Title Details

Bifo Kam

This film shows the construction of a canoe at Taumako in the Reef Islands, and the manufacture of feather money, which is used for dowry payments on the island of Santa Cruz.
Series : Solomon Islands | Episode : 2 | Year : 1980 | Total Duration : 6.5 Minutes | Producer : Don Murray
Director : Graham Chase |
GS adult and child at sea in outrigger canoe thrashing water to attract sharks. WS men walking along stoney shore. VS men in forest making dugout canoe from log. MS interview with Taumako chief Kaveia about making of canoe for display in Honiara. VS elder making ancient currency "feather money" (tevau). CUs small scarlet honey-eater feathers being attached to bark. VS live bird being used as decoy to catch small birds while elder calls from behind palm frond. VS men working on rolls of feather money. CUs bark with feathers being attached to strings to form band as men sing. MS figure statue nearby.
Access No. 148376 | 6 mins 37 secs | 1980s | Solomon Islands | © Unclear | Colour |