Title Details

Two Christmases, The

A comparison of wildlife on the Indian Ocean's and Pacific Ocean's Christmas Islands.
Series : Australian Wildlife Series | Year : 1980 | Total Duration : 27 Minutes | Producer : John Shaw
Director : John Shaw |
Aerial track over coral atolls of Christmas Island in the Pacific Ocean. GS volcanic coastal rock formations with spray from blowholes of Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean. Zoom to foaming white surf near rocks and wild ocean. Graphic of map showing position of the two Christmas Islands.
Access No. 130552 | 1 min 30 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island (Kiribati) | © NFSA | Colour |
Aerial tracks over the coral atolls and shoreline of Christmas Island in the Pacific Ocean. Aerials over the salty blue atoll lagoons. Zoom to rusty shipwreck in shallow surf. Gilbertese natives net fishing. CU to fish thrashing in water caught in net. VS Gilbertese adults and children in traditional costume dancing and singing.
Access No. 130553 | 1 min 5 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island (Kiribati) | © NFSA | Colour |
CUs red and yellow lantana blooms and CU frangipani cluster and red hibiscus flower. Zoom to children in traditional costume dancing in row. VS Gilbertese women weaving, making bread, and making garlands with flowers. VS traditional dancers, singers, and audience.
Access No. 130554 | 39 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island (Kiribati) | © NFSA | Colour |
Air to air of frigate bird in flight. VS Gilbertese fishermen feeding fish to frigate bird. GS Frigate birds flying over water with fish in beaks. WS frigate birds wheeling in air over vegetation on islet. GS booby in flight and good CUs of fairy terns on branch.
Access No. 130555 | 1 min 3 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island (Kiribati) | © NFSA | Colour |
Archival footage of H bomb explosion (UK) and birds. GS frigate bird leaving chick on nest. WS birds wheeling in sky. Aerial view of hydrogen bomb exploding across sea POV aeroplane. Zoom to bare young chick alone in nest.
Access No. 130557 | 44 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island (Kiribati) | © NFSA | Colour |
CU sign for Motutabu Bird Reserve. VS motley young booby putting matchbox offered by Gilbertese in its beak. WS flock of birds flying over beach and trees. GS birds in trees and CU fairy tern in tree. Black noddies in tree. Good CUs of Brown or Common Noddies and chicks on nests. VS black and brown noddies.
Access No. 130558 | 1 min 18 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island (Kiribati) | © NFSA | Colour |
CUs wedge-tailed shearwaters around shallow burrow nest. CUs of bird and VS shearwaters fighting. Zoom to Christmas Island Shearwater sitting on nest. MS Boobies (gannets) perching together on branch and VS immature booby waddling on ground. GS booby in flight.
Access No. 130559 | 1 min 3 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island (Kiribati) | © NFSA | Colour |
CUs Red-footed Booby in stick nest and pan down to large fluffy white chick. Tilt up to Red-tailed Tropicbird in flight and track of flight. CU Red-tailed Tropicbird on land sitting on nest. CUs Phoenix Petrel feeding fluffy grey chick by regurgitation. MS Frigatebird landing on egg in nest built on platform of sticks just off the ground. Zoom out to other Frigatebirds.
Access No. 130560 | 1 min 59 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island (Kiribati) | © NFSA | Colour |
WS of beach and Frigatebirds sitting on nests in foreground. Zoom to Frigatebird on nest inflating red pouch on chest in courtship display. Good CU of female Frigatebird. CU of featherless newborn chick. Zoom to fluffy white fledgelings. CUs chicks on nests calling for food. Track of Frigatebird in flight with front pouch inflated.
Access No. 130561 | 1 min 9 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island (Kiribati) | © NFSA | Colour |
Gilbertese teacher (Tekira) in classroom showing the class a Frigatebird and discussing it with the children. VS children responding and raising hands. VS dumped US army equipment and war relics. Pan across lagoon. GS women in water with fishing nets.
Access No. 130562 | 1 min 17 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island (Kiribati) | © NFSA | Colour |
Zoom out from Mezzuin caller in minaret tower. GS clothes strung on outside lines, apartment buildings, temple and back to Mezzuin caller in tower. Muslims entering mosque. VS sea, children, canoe building. VS Malay girls making garlands. Pan along group of mothers with children and row of school group with girls of different races.
Access No. 130563 | 58 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island, Indian Ocean | © NFSA | Colour |
GS Chinese shrine on clifftop. MS blowhole and high angle shot of churning sea around rocks. Track of phosphate stockpile in bay and aerial over industrial area in Flying Fish Cove. Zoom to phosphate being loaded onto ship at sea. VS mounds of phosphate stockpile. VS equipment.
Access No. 130564 | 52 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island, Indian Ocean | © NFSA | Colour |
Tracks of Red-tailed Tropicbird in flight. Good tracks of Frigatebird in flight over land and over sea. Track of Frigatebird diving through air shaking itself as it dives. Good slow-motion air to air track of flying fox (fruit bat) in flight. Zoom to flying foxes hanging upside-down in tree camp. Very good CU tilt down hanging flying fox from claws in branch to fluffy body and attractive face.
Access No. 130565 | 2 mins 56 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island, Indian Ocean | © NFSA | Colour |
Tilt up to flying fox in flight, wings extended. CU face of roosting flying fox. CU snout and tongue. VS flying foxes in tree. Zoom out sea seen through cave opening and tilt to trees above cave opening. WS tilt down aerial roots of mangrove trees. CU track of Blue Crab scuttling along mangrove floor with pincers raised. Tilt up tree to Robber Crab (world's largest land crab) and VS climbing tree.
Access No. 130566 | 1 min 51 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island, Indian Ocean | © NFSA | Colour |
CU Red Crab on ground facing camera. CUs of Red Crabs scuttling sideways away from camera. CUs Red Crab on honeycomb rocks near sea with tiny baby crabs. CU track of Red Crab walking along mangrove floor. WS forested cliffs. CU Brown Booby on nest with young white chick visible under chest. MS rare Abbott's Booby on tree nest with chick. Zoom through trees to booby in stick nest.
Access No. 130567 | 1 min 52 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island, Indian Ocean | © NFSA | Colour |
CU juvenile Abbott's Booby on branch and CUs adult in tree. CU Christmas Island Goshawk in tree. VS Frigatebirds in flight and track as bird skims beak over still water for drink. CU Frigatebird in tree with wings outstretched to dry. WS Rocky beach. CUs thousands of newly hatched baby red crabs on sand. Zoom and ECU of thousands swarming over rocks.
Access No. 130568 | 1 min 53 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island, Indian Ocean | © NFSA | Colour |
CU Red Land Crabs amidst swarms of tiny newly hatched babies on rocks. Zoom to swarming mass of millions of baby Red Crabs along road and houses en route to jungle. Adult Red Land Crab accompanying migrating baby crabs.
Access No. 130569 | 2 mins | 1980s | Christmas Island, Indian Ocean | © NFSA | Colour |
Track past phosphate shipping factory. Aerial over islands and lagoons. CU Robber Crab on tree. CU Red Land Crab facing camera. CUs flying fox in tree. ECU Birds' heads. WS pan of jungle. MS Abbott's Booby in nest in tree. WS Frigatebirds flying over beach. Gilbertese man (Katino, Assistant wildlife warden)offering outstretched hand to Brown Booby on sand. CU young bird nipping hand.
Access No. 130570 | 1 min 31 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island, Indian Ocean | © NFSA | Colour |
WS archival footage of hydrogen bomb explosion POV air. (This shot ex ÒChristmas Island H Bomb TestingÓ FP 1024)
Access No. 130571 | 8 secs | 1980s | Christmas Island, Indian Ocean | © NFSA | Colour |