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Cane Cutters, The
This short black and white film takes a look at the daily life and work of North Queensland sugarcane cutters.
Year :
1948 |
Total Duration :
11 Minutes |
Producer :
John Heyer (In Charge of Production)
Director :
Hugh McInnes |
Young cane waving in breeze. Cane cutters on bicycles to camera along dirt road, wife on verandah gives husband water bottle, he leaves for work on bicycle, wife waves goodbye. WS man in field working single horse plough, cane workers on bicycles to camera. MS hands taking cane cutting knives, VS men cutting cane. Pan across canefield to rural township. Steam train passing parked car with sign to Cairns and Innisfail in F/G. Men (cutting gang) chatting in town street.
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Access No. 132816 | 2 mins 19 secs | 1940s | Townsville, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Pan down from building ÒThe Farmers' BuildingÓ to street, men gathered outside entrance, Herbert River cane growers association sign on glass window, interior shot men at counter in association offices, VS signing paperwork, men leaving offices and walking across street towards hotel (pub). Fire being lit in canefield, VS cane fire, LS smoke filling sky. VS cane cutters at work, MS man drinking from water bag, VS cane being cut, cane knife being sharpened, VS workers drinking water, eating and smoking on smoko break.
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Access No. 132817 | 2 mins 36 secs | 1940s | Townsville, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
MS cane cutter (foreman) looking at Fob watch, WS cane cutters at work, VS workers cutting sugar cane, WS walking off field, cycling away down dirt road, men walking in line. VS cook preparing meal. Cane cutters cleaning themselves up, men eating, good WS men seated around table having meal, VS eating. Man working on tally sheet. Cook cleaning up dining table. Men lying down to rest, dog asleep on front lawn. WS canefield, horses grazing. Fade to black.
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Access No. 132818 | 2 mins 55 secs | 1940s | Townsville, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Steam cane train, man fuelling fire, WS man hopping on to train engine compartment. VS workers collecting cut sugar cane and loading onto trolleys. Tractor hauling large load of harvested cane. Tilt up cane train along track, POV train to houses and dog running alongside wire fence, train driver, WS train passing factory (sugar mill). VS man taking records of harvested cane, writing in book. CU tractor pulling plough through soil, men operating plough. Single cane cutter working hard with knife. End title.
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Access No. 132819 | 2 mins 26 secs | 1940s | Townsville, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
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