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From Sunny Pastures
Shows how high quality milk, butter and cheese are produced.
Year :
1949 |
Total Duration :
20 Minutes |
Producer :
Stanley Hawes
Director :
Hugh McInnes |
High angle pan across green pastures of the coastal valleys and hills around Kiama, NSW. WS dairy cattle walking across grass followed by farmer on horseback and dog. Cattle and farmer through gate in stone wall. Graphic map of Australia with diagrams overlaid showing comparative size to Europe and areas with rainfall.
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Access No. 135474 | 1 min 27 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Pan past bush to clearing and pastures. Boy driving cutting machinery pulled by two draughthorses. Pan from man fishing at waters edge out across lake and distant hills. VS hydro-electric schemes and dam scenes. Good shot water spraying from circular pipe, WS dam walls and VS water streaming over rocks.
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Access No. 135476 | 1 min 9 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS irrigation wheel spreading water through pastures. GS dairy cattle in field and cow walking up to camera. WS children playing in irrigation water. Travelling shots POV vehicle past farms and haystacks. VS different breeds of cows and bulls. CU flies around eyes of jersey cow and MS swollen udders.
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Access No. 135477 | 1 min 33 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS elderly man driving cutting crops in horse-drawn cart. CU cutter device. VS farmers sitting in field around picnic basket drinking cups of tea. Good CU of farmer's face looking serious then laughing. WS men forking hay onto back of cart pulled by draughthorse. WS horse pulling haycart laden high with farmer standing on top over small bridge.
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Access No. 135478 | 1 min 7 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS Fresian calves grazing and MS Fresian bull on neck chain and cows poking heads through timber palings to drink from buckets. VS black poultry and group of pigs drinking skim milk from circular trough. VS cattle in pastures. MS cart pulled by pair of draughthorses distributing superphosphate through large funnel mounted on back of cart.
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Access No. 135479 | 1 min 10 secs | 1940s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS production of liquid manure and GS spreading the manure from tank on back of horse-drawn cart through pasture. WS farmer driving tractor pulling device spreading clouds of DDT over crops. VS machinery cleaning and winnowing. VS farmer putting seeds into germination machine. VS seed in sacks.
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Access No. 135480 | 1 min 32 secs | 1940s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High shot over cattle wading in stream and WS of Guernsey cattle in tropical Queensland. WS Myrtle Grove Experimental Stud Guernsey Farm with sign in foreground and farm, pastures and cattle in background. Cattle in feed bales in open shed. VS sterilisation and hygiene processes on farm and cattle walking through hoof baths.
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Access No. 135481 | 1 min 40 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS dairy farmers washing hands in tub as cattle enter milking stalls. CUs farmer demonstrating milking machine on cow held in stall by chain. CUs machine attached to udders. MS milk running over water cooler and MS woman in denim overalls taking milk samples.
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Access No. 135482 | 2 mins 50 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS dairy farmers loading metal cans of milk onto flat-top truck and WS convoy of milk trucks past camera to butter factory. WS dairy building with trucks in foreground and VS cans on conveyor belts, scales, people in white coats and pasturisation process. CUs mechanical milk stirring and VS production of curd for cheese making.
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Access No. 135537 | 1 min 52 secs | 1940s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS butter making from vats of high acid cream including pasturisation process and in tumbling churns. VS churned butter being tipped out and coming out of butter making machines as large cubes which are then wrapped and packed into cardboard boxes. VS of men trimming butter, weighing blocks and packing them into timber crates.
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Access No. 135539 | 1 min 40 secs | 1940s | Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Good shots of cold store butter inspector grading butter with CU of utensil inserted into crate of butter with ÒAustraliaÓ and pattern imprinted on surface. VS inspector using spatula to taste small sections from each butter cube sample. CU blue kangaroo stamp denoting highest quality butter being applied to Norco box of butter.
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Access No. 135540 | 48 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Trucks, bicycles and cars down main street of country town lined with shops in interesting buildings. WS traffic and people gathered outside Commonwealth Bank of Australia building. VS cattle Show Day held in Kiama with pan across cattle in pens with sea and green rolling countryside in background. MS girl polishing horns of cow ÒStrawberryÓ. VS judges inspecting cows.
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Access No. 135542 | -1 secs | 1940s | Kiama, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS Australian Illawarra Shorthorns being paraded at Kiama District Show with rolling green hills of Kiama in background. CUs spectators watching show. WS Grand Parade. Tilt to sign post giving directions to various sections of State Agricultural Show. VS people looking at various agriculture machinery displays. High shots over horses and cattle parading in Grand Parade in main ring.
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Access No. 135544 | 2 mins 52 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS cattle through gate into flat green pasture.
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Access No. 135545 | 29 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
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