Title Details

Mount Gambier

Made by the Department of Immigration in the mid 1960s to entice immigrants from Great Britain, this film shows an idyllic picture of life in the South Australian town of Mount Gambier in the mid 1960s.
Series : Life in Australia Series | Year : 1964 | Total Duration : 19 Minutes | Producer : Eric Thompson
Director : Christopher McCullough |
CUs of people's faces from various walks of life. Zoom into graphic map of the world to Mount Gambier in Victoria. Tilt up cliff to family carrying fishing gear down slope then tilt down on them continuing towards beach. GS seagulls taking off from shore and father and son wading through water to fishing spot. MS father smoking pipe and son sitting together and high angle shot over them on rock with fishing rod in sea. WS rural landscapes with cattle grazing and track through forest with zoom to sports car travelling along road. MS young man driving with shots of small haystacks in fields seen from speeding car. WS of car arriving into edges of Mount Gambier township.
Access No. 142007 | 2 mins 29 secs | 1960s | Mount Gambier, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS contemporary 1960s suburban home. GS wife in apron at door farewelling husband to work. GS wife clearing breakfast table situated near windows. GS young man arriving at house in sports car. GS boy running out of house in school uniform. GS boy and his older sister piling into sports car then driving off as mother waves goodbye. WS then CU of mother in profile. High angle WS over Mount Gambier main street. GS of sports car with other traffic on road. VS of sports car along rural streets then dropping boy off at local school. MS children gathered around boy in playground. VS young woman doing secretarial work for local woollen mill taking notes in meeting. Focus to reels of spun wool on table.
Access No. 142008 | 2 mins 9 secs | 1960s | Mount Gambier, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CUs of wool spinning process with red wool into machine and ECUs of being spun on bobbin. CUs green wool on bobbins. WS woman checking skeins of wool being spun in rows on machines. ECU track over cartons of wool on bobbins sorted by colour. MS milk in vat at cheese making factory and VS men in room with stainless steel equipment. Young man taking milk samples in cheese factory with VS of procedure. VS worker unwrapping large round of cheese and placing with several others. Slow track over large stone quarry to semi-trailer on site and men with machinery cutting coralline limestone blocks. VS cutters and grinders. Gs men placing blocks on conveyor belt. VS building contractor with foreman on building site measuring building block.
Access No. 142009 | 2 mins 59 secs | 1960s | Mount Gambier, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS pine trees being felled with GS falling and CUs of barechested timber cutters sawing trees with power saws. VS power saws cutting timber into shorter lengths. GS timber cutter riding logs lifted by crane onto back of truck like dogman. VS logs on machinery in timber mill. CUs logs being sawn, pulped and sliced. MS machine operator giving hand signals. CU of hands signalling as timber goes through different procedures. GS schoolboys filing into classroom. CU to freckled boy reading out loud. GS woodworking class and GS older girls in home science kitchens. Zoom out to food being placed on tables. VS after hours adult education classes in classrooms. VS woman making bowl on pottery wheel, people painting and sculpting. VS amateur theatric group on stage and taking direction from man on floor.
Access No. 142010 | 3 mins 40 secs | 1960s | Mount Gambier, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS following mother and older daughter shopping together (note both have hair up in buns) on main street of town. WS traffic on main street. VS young woman looking at various dresses on racks. MS mother trying on hat (note sexist commentary). CU hat being placed in box and price being rung up on cash register. GS man mowing front lawn and CUs having difficulties getting engine restarted as he smokes pipe and young son looks on. VS man getting tools out of bag as son starts motor. CUs both smiling. High angle WS over town. MS young woman leaning on balcony rail then top shot over couple arriving in sports car and waving to camera. MS young woman waving back. WS hospital exterior. GS woman checking her reflection in mirror and leaving.
Access No. 142011 | 1 min 55 secs | 1960s | Mount Gambier, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Young nurse leaving hospital in casual gear and getting into waiting sports car with friends. GS sports car along road towards camera. WS of Blue Lake situated in crater. High angle shot over sports car along winding road past lakes. High angle WS of mountain and scenics with mountains and lakes with pan to Browns Lake with LS to waterskiers. VS waterskiers on lake and VS spectators on boat. WS over Mount Gambier at night. Good GS Starliners band on stage in matching plaid jackets. WS packed dance floor with LS to band and VS couples dancing. CUs guitarist and pianist. MS young boy asleep in bed with mother coming in to tuck him in. CU sign for Gigi bar. CU acoustic guitarists and VS two couples being seated at table. CUs of couples smoking, drinking and courting. CU guitarist strumming strings.
Access No. 142012 | 3 mins 34 secs | 1960s | Mount Gambier, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Tilt down stained glass windows in church. WS couple dressed for church joining family group in park. GS boy climbing over cannon in park. WS family having picnic on beach at Port McDonald and starting to pack up. Closing titles over family walking back with picnic gear silhouetted along cliff.
Access No. 142013 | 1 min 58 secs | 1960s | Mount Gambier, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |