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Turn the Soil
Looks at the development of the Australian wheat industry.
Year :
1948 |
Total Duration :
15.5 Minutes |
Producer :
John Heyer
Director :
John Heyer |
Close pan across sheaves of wheat growing in fields with sky cloud streaked sky in B/G, Chinese man digging in ploughed field with stick, camel team being led over barren sandy hill, LA CU camels head against blue sky.
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Access No. 41165 | 25 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU very short crop of wheat, farmers in hats stooped over harvesting wheat by hand with scythes, globe map of world spinning, zoom in on South Australia.
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Access No. 41166 | 49 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Pan across wheat field in open country, hotel sign reads ÒParlour Paynes HotelÓ, re-enactment of farmers meeting about a competition for inventing new harvesting machinery, poster calling for ÒInventors you can win 40 PoundsÓ inventor bringing models of mechanised wheat harvesters into busy office, demonstrating them.
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Access No. 41167 | 1 min 17 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Horses in harness pulling John Ridley's harvester, CU of blades, wheat crop POV of front of harvester moving through the field, WS at top of hill, cu horses heads, blades passing over wheat and leaving stalks, good shot of horse team ploughing field in rural landscape, CU horse team to camera and farmers riding on plough.
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Access No. 41168 | 1 min 4 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Early tractor pulling plough, CU plough turning soil, plough moving away from camera, hooking tractor to farm machinery (hoe?) tractor and hoe away from camera . HA shot of blades hoeing earth. Montage of farm machinery being pulled by tractors, CUs of blades turning, breaking up soil, sowing seed or planting, covering seeds and levelling earth.
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Access No. 41169 | 1 min 53 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Pan gum trees, Pan of orange coloured crops growing on slope of hill. CU of flames and fire burning crops, pan along line of fire.
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Access No. 41171 | 39 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU of farmer as he takes hat off and scratches head with look of concern on his face, good shot of mother with head scarf tied in knot above her forehead, holding baby. Bushfire burning, burning crops, pall of smoke over burning crop, burning crop.
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Access No. 41172 | 24 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Dookie Agricultural College established in 1886, two storey weatherboard building with wide verandahs, CU sign, lecturer in college classroom delivering lecture on use super phosphates as fertiliser in farming. VS of men digging the face of mound of soil with a pick. Bagging in hessian bags and loading onto train. Goods train past camera. VS of different teachers in classrooms in agricultural college lecturing on soil conservation and plant breeding.
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Access No. 41173 | 1 min 33 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Agricultural research by Dr. Waterhouse. Rows of test strains of wheat, various testing procedures being conducted on wheat, scientists looking through microscope, running fingers up stems of seedlings, graph needle moving up and down across roller, weighing cylinders, female scientist.
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Access No. 41177 | 45 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Pan across rural farmland with orange coloured crops or soil, sequence of shots from fallow fields through to wheat crops growing, low angle CU of wheat sheaves blowing in wind against cloudy sky, farmer taking tarpaulin off harvester and cranking engine to start.
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Access No. 41179 | 58 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Sunshine Harvester with dog following behind moving off into field, pan over wheat field with wheat sheaves or heads bobbing, heads of wheat, tractor through the wheat field half hidden then emerges. Low angle CU of harvester passing over wheat crop Various WS of harvesters at work. POV of farmer driving harvester. Farmers on back of harvester bagging wheat into hessian bags.
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Access No. 41181 | 1 min 17 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Full wheat sacks , hessian bags being pushed off harvester and left among stubble, harvester in field with hills behind, harvester in full operation past camera, POV driver over tractor engine to wheat field . HA pan of wheat crop, LA MS of farmer driving harvester seen through steering wheel, CU of Harvested wheat pouring into hessian sacks, CU of farmer sewing tops of bags, HA over blades through wheat.
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Access No. 41183 | 1 min 18 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS of men working lifting sacks onto shoulders as they come off end of conveyor belt, stacking them, grain pouring out of shute. Screw mechanism turning grain, industrial grinder churning dough, various phases of dough making for Sao biscuits . Loaves of bread in tins on a rotating platform.
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Access No. 41185 | 51 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Trucks and red double decker bus in F/G, passing large wheat storage silos in B/G, VS of silos, grain pouring from funnel into cargo ship.
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Access No. 41188 | 59 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Pan across orange coloured wheat field, grain heads moving in wind like sea, farmer mounts horse and rides out of frame away from camera.
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Access No. 41190 | 22 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Close pan across sheaves of wheat growing in fields with sky cloud streaked sky in B/G, Chinese man digging in ploughed field with stick, camel team being led over barren sandy hill, LA CU camels head against blue sky.
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Access No. 125112 | 24 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU very short crop of wheat, farmers in hats stooped over harvesting wheat by hand with scythes, globe map of world spinning, zoom in on South Australia.
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Access No. 126497 | 49 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Pan across wheat field in open country, hotel sign reads ÒParlour Paynes HotelÓ, re-enactment of farmers meeting about a competition for inventing new harvesting machinery, poster calling for ÒInventors you can win 40 PoundsÓ inventor bringing models of mechanised wheat harvesters into busy office, demonstrating them.
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Access No. 126498 | 1 min 18 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Horses in harness pulling John Ridley's harvester, CU of blades, wheat crop POV of front of harvester moving through the field, WS at top of hill, CU horses heads, blades passing over wheat and leaving stalks, good shot of horse team ploughing field in rural landscape, CU horse team to camera and farmers riding on plough.
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Access No. 126499 | 1 min 4 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Early tractor pulling plough, CU plough turning soil, plough moving away from camera, hooking tractor to farm machinery (hoe?) tractor and hoe away from camera . HA shot of blades hoeing earth. Montage of farm machinery being pulled by tractors, CUs of blades turning, breaking up soil, sowing seed or planting, covering seeds and levelling earth.
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Access No. 126500 | 1 min 50 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Pan gum trees, Pan of orange coloured crops growing on slope of hill. CU of flames and fire burning crops, pan along line of fire.
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Access No. 126501 | 42 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU of farmer as he takes hat off and scratches head with look of concern on his face, mother with head scarf tied in knot above her forehead, holding baby. Burning crops, pall of smoke over burning crop.
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Access No. 126502 | 23 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Dookie Agricultural College established in 1886, two storey weatherboard building with wide verandahs, cu sign, lecturer in college classroom delivering lecture on use super phosphates as fertiliser in farming. VS of men digging the face of mound of soil with a pick. Bagging in hessian bags and loading onto train. Goods train past camera. VS of different teachers in classrooms in agricultural college lecturing on soil conservation and plant breeding.
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Access No. 126503 | 1 min 32 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Agricultural research by Dr. Waterhouse. Rows of test strains of wheat, various testing procedures being conducted on wheat, scientists looking through microscope, running fingers up stems of seedlings, graph needle moving up and down across roller, weighing cylinders, female scientist.
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Access No. 126504 | 46 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Pan across rural farmland with orange coloured crops or soil, sequence of shots from fallow fields through to wheat crops growing, low angle CU of wheat sheaves blowing in wind against cloudy sky, farmer taking tarpaulin off harvester and cranking engine to start.
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Access No. 126505 | 57 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Sunshine Harvester with dog following behind moving off into field, pan over wheat field with wheat sheaves or heads bobbing, heads of wheat, tractor through the wheat field half hidden then emerges. Low angle CU of harvester passing over wheat crop Various WS of harvesters at work. POV of farmer driving harvester. Farmers on back of harvester bagging wheat into hessian bags.
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Access No. 126506 | 1 min 18 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Full wheat sacks , hessian bags being pushed off harvester and left among stubble, harvester in field with hills behind, harvester in full operation past camera, POV driver over tractor engine to wheat field . HA pan of wheat crop, LA MS of farmer driving harvester seen through steering wheel, CU of Harvested wheat pouring into hessian sacks, CU of farmer sewing tops of bags, HA over blades through wheat.
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Access No. 126507 | 1 min 17 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS of men working lifting sacks onto shoulders as they come off end of conveyor belt, stacking them, grain pouring out of shute . Screw mechanism turning grain, industrial grinder churning dough, various phases of dough making for Sao biscuits . Loaves of bread in tins on a rotating platform.
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Access No. 126508 | 50 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Trucks and red double decker bus in F/G, passing large wheat storage silos in B/G, VS of silos, grain pouring from funnel into cargo ship.
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Access No. 126509 | 58 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Pan across orange coloured wheat field, grain heads moving in wind like sea, farmer mounts horse and rides out of frame away from camera.
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Access No. 126510 | 29 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
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