Title Details

On Tour with the Arts Council

Describes the work of the Arts Council of Australia.
Episode : 15 | Year : 1963 | Total Duration : 25.5 Minutes | Producer : Jack S Allan, Maslyn Williams (Series Producer), Lee Robinson (Series Producer)
Director : Richard Mason |
Cars crossing bridge towards city lights at night. City street, traffic, neon lights at night. VS theatres, crowds in front of Her Majestys Theatre, VS signs for performers, movies, nightclubs, bars and restaurants. Country town at dusk, multiple destination road sign, main street, various high angle views over country towns. Children dancing outside country school. Interview with Miss Dorothy Helmrich, President of the Arts Council talking about the need for decentralising the arts to country people and into schools. MS Chairman Douglas Dundas. East Sydney Technical College stone building, summer school students around College buildings (now National Art School). High shot in pottery studio, students at wheels. VS drama class with movement teacher (possibly Margaret Walker OAM) instructing class. Students painting outdoors, life drawing indoor class with nude female model. VS with painting teacher.
Access No. 150306 | 7 mins 55 secs | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
MS interview with Miss Dorothy Helmrich, President of the Arts Council talking about the Arts Council's activities. VS schoolgirls attending exhibition of poster art. Sydney Intimate Opera group performing Cosi Fan Tutti to adult and schoolboy audience. Poster for Brian D. Barnes local drama recital. VS Barnes on stage performing Alice in Wonderland for audience of children. Building set in trees, puppet show "Queen of a thousand Jewels" inside by Francis Redvers, WS to children in audience. MS Redvers working strings backstage. Couple performing Paul Grinwiss and Charles Lisner's production of "Nutcracker Suite". Coffs Harbour main street, students watching Elizabethan Theatre Trust performance of Shakespeare play. Poster for pianist Niedzielski, Niedzielski in concert on grand piano. WS audience applauding. Gordon Horswell speaking about the Arts Councils' touring drama program. VS committee meeting.
Access No. 150307 | 9 mins 1 sec | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
MS Gordon Horswell speaking about the Arts Councils' touring drama program and the challenges of staging plays. Horswell and designer working on model of stage. Scenic artist painting set. Costume designer fitting actress Maggie Dence for "One Day of the Year". Author Alan Seymour as Producer of show watching rehearsal and giving direction to actors. Men looking at advertising poster, putting poster up on street tree in Scone, two Arts Council members with newsagents, and with newspaper editor printing publicity material. Theatre truck arriving in Scone, women arranging chairs in hall, crew and artists unloading truck and organising set. Family leaving country homestead, audience entering hall, audience watching performance. Actors and crew dismantling set and packing up. Travelling theatre truck leaving town, driving through countryside.
Access No. 150308 | 8 mins 35 secs | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |