night before their advanced driving course for young drivers, many beer cans on ground. Fade to black. Next morning, group of young people seated with driving instructor David Skewes asking what time they went to bed the night before and whether they had been drinking. CU's individuals including Nat and Travis.
Access No. 115780 | 1 min 3 secs | 1990s | Jim Murcott Driving Centre, Carnegie, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Driving instructor David Skewes talking to group of young drivers, he asks how many have been picked up by the police. Nat Wilson and Travis Kenyon put up their hands, zoom in young man Luke talks about how he had to go to court for carrying too many people. Nat tells instructor about how he was pulled up for drink driving and had people in the car, couldn't remember why he decided to drive.
Access No. 115793 | 45 secs | 1990s | Jim Murcott Driving Centre, Carnegie, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Driving instructor David Skewes talking to group of young drivers, he asks how many have been involved in a crash. Some hands are raised, young man Simon explains how a driver in front of him did a U-turn and he crashed into it. Instructor says that young men particularly like to externalise fault. CU young man Jason Skewes laughing, Travis and other listen. CU instructor talks about own responsibility for your motor vehicle.
Access No. 115804 | 38 secs | 1990s | Jim Murcott Driving Centre, Carnegie, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Still portrait photograph of Richard Lourey as a teenager wearing a tuxedo. His father Peter Lourey talking about how Richard got his first car, was unfamiliar with it and trying to impress by driving too fast. Young man Richard showing camera the facial and neural injuries he suffered in his car accident, he talks about complications and how he just wanted to be fixed.
Access No. 115812 | 1 min 10 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Driving instructor Peter Barr giving instructions to group of young drivers. Young man Simon sitting in boot of Ford Falcon eating packet of crisps. Exercise for drivers involving car being driven, driver braking on wet surface. VS Young man Dale driving Valiant in test but fails to stops car within required distance. VS of young man Travis Kenyon in Toyota 4 Wheel Drive driving, some exterior HAS and interior shots of him in vehicle, also fails to brake in time. Young man Jono looks on. Travis to camera saying it was fun even if he was technically dead.
Access No. 115815 | 1 min 6 secs | 1990s | Jim Murcott Driving Centre, Carnegie, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Reflection of young man Nat Wilson as he adjusts sunglasses in rear vision mirror. CU keys turning in ignition. Other young man Travis Kenyon giving him instructions through window of vehicle. VS Nat setting off in Toyota 4 Wheel Drive vehicle undergoing exercise on driving course to brake on wet surface with instructor Peter Barr. Interior and exterior shots. Fails tests, Nat says it was pathetic.
Access No. 115842 | 35 secs | 1990s | Jim Murcott Driving Centre, Carnegie, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Photographs of Richard Lourey in hospital after road accident. Mother Colleen Lourey talking about being told at hospital that Richard would be OK despite his injuries. She talks about how he wasn't OK, forgetful, in pain and depressed. She gave up work to stay home with him. Father Peter Lourey watering garden with hose, talking about Richard's problems with his friends around the age of 21, that medication and alcohol didn't mix and friends treated him as a joke.
Access No. 115858 | 1 min 47 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
From above looking down on Richard Lourey riding bicycle. Richard to camera talking about his life after his car accident, living day to day, involved with drugs and alcohol, destroying himself because there was no happiness in his life.
Access No. 115862 | 38 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS Toyota 4 Wheel Drive vehicle driven by young man Nat Wilson on driving course for young drivers. Instructor Peter Barr giving him the thumbs down after he skids on wet surface. Group of young drivers being given instructions for another exercise involving turning and braking on wet surface. VS some HAS vehicles including Ford Falcon skidding to halt and hitting buckets, failing exercise. Peter Barr blowing whistle, giving signals.
Access No. 115864 | 42 secs | 1990s | Jim Murcott Driving Centre, Carnegie, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS Toyota 4 Wheel Drive driven by Travis Kenyon during exercise on driving course for young drivers. Interior and exterior shots of him driving confidently but fails to brake effectively on wet surface and skids. CU wheels. Talks to instructor Peter Barr, laughing. Barr talks to group talking to young drivers about how fast 60 kph feels. CU Travis listening, turns head in slow motion.
Access No. 115877 | 47 secs | 1990s | Jim Murcott Driving Centre, Carnegie, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Richard Lourey riding mountain bike through bush land . Richard to camera talking about how he was able to get jobs after his car accident but then problems with work ending in arguments or violence. Tracking shot Richard cycling fast through bush, vegetation past camera.
Access No. 115895 | 54 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Instructor Peter Barr with group of young people on driving course, he shows them exercise on white board. CU young people watching, young woman Eva Poci looking at her fingers. VS students listening and laughing including young men Travis Kenyon and Nat Wilson. Barr giving instructions to avoid accident in scenario he is describing involving 2 vehicles.
Access No. 115898 | 46 secs | 1990s | Jim Murcott Driving Centre, Carnegie, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
HAS Valiant being driven on exercise on course for young drivers, swerves on wet surface and hits buckets. Instructor Peter Barr gives a thumbs down. Other young people watch and laugh. Young woman Eva Poci driving Toyota car hits buckets. Young drivers including Nat Wilson and Travis Kenyon laugh. CU Nat in Toyota 4 Wheel Drive to camera saying he is about to hit truck. VS he and other vehicles including Holden Commodore fail to turn and brake effectively, CU wheels. Travis succeeds, gives thumbs up.
Access No. 115909 | 58 secs | 1990s | Jim Murcott Driving Centre, Carnegie, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Photograph of Richard Lourey before his car accident. Mother Colleen Lourey at kitchen sink talking about Richard not finding the help he needed, then she heard about an organisation on the radio called Headway for people with acquired head injuries, talks about being referred to GP who dealt with head injuries. Richard to camera talking about how he learnt that problems he had with coordination of thinking were to do with his brain injury.
Access No. 115936 | 1 min 2 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Sandalled feet pedalling mountain bike along road, young man Richard Lourey peddling over bridge. He heads off road through park.
Access No. 115941 | 22 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Instructor David Skewes talking to class of young people on driving course. He asks them if skills they have learnt make them better driver, young man Nat Wilson raises hand. David says skills will better equip them but not to rely on them, describes scenario. VS young people listening and laughing.
Access No. 115944 | 55 secs | 1990s | Jim Murcott Driving Centre, Carnegie, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Instructor David Skewes hands over to policeman Sergeant Geoff Exton at course for young drivers. He talks about horrific scenes at fatal collisions, group listen, one yawns. Geoff shows photographs of the remains of vehicle at 70 kph, damaged driver's seat, injuries to feet of driver. Various CU's individual students looking including Nat Wilson, Travis Kenyon, Eva Poci, Simon. Geoff telling them one mistake, could be them, CU. Nat, then Travis.
Access No. 115957 | 1 min 34 secs | 1990s | Jim Murcott Driving Centre, Carnegie, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Young people on driving course, driving out at end of day. Toyota 4 Wheel Drive vehicle driven by young man Travis Kenyon, passenger Nat Wilson waves to camera. Interior shot, as they discuss day, Travis scared by the policeman (who described collisions to students). Nat laughs and says he had to be scary to get point across.
Access No. 115974 | 28 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU bicycle wheel on path, rear view as mountain bike cycled away. Cyclist Richard Lourey to camera and past into house. Interior house which is a Transitional Living Centre providing rehabilitation for people with head injuries. Carer Helen Harrington with young man Steven, she writes down instructions to help in cooking meal. Group of three including Richard at table as Steven serves spaghetti and pizza. Richard to camera talking about leaning different skills to help with living in a house.
Access No. 115981 | 45 secs | 1990s | Thornbury, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Pan from driveway to window of block of flats at dusk. Young man Travis Kenyon to camera talking about driving (after attending driving course for young drivers), keeping to the speed limit, relaxing and not hurrying. Friend Nat Wilson sitting next to him, they talk about being able to drink and drive on the same day but not being able to combine them. Nat says he's had so many near misses.
Access No. 115986 | 51 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Richard Lourey enters Post Office and approaches shop keeper at counter, opens bag and passes him letter. CU closing wallet. Street, Richard leaves LJ Hooker Real estate office and walks along street in rain. Richard enters Transitional Living Centre for people with brain injuries, greets other including carer Helen Harrington. He sits at table and chats to others and tells them he has found a place to stay.
Access No. 115991 | 1 min 3 secs | 1990s | Thornbury, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Richard Lourey packs belongings into bag. He chats to camera saying he is going to put into action things he has learnt (at Transitional Living Centre for people with brain injuries). CU bag being zipped up.
Access No. 115996 | 20 secs | 1990s | Thornbury, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Young man Travis Kenyon to camera saying that drink driving is not smart. Talks about the possibility of killing someone in accident. Friend Nat Wilson sitting next to him saying that having to live through an accident would be the worst thing.
Access No. 116000 | 35 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Richard Lourey leaves flat with mountain bike and wheels it down driveway. Father Peter Lourey to camera saying that Richard is much more confident person now (since receiving help after car accident). Mother Colleen Lourey saying they lost Richard and won't get old Richard back. They are happy that he is doing his own thing and is alive. Richard cycles off down the road.
Access No. 116003 | 47 secs | 1990s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Opening titles montage to Auto Stories series.
Access No. 130348 | 28 secs | 1990s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |