Title Details


Vicki, who was born without arms, talks about her experiences.
Series : Putting a Face to an Issue | Episode : 2 | Year : 1975 | Total Duration : 10 Minutes | Producer : Suzanne Baker
Director : Bob Kingsbury |
Vicki smiling, Vicki driving a car by using her feet. Vicki tells of her mother teaching her to overcome her disability by using her feet to carry out tasks in her daily life. Vicki and her fiancee, Trevor, talk about their upcoming wedding. Car with L plates towards camera. Vicki talking about artificial arms not being suitable for her. Family dinner, Vicki eating and drinking. Vicki's parents-in-law. Vicki talking about her life at school. Australian Government Centre building. Vicki sorting paperwork, answering the phone and filing, with her feet. Vicki in her part time job of selling make-up at home parties. Vicki talks about her hopes for the future.
Access No. 130480 | 9 mins 34 secs | 1970s | Hobart, Tas, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |