Title Details

Loaf of Bread

A description of breadmaking for a primary school audience, from flour to delivery of the loaf.
Series : Junior Social Studies Series | Episode : 3 | Year : 1949 | Total Duration : 12 Minutes |
Director : Malcolm Otton |
Two children run out of front door of house, stand at the gate, baker with basket of bread crosses road and hands boy loaf. Tractor pulling combine drill sewing seed, two workers standing on machine. Horse drawn cart with sacks of wheat, sack unloaded by hand and poured in back of drill, boy helping. CU hands holding wheat. Sheaves of wheat growing. Tractor pulling harvester. Wheat poured into bags, bags sewn up by hand. Line of trucks bringing sacks to railway, loaded on conveyor belt. Steam train carrying freight including sheep. Flour mill. Two children grinding wheat into flour using hand grinder.
Access No. 44171 | 4 mins 18 secs | 1940s | © NFSA | B&W |
Line of wheat silos. Flour mill grinding, rolling and shaking wheat through seives. Packing flour into bags, weighed and stitched by hand. Sacks down chute to men loading truck. Machine mixing flour, yeast and water into bread dough. Baker pushing air from dough with arms. Tipping dough down chute. Bread dough being chopped and rolled by machine. Bakers putting dough into trays and pacing into oven. Animation showing loaves being baked in oven. Baked loaves tipped out by hand onto conveyor belt, placed on to racks. Thrown to baker putting them into van. Van along road, Gartrell White written on side. Boy holding loaf of bread.
Access No. 44173 | 6 mins 1 sec | 1940s | © NFSA | B&W |