Title Details

Amazing Platypus

This exceptional film shows the platypus on dry land, underwater and by means of a carefully sectioned burrow, we even follow him into his home.
Series : Australian Wildlife Series | Year : 1973 | Total Duration : 11 Minutes | Producer : John Morris
Director : John Shaw |
Cinematographer/Director John Shaw filming in the bush. Crew member holding a platypus by its tail.
Platypus scurrying over land towards and past camera . Track behind platypus giving the impression of it being chased. High angle view of platypus over rocks and into pond. Track over pond water with platypus visible swimming underwater over rocks
Access No. 130488 | 38 secs | 1970s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High angle MS over platypus swimming near water surface before diving and seen underwater near river floor. CUs of platypus breaking water surface to breathe with front webbed feet paddling. Underview of platypus on water surface. High angle shot of river pond and GS shape of platypus on greenish river.
Access No. 130489 | 1 min | 1970s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Track along river with view of rocky shoreline. WS burrow entrance right on waters edge with reeds in front. MS platypus climbing along burrow to nest seen through cutaway cross-section. MS platypus in water at burrow's entrance and MS platypus climbing along burrow with another platypus already in nest which chases second one away.
Access No. 130490 | 1 min 32 secs | 1970s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU platypus' bill near burrow and CU bill breaking water surface with nostrils visible before submerging again. CU bill on water surface and GS platypus floating then diving. Underwater view of platypus foraging on pond floor. High angle MS of platypus on water surface then zoom to platypus through water when it dives.
Access No. 130491 | 1 min 26 secs | 1970s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Gs platypus entering water from rock. Good CUs platypus splashing in water cascading over rocks. Track following platypus over rocks into pond. Track of platypus underwater foraging for food. MS pale cray in shallow water and CU platypus face and platypus entering water. Pair swimming.
Access No. 130492 | 2 mins 36 secs | 1970s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High angle GS platypus swimming in slow circles near rock. GS platypus swimming through brackish water. Track following platypus over rocks to different parts of stream until it reaches frothy section with running water. Good CUs platypus sliding down mossy rocks in cascading stepped waterfall.
Access No. 130518 | 2 mins 3 secs | 1970s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Various grabs of platypus swimming, floating on water surface, underwater, running over land, emerging from burrow and looking towards camera.
Access No. 130519 | 57 secs | 1970s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |