Title Details

Preserving Aboriginal Sacred Sites

Local Aborigines talk and show their sacred sites.
Year : 1973 | Total Duration : 8 Minutes | Producer : Frank Bagnall
Director : Greg Reading |
Aerial tracks over misty landscape, rock pinnacle in hazy blue light. Tracks past outback rock outcrops. LS Aboriginal women sitting under tree. VS group under tree listening to man telling legend in native tongue. Pan to landscape. Aerials over western Arnhem Land and proposed uranium sites. CU Aboriginal elder, tents of uranium exploration camp, drill site. VS linguist Peter Carroll with Aboriginal community talking about protecting their sacred sites from mining. Bob Edwards surveying sacred sites for a report to government for likely impact from mining. Tracks over rock paintings. Interview with Edwards regarding significance of rock art.
Access No. 148179 | 8 mins 10 secs | 1970s | Australia | © NFSA - Restricted Access | Colour |