Title Details

Memorial Will Honour Deeds of U.S. Forces

Canberra is selected as the site for Australia's war memorial to the United States of America.
Series : Australian Diary | Episode : 36 | Year : 1950 | Total Duration : 3.5 Minutes |
Director : Jack S Allan |
Aerials of Canberra. LS Australian War Memorial and site for memorial. R J Casey, President of the American Australian Association seated at desk speaking to camera about the objectives of the Australian American Association. Model of column shaped memorial dedicated to America. Footage from WWII of bombed ships in Pearl Harbour, American soldiers arriving in Australia on troopship March 1942, CU General McArthur, VS American and Australian forces mingling, girls with American soldiers, soldiers with koalas. VS from Pacific war, troop arrival on amphibian. Japanese surrender, documents being signed, VS graveyard. GS Macarthur and his speech being read out.
Access No. 44320 | 3 mins 37 secs | 1950s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |