Title Details

Australia at School

An overview of Australia's primary and secondary education system in the late 1940s.
Year : 1947 | Total Duration : 20 Minutes | Producer : Geoffrey Collings
A group of young children are gathered around a radio in a school classroom.
School bell being rung. Children in uniform walking in pairs to school building. Girl and boy riding ponies through field. Teacher or headmaster ringing bell. Sign for The Vineyard Public School on building eave. Children arrving at school on ponies, bicycles and walking to school with globite bags. Two-storey brick school building with children arriving. Mother walking with son. Children holding flags at crossing. Boy entering infants room with children at desks and playing on floor. Mother leaving room and entering principal's office. Mother with principal looking into classroom. Children stand at desks of figures and models. Children cutting, pasting, building and painting cardboard houses. Children playing outside, clay modelling. Hands moulding clay. Boy sticking tongue out in concentration. Children painting outdoors on easels. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 59060 | 4 mins 51 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Children looking to camera. Children dancing in pairs. Teacher playing piano. Children performing. 1800s school building, children in and playground. Mother with principal. Maths class then teacher placing map of world over blackboard. Teacher turning on radio, students listening to news item. Principal and parent watching in window. P&C meeting. Classroom with children, boy doing multiplication on blackboard. Girls in classroom copying drawings. Girl entering principal's office for interview with her mother. Private girl's secondary school with girls arriving. Girl giving commentary of life in high school. Girls at desks, French teacher reading to class as they take dictation. Girls in library. Girls with hands in air. Chemistry teacher writing on blackboard. Girl heating oject over bunsen burner. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 141625 | 6 mins 21 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Girls doing secretarial studies, shorthand, typing. Teacher with blackboard. Girls sewing in home science classes. School bus arriving at school. Boys in maths class, teacher writing on blackboard. Boy writing in book with fountain pen. Boys learning woodwork. Boy drawing circles with compass. Boy riding horse-drawn plough in agricultural high school. Boys with cattle, stacking hay and milking cows. Boy looking at wheat grain under microscope. Clydesdale shire horses past tractor. Boys playing football. Girls playing hockey. Boys playing in North Sydney pool. School orchestra playing for parent audience. Girls singing in choir. Female flautist, pianist and violinist. Girls playing recorders and girls singing. Parents clapping. Speech day with boys accepting diplomas from academics and principal making speech. Faces of girls and boys. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 141627 | 7 mins 37 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |