Title Details

Study of the Territory's Waterways

A brief look at tourists enjoying Kakadu National Park wetlands and the waterways around Katherine Gorge.
Series : Northern Territory Contact | Episode : 3 | Year : 1981 | Total Duration : 5 Minutes | Producer : Malcolm Otton
Director : Ian Walker |
Aerial Kakadu. Birds wading in wetland. People travelling in Tristar air boat over water, pilot. Aerial wetland. Eagle in flight, water buffalo, birds. Air boat across water, Jabiru stork in flight. Pilot and passengers in boat. Water buffalo, aerials buffalo running. Muscovy ducks on water at campsite. Canoeists in water. Family having food at campsite, Man talking people out on horses, eating at old homestead. Children playing in water with inner tubes. Old man sitting next to home. Aerials Katherine Gorge including boat. Boat in gorge carrying tourists. Bird of prey in sky. Aerials gorge.
Access No. 126554 | 4 mins 55 secs | 1980s | Kakadu, NT, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |