Title Details


Hattie, a 76-year-old woman, talks about her experiences.
Series : Putting a Face to an Issue | Episode : 6 | Year : 1974 | Total Duration : 9 Minutes | Producer : Suzanne Baker
Director : Debby Kingsland |
Hattie talking about feeling mentally alert at age of 76, Hattie typing, interview about older people with experience being able to make a contribution, photo of Hattie in group of young women circa 1910s, Hattie sipping cup of tea, reading book, CU drawing by artist husband, CU Hattie flower arranging, pullback from apartment block with Hattie tending pot plants in window, Hattie checking mailbox, photos Hattie's late husband, Hattie preparing to go out in front of mirror, leaving building and walking along street wearing pointy hood.
Access No. 136374 | 3 mins 42 secs | 1970s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Interview elderly woman Hattie about sometimes feeling depressed when alone in her flat, Hattie walking along residential street, interview about living alone, returning home, interview about not sleeping well at night, crocheting, CU Hattie sleeping in armchair, interview about not wanting to join organisations or work with old people but represent all society, making pot of tea, interview about wanting to share life with someone, VS people in Paddington Markets, interview, Hattie walking in street, catching bus, interview, VS Hattie in Paddington Markets, interview about society losing benefit of older people's experience.
Access No. 136376 | 4 mins 35 secs | 1970s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |