Title Details

Honeybee Blues

Honeybee Blues tells the story of the world's disappearing honeybees and the efforts of Australian scientist Dr Denis Anderson to save them from annihilation.
Year : 2009 | Total Duration : 52 Minutes | Producer : Susan MacKinnon, Anna Cater
Director : Stefan Moore |
CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson in front of an image of a European honeybee at his lab. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson in front of an image of a European honeybee at his lab. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson in front of an image of a European honeybee at his laboratory. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson in front of an image of a European honeybee at his laboratory. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson inspects a European honeybee specimen at his lab
CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson inspects a European honeybee specimen at his lab. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson inspects a European honeybee specimen at his lab. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson inspects a European honeybee specimen at his lab. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson inspects a European honeybee specimen at his laboratory. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson inspects a European honeybee specimen at his laboratory.
CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson inspects a European honeybee specimen at his laboratory. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson inspects a European honeybee specimen in his laboratory. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson smokes a frame of European honeybees at his hives. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson smokes a frame of European honeybees at his hives. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson smokes a frame of European honeybees at his hives.
CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson with a frame of European honeybees and a smoker at his hives. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson with a frame of European honeybees and honeycomb at his hives. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson with a frame of European honeybees at his hives. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson with a frame of European honeybees at his hives. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson with a frame of European honeybees at his hives.
CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson with a frame of European honeybees at his hives. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson with a frame of European honeybees at his hives. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson with a frame of European honeybees at his hives. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson with a frame of European honeybees at his hives. CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson with a frame of European honeybees at his hives.
European beehives. Frame of European honeybees and honeycomb in hive. Frame of European honeybees and honeycomb. Frame of European honeybees. Honeybee Blues writer/director Stefan Moore at Dr Denis Andersons hives.
Honeybee Blues writer/director Stefan Moore at Dr Denis Andersons hives. Inside a hive of European honeybees. L-R: CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson and writer/director Stefan Moore wearing protective beekeeping gear at hives. L-R: Honeybee Blues writer/director Stefan Moore with CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson at Dr Andersons hives. L-R: Honeybee Blues writer/director Stefan Moore with CSIRO scientist Dr Denis Anderson at his hives.
Very good slow-motion of bee hovering in air, slow-motion CU be landing in centre of flower, bee flying away from flower in slow-motion.
Access No. 148298 | 36 secs | 2000s | Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
CU parasitic mite Varroa. Various ECUs.
Access No. 150210 | 15 secs | 2000s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
CU interviews with Mark Tauzer, beekeeper in protective veil. Beekeeper in protective clothing smoking out beehives. Interview with Dr Denis Anderson talking about the Varroa mite as he drives through countryside. Car driving along road overtaking tractor towing farming machinery POV driver. Computer generated image of large bee flying up to car window.
Access No. 150211 | 59 secs | 2000s | Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
Bee pathologist Dr Denis Anderson entering meeting room, setting up laptop computer. Slow-motion footage of European honeybee landing on flower. CU enlarged image of bee projected on screen, MS Anderson pointing to and explaining sections of bee.
Access No. 150212 | 52 secs | 2000s | Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
Good CU swarm of bees on hive, pair of bees collecting pollen from flower. Interview with scientist Denis Anderson in front of bee image projected on screen. VS Anderson filling smoking instrument with dry leaves, putting on protective clothing and bee colony being smoked. CUs bees on frames.
Access No. 150213 | 1 min 14 secs | 2000s | Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
ECUs and microscopic views of parasitic mite Varroa.
Access No. 150215 | 19 secs | 2000s | Australia | © Bayer AG | Colour |
Scientist Denis Anderson standing in front of projected microscopic image of the mite talking about it's attributes. CUs swarm of bees with mites on their backs. ECUs mites crawling about. CU Anderson, Anderson looking through large microscope. Varroa mite image on computer screen.
Access No. 150216 | 40 secs | 2000s | Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
Computer graphic of honeybee riding on train moving over map of Russia then flying onto Korean peninsula. Graphic of bee carrying large mite on its head transferring it to bee feeding on blossoms. Interviews with scientist Denis Anderson outlining the evolution of the relationship between the honeybees and mites. Computer generated image of bee flying over honeycomb with mite on back, mite dropping onto comb and entering cell containing larvae of developing bee, reproduction and parasitic connection explained. Graphic of bee travelling on train from Korean peninsula around the world to New Zealand.
Access No. 150218 | 2 mins 58 secs | 2000s | Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
Aerial shot of Tasmanian coast. Bees on purple flowering plants, WS commercial beehives in paddock, VS beekeeper Julian Wolfhagen attending hives. CU Wolfhagen holding comb full of bees, interview. CUs bees. Truck past Tasmanian Honey Co shop front. VS factory worker preparing honeycomb frames and frames going through machinery, honey being extracted. CUs processing and canning, women in production line. MS interview with Wolfhagen talking about the Varroa mite.
Access No. 150219 | 2 mins 17 secs | 2000s | Tasmania, Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
Slow-motion CU of bee hovering over yellow flower. Bee exporter Warren Taylor and workers in suits smoking out commercial hives. Interview with Taylor as he walks down rows of hives being smoked. CU handful of bees shown to camera. VS bees being smoked out, packed in boxes and poured into funnel for weighing.
Access No. 150220 | 2 mins 14 secs | 2000s | Oberon, NSW, Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
GS Papua New Guineans riding in back of truck, VS mountainous landscape, road through hills, locals on road. MS scientist Denis Anderson interviewed while driving, shots of villages POV car. Anderson with locals inspecting hives with dying bees. CU to Varroa mite crawling in honeycombe, CUs bees, bee carrying mite. WS men gathered around Anderson at hive. CU Anderson extracting larvae from frame with tweezers. CUs mens' faces. Track past locals selling produce by roadside. Car arriving in Inga Province, locals crowded in street, Anderson meeting beekeepers and inspecting frames. CUs bees and mites. Anderson to camera about the severity of the threat of the virus to Australia. Anderson in protective veil past huts and local children to beehives. CU bees swarming over hives.
Access No. 150221 | 5 mins 40 secs | 2000s | Papua New Guinea | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
CU scientist Denis Anderson taking close-up photograph with micro camera. CUs larvae, mites on frame cells. Anderson in laboratory, looking through microscope. Images of mites on computer screen, Anderson making comparisons between two types of Varroa. Anderson in lab setting up centrifuge, CU DNA output. VS Anderson explaining DNA output on screen, interview with Anderson on repercussions of discovery of new mite. Image of Asian bee specimen on screen.
Access No. 150222 | 2 mins 24 secs | 2000s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
WS cargo ship in port, pan past industrial area. GS boats and ships moored in port. Interview with Wim de Jong from Qld Primary Industries and Fisheries as he drives. Track from car of sugarcane fields, mountains, arriving at property with officers waiting. CUs Asian bee, VS team setting up sugar stations and tracking bees movements. VS bee exporter Warren Taylor at yard with pallets of honeybees loaded on truck. Taylor being interviewed as he drives truck through countryside. CU to bees climbing wire on pallets, pallets at Sydney Airport, dry ice inserted between pallets, pallets being loaded onto plane. United jet plane taking off.
Access No. 150223 | 4 mins 11 secs | 2000s | Cairns, Qld; Blayney; Sydney, NSW, Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
Track following farmer on tractor along road and grey storm clouds, mountains and cane fields from car window. Wim de Jong driving across railway tracks and speaking on mobile phone by car bonnet. De Jong being interviewed as he drives. De Jong arriving at property, past guard dogs to inspect swarm of honeybees on fence railing, another swarm on tree branch and being shown swarm on palm frond in forest. VS bee tracking team working with syrup table to trap bee. Tilt down mountain to car in rain, VS rain falling
Access No. 150224 | 3 mins 30 secs | 2000s | Cairns, Qld, Australia | © Seven Network / Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
Aerial view of Nevada from aeroplane window. Scientist Denis Anderson seated in plane, plane touching down at airport, Reno Nevada. Anderson arriving at hotel casino in taxi, VS glittering neon signs for casinos at night. GS merchandising area at beekeepers convention, Anderson walking through gaming room and into conference room. Anderson addressing conference with news on Varroa mites from podium, CU Anderson in front of images on screen. Aircraft docking on tarmac, San Francisco, cargo of pallets of bees being unloaded. US bee broker Danny Weaver and Warren Taylor inspecting pallet, interview with Weaver. Track following truck transporting bee pallets towards San Francisco. VS beekeepers in suits emptying boxes of bees into beehives, interview with beekeeper Mark Tauzer.
Access No. 150225 | 5 mins 57 secs | 2000s | USA | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
Bees being transported on trucks in misty early morning light. WS commercial beehives in apiary. VS scientist Denis Anderson and beekeeper in suits looking at bees inside beehive. CU Anderson pulling out Varroa mite on larvae with tweezers. CUs mite infested bees, men discussing treatment problems. Pan hundreds of hives. MS interview with Anderson blaming major bee problems on Varroa mites.
Access No. 150226 | 3 mins 51 secs | 2000s | USA | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
Commercial beehives being smoked and loaded on to truck by fork-lift in Central Valley, California. Truck in orchard shaking almond tree, travelling aerial over almond plantations.
Access No. 150227 | 35 secs | 2000s | California, USA | © Singeli Agnew | Colour |
Decimated almond orchards POV moving car, interview with scientist Denis Anderson in car. CU slow-motion bee hovering in air. WS Tasmanian scenic with sea viewed across native vegetation. Bees on purple flowers, red bottlebrushes (callistemon), fruit blossoms and yellow flower. Interview with beekeeper Julian Wolfhagen as he drives talking about inappropriate use of insecticides. Travelling shots of fields from car. WS crop-spraying plane towards camera. Wolfhagen strapping boxes to truck at night. VS truck driving into leatherwood forests laden with beehives. Interview with Wolfhagen as he drives past woodchip protesters to apiary site. Bees and hives being lifted from truck, CUs bees on leatherwood trees and flowers.
Access No. 150228 | 5 mins 14 secs | 2000s | USA; Tas, Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
Green mountainous landscape seen from truck, road through forest POV front of truck. Interview with beekeeper Julian Wolfhagen as he drives truck through logged forest. VS decimated forest, Wolfhagen walking amongst fallen timber, pan logged forest. VS Wim de Jong from Qld Primary Industries and Fisheries and assistant in protective suits netting nest of Asian bees. VS men closing nest and spraying. CU dying bees in water. MS scientist Denis Anderson interviewed while driving about spread of the Varroa virus. Anderson in lab taking Varroa mite samples from freezer. CU tube of mites.
Access No. 150233 | 4 mins 10 secs | 2000s | Cairns, Qld; Tas, Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
ECUs parasitic mites Varroa.
Access No. 150234 | 12 secs | 2000s | Australia | © Bayer AG | Colour |
MS scientist Denis Anderson interviewed about the workings of the Varroa virus.
Access No. 150235 | 6 secs | 2000s | Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
Computer generated imagery of larvae emitting chemicals and Varroa mite reproducing.
Access No. 150236 | 25 secs | 2000s | Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
MS scientist Denis Anderson interviewed about the workings of the Varroa virus. CU honeybee flying in slow-motion with magnified Varroa mite image coming into focus in background. Honeybee flying in slow-motion with green background. Closing titles.
Access No. 150237 | 2 mins 12 secs | 2000s | Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |
CUs of bees "dancing" on honeycomb. CU bee in pink blossom.
Access No. 150238 | 7 secs | 2000s | Australia | © Absolutely Wild Visuals | Colour |
VS truck delivering beehives, forklift unloading hives. WS magpie on log, zoom in to honeybees in crevice of tree. WS crop duster plane spraying chemicals over crops. GS bee on purple flower, bees on pink blossoms.
Access No. 150239 | 59 secs | 2000s | Australia | © Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Mitra Films Pty Ltd | Colour |