Title Details

My Valley is Changing

The building of a giant open-cut copper mine on the island of Bougainville brought profound change to local landowners.
Year : 1970 | Total Duration : 26 Minutes | Producer : John Martin Jones, Roland Beckett
Director : Lionel Hudson |
Bougainvillian boy holding a bow and arrow in hut. Bougainvillian child in village. Bougainvillian man repairing fishing nets. Bougainvillian man scraping seeds out of cocoa pods. Bougainvillian men harvesting cocoa pods.
Bougainvillian people in a canoe. Bougainvillian people on beach with a canoe in the foreground. Boy climbing a palm tree to get coconuts. Boy looking down to an open cut copper mine on the island of Bougainville. Boy standing on a palm tree branch cutting off leaves.
Bulldozers at work in a open cut copper mine. Bulldozers at work in an open cut copper mine. Bulldozers at work in open cut copper mine. Cinematographer Michael Edols and crew member filming Bougainvillian women walking on the beach. Ocean views seen through palm trees.
Orchids on the island of Bougainville. Orchids on the island of Bougainville. Orchids. Two children looking over a township and open cut mine, Bougainville. Two people looking at an open cut mine, Bougainville.
Two women with a child collecting water in bamboo branches from a creek.
Aerial lush green valleys and huts on hilltop of Papua New Guinea. Helicopter. Villagers and thatched huts. Elderly female villager smoking pipe walking past hut. Young male villager sharpening machete on his lap and village boy laying leaves on thatched roof of hut. Boy running across green hillside and down almost vertical cut in mountainside after open cut mining.
Access No. 138135 | 56 secs | 1970s | Papua New Guinea | © Restricted Access - Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
WS pair of bulldozers ploughing through dry earth towards camera. GS New Guinean boy walking behind bulldozers across their tracks. High shot over Papuan boy Methodius running across the paths of several bulldozers at work in open mine. Various aerial tracks over green forested mountains and valleys and lakes. Zoom out from graphic maps of islands off the coast of Papua New Guinea. WS canoes coming in to land on calm beach.
Access No. 138136 | 53 secs | 1970s | Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | © Restricted Access - Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Pull focus to string being held between fingers and GS men on beach repairing fishing nets. WS track of Papuan women and children walking along the beach under the shade of black umbrellas which they carry. Pan from bare branches at the edge of water to WS lagoon and WS with LS to people in boats on lagoon at the port of Kieta with hillside lined with palm trees in background. CU Bougainville Blue blue butterfly on pink hibiscus flower.
Access No. 138137 | 33 secs | 1970s | Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | © Restricted Access - Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Classic WS of green sea with palm trees in foreground and pan across to green landscape beyond. MS green coconuts in palm tree and fruits from cocoa plants being knocked off with stick by Papuan man. MS man cracking open fruit with stick. High angle WS of smoking volcano with undulating green landscape in foreground. Good aerial shots over mouth of smoking volcano. VS of New Guinean villagers the Moronis with VS of women doing weaving crafts and men working over logs.
Access No. 138138 | 43 secs | 1970s | Papua New Guinea | © NFSA- Restricted | Colour |
VS New Guinean boy climbing trunk of coconut palm and MS of small child holding coconut still in husk. CU to pipe being smoked by native woman and VS children playing. CU Papuan Gregory Korpa speaking about his people. VS natives laying out sections of palm fronds for roofing and CU of Korpa's face giving instructions. GS woman carrying bundle on her back and WS of man in palm cutting branch off with machete. VS New Guinean women chopping plants.
Access No. 138139 | 41 secs | 1970s | Papua New Guinea | © Restricted Access - Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
VS New Guinean women and children collecting water in hollowed out bamboo branches from pipe in stream and VS western man gold panning in stream. GS westerners taking soil sample and GS men in underground shaft looking at copper deposits. MS pick breaking up rock in stream and Zoom in to hands showing green coloured rock surface to camera. VS Papua New Guineans carrying timber raft across stream to two westerns waiting on the other side. MS westerners, mining engineer Frank Paholski and companion talking to each other.
Access No. 138140 | 1 min 29 secs | 1970s | Papua New Guinea | © NFSA | Colour |
WS helicopter setting down mechanical part which western man runs in to collect before taking off again. VS westerners and Papua New Guineans working machinery at mine and CU to shiny stone held in man's fingers to camera. Zoom out to westerner looking through microscope at low grade copper and gold deposit. ECU spiralling coloured image. High WS over township by sea.
Access No. 138141 | 40 secs | 1970s | Papua New Guinea | © NFSA | Colour |
MS Papua New Guinean man sitting in radio studio of Radio Bougainville wearing headphones and speaking and GS Papuan family gathered around listening to radio. VS natives reading the Bougainville Copper Bulletin and listening to the radio. High angle zoom out from the exterior of the Papua and New Guinea House of Assembly. And GS of Assembly in session. GS of westerner talking to group of Papuans gathered around huts listening. High angle shot of westerner showing Papuans topographic map.
