Title Details


On Thursday, 20 July 1989, the then Prime Minister Bob Hawke launched a major environmental policy on behalf of the Federal Government to mark the 1990s as the ÒDecade of LandcareÓ.
Year : 1989 | Total Duration : 15 Minutes |
Director : Mark Gould |
Lake in the outback full of dead trees, reflecting in the water. Lake in the outback full of dead trees, reflecting in the water.
High aerials Murray Irrigation basin around Mildura (Sunraysia) showing flat land with farms and wooded areas, lakes POV car tracking past citrus orchards, olive groves in Riverland.
Access No. 126002 | 1980s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Bare vineyards with dramatic heavy skies above, storm clouds. Land cultivated into banks.
Access No. 126003 | 7 mins 59 secs | 1980s | Wentworth, NSW, Renmark, SA, Mildura, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Zoom into bare ground to ants running along ground and out of hole. Foot agitates them, River Murray in soft light with bare or dead trees surrounding, pelicans and black swans,on water.
Access No. 126004 | 11 mins 10 secs | 1980s | Wentworth, NSW, Renmark, SA, Mildura, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Lemons dropping from chute in warehouse into truck beneath. CU's piles of lemons as more land on top.
Access No. 126005 | 1 min 41 secs | 1980s | Wentworth, NSW, Renmark, SA, Mildura, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Reflections of trees in River Murray pan up to trees. VS including polystyrene cup in water. Bird of prey (probably hawk or kite) high in blue sky, lands on tree. VS trees and water and reflections. Some trees growing out of water.
Access No. 126006 | 8 mins 26 secs | 1980s | Wentworth, NSW, Renmark, SA, Mildura, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS bushland and wide flat plain with flat hoizon. Single tree in flat green land, pan out and in. Some shots of dead trees and scrub, barbed wire. Partially dead tree. CU pine nuts on tree. Bush land. and eucalyptus trees - could be mallee scrub.
Access No. 126007 | 9 mins 14 secs | 1980s | Wentworth, NSW, Renmark, SA, Mildura, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Straight road through flat bush land, telegraph poles, some cars. Good shot red earth with scrub - could show soil erosion. Barren landscape with flat horizon and blue sky with clouds.
Access No. 126008 | 3 mins 10 secs | 1980s | Wentworth, NSW, Renmark, SA, Mildura, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Good shots of what could be drained land ie half empty river bed (Murray). Severe soil erosion on banks. POV car track past citrus orchards with oranges, olives. (Riverland). Mallee scrub - uncultivated scrub land. Shots across river Murray showing pollution. Broken down fence and red earth, flat horizon.
Access No. 126009 | 8 mins 35 secs | 1980s | Wentworth, NSW, Renmark, SA, Mildura, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
John Bannon Premier South Australia making speech on 20 July 1989 in response to Labor Prime Minister Bob Hawke launching a major environmental policy on behalf of the Federal Government to mark the 1990's as The Decade of Landcare. Shots of Hawke, Senator Graham Richardson listening and applauding.
Access No. 126012 | 1 min 58 secs | 1980s | Wentworth, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Nick Greiner Premier NSW seated. Pan along - John Kerin, catching fly as he sits, Premier Victoria John Cain, Prime Minister Bob Hawke, Senator Graham Richards onto bearded speaker - probably Senator Cook, Minister for Resources . On occasion 20 July 1989 PM Hawke launching a major environmental policy on behalf of the Federal Government to mark the 1990's as The Decade of Landcare.
Access No. 126013 | 57 secs | 1980s | Wentworth, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
20 July 1989 press gathered as Labor Prime Minister Bob Hawke and wife Hazel plant tree on occasion of launch of major environmental policy on behalf of the Federal Government to mark the 1990's as The Decade of Landcare. Guitarist from band Red Gum with schoolchildren (Wentworth School)? gathered around as they sing ÒTie Me Kangaroo DownÓ (Rolf Harris).
Access No. 126014 | 3 mins 28 secs | 1980s | Wentworth, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
20 July 1989 CU under paddle steamer churning on Murray river as it is stuck, man trying to push it out with pole. Children and adults watch from bank.
Access No. 126015 | 45 secs | 1980s | Wentworth, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |