Title Details

Women 88

A series of seven five-minute shorts directed by women, made to celebrate Australia's Bicentenary in 1988, depicting Australian women's achievements and contributions to the social and welfare development of our country.
Year : 1987 | Total Duration : 7 x 5 minute episodes | Producer : Jo Horsburgh
Director : Tracey Moffat, Christina Wilcox, Anna Grieve, Mary Callaghan, Kris Wyld, Liz Stroud, Ruth Cullen, Jinks Dulhunty |
Episode 2: "Breaking Through". MS conductor Julia de Plater with baton conducting. Side on WS of Opera Australia with de Plater conducting. VS of string players in orchestra and voice-over of de Plater giving her musical background and how she regards the art of conducting. CU and MS montage of her conducting.
Access No. 142335 | 1 min 31 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Episode 2: "Breaking Through". WS Northern Territory wetland with lotus flowers and white egret. CU Aboriginal child breaking through the water surface and smiling to camera. Re-enactment of pioneer woman walking through forest with voice-over reading diary entry. CU to B&W archival footage of pioneer woman riding bullock-drawn wagon.
Access No. 142336 | 27 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Episode 2: "Breaking Through". CU sepia toned archival still of two cattle drovers on horseback. Fade to B&W stills of pioneer hut, mother and children in front of hut, chimney smoking and older shot of family posed in front of vertical slab hut. Archival still of woman seated outside hut and lean to, two women and toddler outside hut, and interior shot of woman in kitchen. Woman standing on verandah of log hut with toddler on chair. Woman splitting posts with crowbar. Family group with baby in cane basinette. Voice-over of woman reading diary entries.
Access No. 142337 | 26 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Episode 2: "Breaking Through". Brief B&W archival footage of woman doing domestic chores with one dressing child. Voice-over of woman reading diary entries. B&W archival stills of old woman standing next to rough palings, pan across still of children in front yard and girl standing in field. B&W archival footage of women in long dresses competing in running race (shown twice).
Access No. 142338 | 16 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 2: "Breaking Through". B&W archival footage of Parliament House with flag flying and cars driving past. then ghosted image of parliamentarians shaking hands superimposed over it. High angle view over Parliament in session with voice-over of speaker disparaging women followed by female voice-over. Images of three different women including Edith Cowan superimposed over parliament.
Access No. 142339 | 35 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 2: "Breaking Through". Track of female surfer riding waves. MS female mechanic then zoom out to her working on truck. B&W archival slow-motion footage of female athlete during long jump. MS archival B&W shot of female mechanic working on machine. CU female draftsman's hands working on plans. High angle B&W shot of woman backward diving into pool from board. Brief B&W shot of Evonne Goolagong playing tennis.
Access No. 142340 | 22 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Episode 2: "Breaking Through". Zoom into building site with female construction worker working alongside males on scaffolding on side of building. CU of her hammering chisel. MS female pilots in cockpit of plane. B&W archival footage of female farmer tilling soil in tractor. Brief B&W archival shot of line of female surf lifesavers pulling in rope above heads. B&W footage of female hurdlers racing in slow-motion.
Access No. 142341 | 19 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Episode 2: "Breaking Through". MS female industrial worker in hardhat. VS female shearer shearing sheep. Brief shot of female QC in long wig talking with male colleague and female colleague wearing short wig. GS woman in hardhat walking down stairs in factory. B&W archival footage of women in long dresses competing in running race. WS opera performers on stage singing then tilt down to orchestra pit with Julia de Plater conducting musicians.
Access No. 142342 | 1 min 9 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Episode 3: "Up In Arms". Archival B&W footage of soldier leaving on train. Spinning image then CU of poster showing mother with infant urging men to enlist. B&W footage of crowds farewelling troop ship. WS ship leaving with crowds of soldiers on decks waving. Fade out of soldier with his sweetheart. Voice-over of woman talking about how it felt having men going to war.
Access No. 142343 | 1 min 7 secs | 1910s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Episode 3: "Up In Arms". Archival B&W footage of soldier leaving leaving for Vietnam war. CU sad young girl behind wire fence and VS families crying as they farewell troops. MS mother comforting young son. Tilt up to troops on ship seen through streamers.
Access No. 142344 | 16 secs | 1960s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Episode 3: "Up In Arms". Archival B&W footage of womens' wartime efforts. CU's Red Cross women cooking, VS sorting clothes, spinning seated at spinning wheels and tending convalescing soldiers in garden.
Access No. 142345 | 32 secs | 1980s, 1930s, | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 3: "Up In Arms". Archival B&W footage of young families bringing babies to baby health clinic. VS womens' war effort with VS women at work in factories and servicing war planes checking oil, loading bullets, working on propellors etc. VS woman at plane's control panel, women loading rocket launcher and woman firing machine gun from plane.
Access No. 142346 | 37 secs | 1940s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 3: "Up In Arms". Archival B&W footage of women entering Women's Land Army building. VS Women's Land Army activities showing women at bivouac, arriving at camp in back of ute, women ploughing field with horse-drawn plough, pulling vegetables, picking fruit in orchard with voice-over of several women talking about their experiences. WS women walking across field arms around each other.
Access No. 142347 | 40 secs | 1940s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 3: "Up In Arms". Archival B&W footage of high angle slow-motion women soldiers marching in rows. Slow-motion women celebrating in streets carrying peace signs at end of war. CUs women's hands typing and writing and CU woman in office. CU photograph of women's group with banner calling for peace. Voice-over of woman talking about her experiences at the time. CU Manifesto of the Australian Women's Peace Army urging the no vote to conscription. B&W still of group gathered outside their offices. CU Women Unite for Peace document.
Access No. 142348 | 38 secs | 1940s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 3: "Up In Arms". Archival B&W footage of women marching for peace. CU B&W still of women with placards against fascism. High angle footage of women marching along street. B&W still of women marching with anti bomb bases signs. Zoom out from still of women marching with signs saying "Women Strike for Peace". Pan along photo of women standing in line holding 'walk for peace' signs. CU tilt down still of woman in headscarf wearing 'Ban the Bomb' sign. Still of four women wearing anti-bomb signs as aprons.
Access No. 142349 | 32 secs | 1940s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 3: "Up In Arms". Archival B&W high angle footage of women marching for peace pushing infants in strollers. GS woman standing up in meeting talking to women about how they can help the peace movement. MS woman in round sunglasses handing political newspaper to passing motorists from dividing strip in middle of road. MS woman handing out leaflets. CU Aboriginal activist Faith Bandler talking about wanting to see peace in Cambodia and Vietnam. Zoom into her face.
Access No. 142350 | 30 secs | 1940s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 3: "Up In Arms". Archival B&W footage of women marching with banners in anti-Vietnam protest. Colour GS Aboriginal women marching holding Aboriginal flag. WS youth marching with anti-nuclear banner.
Access No. 142351 | 27 secs | 1940s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Episode 4: "Home Truths". Archival B&W footage of staged scene between couple in living room talking about economising. VS society weddings with bridal car arriving, couples emerging from cars and zoom into groom putting ring on bride's finger.
Access No. 142352 | 1 min 29 secs | 1930s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Episode 4: "Home Truths". Archival B&W footage of small children and woman sweeping floors. MS woman doing laundry with stick in steaming vat. MS woman ironing, woman cooking on stove, MS woman serving meal at table. Voice-over of women talking about their domestic routines.
Access No. 142353 | 21 secs | 1930s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 4: "Home Truths". Colour CU of bacon and eggs frying in pan, woman at stove, B&W MS woman using Sunbeam mixmaster, woman joining family at table. B&W GS women in outdoor bedmaking competition. B&W woman taking clothes off washing line. Colour footage of woman leaving small boy in stroller as she shops in supermarket. Woman at table spoon feeding toddler who shakes his head vigourously.
Access No. 142354 | 22 secs | 1950s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Episode 4: "Home Truths". B&W MS of woman tucking three children into bed. Colour footage of mother kissing daughter in bed goodnight.
Access No. 142355 | 9 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Episode 4: "Home Truths". B&W GS woman driving tractor in field, GS woman milking cow, MS woman working in sawmill. Colour GS woman herding sheep in pen. MS female teacher with two young children in classroom. B&W GS of woman sitting at small table on small chair with boy doing homework on front porch.
Access No. 142356 | 26 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 4: "Home Truths". Colour MS of Aboriginal woman blowing out candles on cake surrounded by children. CUs Aboriginal woman Essie in bush eating then instructing other Aboriginal and non-indigenous adolescents which bush fruits are ripe and which aren't.
Access No. 142357 | 23 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 4: "Home Truths". MS Mary Snepp instructing adolescent daughter Alison on how to hand sew. CU woman lace-making and CU of finished piece with voice-over of woman talking of how she learnt. CU examples of handicrafts including appliquĊ½d Snugglepot & Cuddlepie design, nineteenth century samplers and zoom into Susan Smith doing cross stitch. VS Italian mother and daughter Maria Penna and Josie Tyson looking at her mother's handmade clothes in glory box.
Access No. 142358 | 57 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 4: "Home Truths". CUs baby being bathed in tub then dried and put into nappy. GS mother rolling on grass playing with children. Voice-over of woman talking about how she fells about motherhood. Archival colour footage of mother with swaddled baby. MS woman with baby and toddler on lounge. B&W footage of baby learning to walk. GS small girl walking with parasol pushing doll pram.
Access No. 142359 | 42 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 4: "Home Truths". VS mothers with their children including WS mother playing backyard cricket, GS children in confirmation outfits, MS mother with young son playing near rocks then in backyard and GS Carter family posing in matching knitted jumpers. WS family women posing outside house.
Access No. 142360 | 39 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 5: "Fitting Image". ECUs on Mandy Wagstaff as she does bodybuilding exercises intercut with archival B&W footage of woman being dressed in corset, stockings and steppings. GS bodybuilder Wagstaff posing for camera. MS comedy sketch between Marianne Fahey and Wendy Harmer.
Access No. 142361 | 1 min 44 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 5: "Fitting Image". WS B&W archival footage of people dancing in hall. WS 1930s couple with woman in flapper clothes dancing with band in background and people lining walls watching. CU colour footage of elderly actress Colleen Clifford laughing as she talks about sexuality and clothes. B&W fashion footage including GS woman posing in front of mirror, woman opening parasol, CU woman in hat.
Access No. 142362 | 29 secs | 1930s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 5: "Fitting Image". VS of street fashion including young woman with bright red hair in scarf, woman in markets, group of punks with mohawks and VS hairstyles and colours. MS interview with young woman Linda Demint with nose ring talking about being threatened with violence because of her appearance.
Access No. 142363 | 17 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 5: "Fitting Image". B&W Tilt up roll of fabric on table to two woman in overalls gathering up roll and VS in fabric design studio. VS pair of women painting silkscreens, dying fabric, printing and designing. VS fashion parades. B&W footage of crowning of Miss Australia, Rosemary Sinclair with VS of her on stage and media filming her. MS present day interview with her talking about how the title was regarded at the time of her win. VS B&W portraits of her as a child and posing as Miss Australia with the trophy. B&W shot of fellow contestants Sinclair and colour MS of her waving.
Access No. 142364 | 56 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 5: "Fitting Image". B&W still of body builder Mandy Wagstaff posing in bikini, muscles rippling. GS interview with Wagstaff in tracksuit talking about what it means to her. MS comedy sketch with Marianne Fahey and Wendy Harmer. GS Flamingo Park fashion show featuring bold knits on darkened catwalk.
Access No. 142366 | 39 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 5: "Fitting Image". GS Aruna Ramrakha in sari picking hibiscus flowers in her backyard with voice-over of her talking about her choice to wear saris. CUs ornate fabric of saris. MS interview with her.
Access No. 142367 | 19 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 5: "Fitting Image". B&W footage of swimwear competition with contestants in one-pieces walking along beach carrying numbers. B&W fashion parade. Quick colour CU back view of model wearing spotted hat and dress. CU woman's leg walking down stairs. MS interview with disabled woman Heidi Ruch talking about her love of fashion. B&W footage of women swimming.
Access No. 142368 | 20 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 5: "Fitting Image". B&W CU model in floral hat surrounded with flowers. CU bright orange mini skirt and orange stockings. B&W footage of women riding scooters down city street. B&W footage of women in swimsuits and hats with enormous brims. CU interview with young woman Linda Demint talking about her attitude to fashion.
Access No. 142369 | 8 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 5: "Fitting Image". B&W WS of woman playing golf. B&W MS woman working in sawmill. MS woman in colourful shawl and sunglasses. Two B&W shots of iceskaters. MS interview with elderly actress Colleen Clifford talking about her view of fashion. VS women in crowds, comedians Wendy Harmer and Marianne Fahey and fashion stills.
Access No. 142370 | 25 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 6: "Egg Heads". CU pan across scientific apparatus to bananas in jars with test tubes feeding into them. Voice-over of female scientist Eve Kavanagh explaining experiment. VS procedures such as collecting gas with syringe and taking measures. VS Kavanagh with young female assistant around and in laboratories. Interview with Kavanagh about perceptions of her profession.
Access No. 142371 | 1 min 46 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 6: "Egg Heads". Flashing red lights in darkness. VS women in laboratories and workshops working equipment. ECU smoke curling in blue light. CU holographer Paula Dawson making holograms. Voice-over of her explaining how holograms work. Zoom out from CU face of older woman in green light to holographic image. Interview with Dawson and CUs of her work.
Access No. 142372 | 1 min 38 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 6: "Egg Heads". CU yellow light moving across darkness. Voice-over of Dr Julia James explaining her research work in speleology, her research work in caves. VS stalactites and stalagmites lit up in cave. VS James in cave with head light and CUs objects in cave lit up by torchlight. CU dripping stalactite.
Access No. 142373 | 36 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 6: "Egg Heads". WS ocean breaking around rock platform. GS marine biologist Isobel Bennett sitting on rocks talking of her interest in the inter tidal zone. Archival colour footage of 1946 marine field work with Bennet lifting large rocks revealing marine life on undersides.
Access No. 142374 | 26 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 6: "Egg Heads". CU colourful graphics part of the feminist science fiction work "Wishful Thinking" of Jill Scott. Zoom out from computer screen to Scott sitting at console working graphics. CU creative process on screen.
Access No. 142375 | 49 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 7: "Fire Eaters". B&W archival footage with MS pair of women feeding each other with fire in performance. GS man crashing through french doors of burning house. MS interview with stunt woman Zenda Graves talking about stunt work. GS car exploding. VS of Graves in stunts including crashing through window and being set alight and running in darkness with clothes on fire.
Access No. 142376 | 1 min 15 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 7: "Fire Eaters". MS interview with Elaine Ballston in her office talking about being enclosed all week and wanting to get out. Tilt to time-lapse white clouds across blue sky. Zoom out from Ballston climbing cliff face to view of her rockclimbing with valley far below. VS of her climbing and WS of Three Sisters and Megalong Valley. GS woman attempting to traverse overhang and falling then hanging from ropes. Tilt to woman climbing crevace between rocks. Tilt over woman climbing rock with valley visible far below. Voice-over of Ballston talking about the experience and emotions of climbing.
Access No. 142377 | 1 min 10 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 7: "Fire Eaters". Montage of people participating in extreme sports with people white water rafting, air-to-air shot of pair of parachutists facing each other falling through air with clouds and valley below, abseiler jumping into river, white water rafters over small waterfall, aerial over roads and fields POV parachutist, CU parachutist in air looking to camera and kayaker in white water. Voice-over of rockclimber Elaine Ballston talking about the adrenaline rush in extreme sports.
Access No. 142378 | 13 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 7: "Fire Eaters". Montage of people participating in extreme sports with track of woman riding bullock in rodeo, GS dragster racing with parachute out, MS woman reaching top of rock climb, woman riding bike in motocross, GS woman in kayaking race and air-to-air shot of parachutist smiling to camera. MS interview with physically disabled traveller Margaret Hemphill speaking with sulphur-crested cockatoo on her shoulder. VS of Hemphill travelling in custom designed motorcycle alongside other traffic.
Access No. 142379 | 36 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 7: "Fire Eaters". VS hang-glider Jane Watson preparing for glide and taking off from cliff. VS and zoom out of her flying over ocean. MS interview with Watson talking about why she enjoys hang-gliding so much. VS Watson hang-gliding. Sweeping circular aerial pan over sea and cliffs from glider and zoom into grass as she lands. WS hang-gliding over sea.
Access No. 142380 | 39 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Episode 7: "Fire Eaters". GS diver sitting in coral underwater. CU track over corals and MS diver looking at soft corals. VS yachtswoman Anne Gash rigging her boat and sailing. Interview with Gash about the everyday realities of solo sailing. Montage of stuntwoman Zenda Graves falling off roof onto dining table, Margaret Hemphill riding motorbike, Ann Gash rowing in dinghy and archival B&W footage of woman drinking fire from teacups at flaming table.
Access No. 142381 | 1 min 26 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |