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Views of Sydney Harbour, the city and inner suburbs, from the roof tops of various buildings.
Year :
1971 |
Total Duration :
11 Minutes |
Producer :
Joe Scully
Director :
Antonia Colacino |
WS across rooftops of Sydney's eastern suburbs to sun rising from behind city buildings in orange sky. Zoom out to wider shot with Sydney Harbour Bridge in view. WS upper half of Australia Square reflecting orange sunlit sky. WS white ball sun in bright orange/red sky. Zoom out from two men in building lift suspended outside high-rise building to reveal high angle view over Cahill Expressway, part of east Circular Quay and Farm Cove with pulley lift now looking tiny against huge building. Pan to wharves at Circular Quay. High angle shot over several cars parked in tight pack than zoom out to traffic entering city tunnel with cars travelling in opposite direction down higher expressway ramp. High angle from office window of Cahill Expressway, Circular Quay east and Sydney Opera House. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 138340 | 46 secs | 1970s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High angle WS of inner city residential street with terrace houses. High angle WS of terrace rooftops with zoom into elderly woman tending her rooftop garden. WS young women in black leotards ballet dancing watched by instructor on unit block balcony overlooking Sydney Harbour with Circular Quay and Sydney Opera House in background. CU to elderly woman's face leaning over terrace railing to watch them. VS of women dancing. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 138341 | 39 secs | 1970s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High angle WS over suburb of terrace rooftops and tilt down to trio of terraces staggered down steep road. WS inner city rooftop view. Terrace house parapet with ornamental urn in foreground. Pan across rooftops and distant harbour view to stack of chimneys another WS of more rooftops. Zoom in to rooftop garden table and chairs and VS of small boy in blue metal ride-in car amongst potted plants joined by younger boy who turns on hose then rides tricycle before crashing with boy in car. Cut to shot of overturned car on street and motorcyclist on road. MS of two schoolboys looking through giant coin operated binoculars on rooftop at accident scene on road below with cut away to high angle shot of accident. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 138342 | 1 min 17 secs | 1970s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS of two schoolboys looking through giant giant coin operated binoculars on rooftop at young blonde women in revealing bra as she is taking washing off line. Cutaways to schoolboys with binoculars ogling her breasts. VS of schoolboys scanning buildings with POV shots of a priest, an elderly couple then a woman in hair rollers and gown taking washing down from line. Zoom out from schoolboys looking disappointed. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 138344 | 37 secs | 1970s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High shot over people sitting around edge of circular fountain and zoom out to whole courtyard, city buildings and tilt up Australia Square. Fade to high angle pan past Sydney Town Hall clock tower to high-rise buildings behind. MS tilt down grid patterned facade of high-rise then quick zoom out to reveal high shot over other city buildings. WS over children's party on concrete deck then track following escaped balloon. MS children jumping up and down watching balloon. CU children's faces as workman on lift throws balloon back down. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 138345 | 57 secs | 1970s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High angle WS looking over Boy Charlton Pool, Botanic Gardens, Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge. Zoom in to washing hanging on building rooftop in foreground. Zooms in to washing hanging on home unit rooftop line and fantasy segment where two items of clothing hanging on line pursue each other while pregnant woman on banana lounge reading book called "Latin Interlude" watches on. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 138346 | 1 min 22 secs | 1970s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Zoom out from ferry to aerial over it departing Circular Quay with buildings lining east quay to Sydney Opera House with construction sheds filling forecourt. High shot over ferries passing on water. High angle pan over Opera House sails to front section with scaffolding and construction work. High pan across to sea reflected on glass windows of office building. Pan from sailing boat tied to east Circular Quay to Hydrafoil slowly coming towards wharf. MS of two schoolboys looking through giant binoculars on windy lookout at sea plane coming in for landing and skimming water. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 138347 | 40 secs | 1970s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High shot over traffic on city intersection Kings Cross and quick zoom in to family around swimming pool on outdoor deck. VS of other hotel swimming pools around the city and comic stop-action sequence with man dressed in gondalier-like outfit and woman in bikini by pool. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 138348 | 2 mins 17 secs | 1970s | Kings Cross, Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High angle WS over inner city rooftops out to harbour. Comic sequence with VS long-haired young man in black leather jacket painting graffiti "Stamp Out Fuz" on building exterior as policeman pulls up on motorbike. MS policeman talking to graffiti artist and pointing to page in his black book. Young man returns to his graffiti where he adds a 'z'. Zoom in to policeman's book which is an English Dictionary. WS of city buildings and high angle tilt from houses and apartment blocks down to water in bay to anchored boats. Good high angle WS of bay, inner city suburbs and city and Sydney Harbour Bridge in distance in sunset light with pink and gold horizon. High WS of home units and high angle zoom to city high-rises bathed in bright orange and red sunset light as sun sinks behind clouds. Quicktime clip available.
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Access No. 138349 | 1 min 41 secs | 1970s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
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