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Splendour and the Peaks
The Freycinet and Mount Field National Parks of Tasmania.
Year :
1962 |
Total Duration :
11 Minutes |
Producer :
Eric Thompson
Director :
Jack Rogers |
Opening shot of hand pointing out Tasmania on a map of Australia. CU hand pointing out the Freycinet Peninsula on a colour graded map of Tasmania in an atlas.
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Access No. 136354 | 48 secs | 1960s | Tas, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS pan across the red granite peaks of the Hazards mountain range with people in fishing boats in Coles Bay in foreground. GS young family under umbrella on sand at Coles Bay and GS couple carrying sailboard from water to shore. VS Mount Amos with WS couple climbing uphill via a track and tilt towards peak. Couple emerging from behind boulder on steep part of track. MS couple looking at view to Coles Bay below. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 136355 | 48 secs | 1960s | Tas, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU to young woman taking off her shoes on boulder then MS climbing up granite rock face with the aid of a walking stick held by her partner. LS to couple progressing up towards summit. GS of couple reaching summit and WS over Wineglass Bay and the western coast of Freycinet with low cloud hanging across scene. Pan over Wineglass Bay. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 136356 | 57 secs | 1960s | Tas, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Couple beginning their descent with glimpses of Cape Forestier through scrub.WS of Wineglass Bay and couple in foreground walking through bush towards beach. WS beach at Wineglass Bay with mountains in background. MS hand pointing out Mount Field on a colour graded map of Tasmania. GS couple looking up to Russell Falls in Mount Field National Park then MS tilt up waterfall. High shot looking down to couple crossing foot bridge over river surrounded by tree ferns. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 136357 | 51 secs | 1960s | Tas, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS of playground and picnic area in Mount Field National Park. VS children feeding pet wallabies including a rare albino one. WS bushwalkers getting into Falcon stationwagon and driving to Lake Dobson arriving at shelter hut. CU sign on hut giving time estimations for various tracks. VS women and two teenagers wearing rucksacks walking along track surrounded by pandani. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 136358 | 1 min 9 secs | 1960s | Tas, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU woman's hand lifting up pandani fronds to reveal clusters of small red flowers. CUs of Black Currawong (referred to as Mountain Jay) in tree with GS of bushwalkers looking up to him. CUs of feet walking across cushiony sphagnum moss on ground. LS to bushwalking climbing uphill seen through snow gum branches. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 136360 | 31 secs | 1960s | Tas, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS of green tundra-like Rodway Range with blue peaks of South-West Tasmanian mountains in distance. MS bushwalker walking across cushion plant then lying down on it on her back to rest. CU to tiny white flowers on the plant near his feet. High shots over bushwalkers climbing over dolerite boulders on the crest of the Rodways. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 136361 | 30 secs | 1960s | Tas, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU badge on clothing left on rock reading 'Hobart Walking Club'. WS three walkers on summit of boulder strewn Rodway Ranges boiling billy and preparing sandwich. WS view across dark green of the Rodways to the blue peaks of South-West Tasmania. VS bushwalkers climbing into view and walking across slopes. High shot over Lake Seal with bushwalkers crossing in front of camera. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 136362 | 33 secs | 1960s | Tas, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS bushwalkers sitting on boulders looking towards Tarn Shelf then climbing over boulders in front of camera with blue ranges in distance. Various high shots over the Rodways and bushwalkers and LS to Peterson Hut on K Col. GS trio of bushwalkers arriving and entering hut. WS of the dolerite cliffs of The Watcher. VS rock climbers attaching equipment into crevices and climbing the rock faces and chimneys of The Watcher. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 136364 | 3 mins 7 secs | 1960s | Tas, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
LS to rock climber standing at top of The Watcher mountain bluff throwing down rope then starting descent abseiling down rock face. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 136365 | 44 secs | 1960s | Tas, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
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