Access No. 138142 | 1 min 45 secs | 1970s | Papua New Guinea | © NFSA | Colour |
WS city building with tram traveling past camera. Zoom and tilt up Melbourne office building. WS of meeting in progress with VS businessmen led by Conzinc Riotinto chairman, Sir Maurice Mawby gathered around table looking at rock sample. GS office with men around table and secretary to the side recording financial conversations on typewriter. CU man talking and VS of meeting.
Access No. 138143 | 1 min 54 secs | 1970s | Melbourne, VIC, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS of earth pushed by bulldozer into quarry being wet by hydraulic hose. CU face of indigenous New Guinean then WS from behind the man showing mining landscape. Zoom out from huts and palm trees at the top of hill with half the hill gouged away from mining activity to WS of whole of desolate mine. CUs of earthmoving truck. VS New Guinean men working at mine, driving tractors and digging soil.
Access No. 138144 | 1 min | 1970s | Papua New Guinea | © Restricted Access - Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
MS young New Guinean surveyor working at building site and MS construction workers. WS of industrial sheds and trucks and CU of vehicle arriving with CU to sign on door reading 'Bougainville Copper Pty Ltd Panguna'. VS of people around mine and GS two men playing tennis and helicopter coming in for landing POV ground. Three men in hard hats going for joyride in the back of a small truck through mud.
Access No. 138145 | 27 secs | 1970s | Papua New Guinea | © NFSA - Restrictions | Colour |
MS surveyor looking through device on tripod giving hand signal to Papuan workers slashing through jungle. MS bulldozer smashing rocks across stream. High angle shot over barren opencut mountainside with LS to Papuan boy running down slope. CU of Papuan boy's face speaking of his fondness for the bulldozers. GS and pans of several bulldozers working in mud.
Access No. 138146 | 42 secs | 1970s | Papua New Guinea | © NFSA - Restrictions | Colour |
High angle pan out from winding hillside road to WS over mining town of iron buildings with rugged hillside in background. High shot over Bougainville mining company buildings with trucks, tractors and men milling around. VS Papuans wearing yellow hard hats leaving work and high angle WS over trucks and bulldozers travelling along wide mining road. High shot over mining town nestled in green valley with open cut mine in foreground.
Access No. 138147 | 20 secs | 1970s | Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | © NFSA - Restrictions | Colour |
WS mist rolling over highlands with single bare free in foreground. Brief shot of 4WD through muddy roads towards camera. Pan across rainbow over hill. VS night-time mining activity including night welding. CU butterfly on pink hibiscus flower. Travelling aerial over Roravana village set next to lagoon and sea. CU Roravanian man fixing fishing net and speaking to camera about his people's unhappiness of having some of their land taken away. VS of small children playing in water.
Access No. 138148 | 59 secs | 1970s | Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | © NFSA - Restrictions | Colour |
VS of young Roravana children playing on beach and MS with canoe. Zoom out from villagers amongst huts and CU of man's face. Archival B&W footage of government officers along strip of beach which voice over claims, contrary to the Roravana people, was uninhabited and legally obtained for the building of a major port. VS of protest by Roravana women and ensuing protest conflict.
Access No. 138149 | 55 secs | 1970s | Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | © NFSA - Restrictions | Colour |
Colourful aerial over Roravana coastal area of Bougainville Island and VS of land being cleared for a major port with pans and aerial tracks of various stages of building. High angle shot over central Bougainvillean village and interview with Territory House of Assembly Representative Paul Lapun about protecting his people's rights as the copper mines become a reality. VS villagers weaving, smoking decorative pipes and children playing. Note ear decorations and piercings of village women.
Access No. 138150 | 1 min 12 secs | 1970s | Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | © NFSA | Colour |
Aerials over Arawa plantation near the coast of Kieta on Bougainville Island. MS Australian plantation owner Kip McKillop taking cuttings from native orchid plants accompanied by Papuan helper. Voice over of interview with McKillop as he walks around his plantation in which he expresses regret that mining should be happening on an island as small as Bougainville.
Access No. 138151 | 49 secs | 1970s | Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | © NFSA | Colour |
Men in canoe along river arriving for meeting with Government authorities where $30,000 is handed over to the Roravanans. VS villagers seated on ground and MS signing papers. Aerial track over Bougainville mining area and tractors constructing a new highway. MS two men in hard hats talking about construction problems and VS of earthmoving equipment working in flooded muddy mine. GS upturned bulldozer being salvaged from the mud. CU of mud flowing into quarry.
Access No. 138152 | 1 min 5 secs | 1970s | Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | © NFSA | Colour |
CU mining engineer in hard hat talking to camera. GS landslide down jungle slope initiated by bulldozer. WS and zoom to scarred denuded hilltops. Zoom out from truck's wheel driving through mud and WS of teacher at front of classroom reading a book about mining to her classroom of young children. CUs of children's faces, both Papuan and European. Zoom out from truck along road near open cut mine.
Access No. 138153 | 43 secs | 1970s | Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | © NFSA | Colour |
CU on 40 cents and other amounts being rung up on old cash register in Bougainville store with Papuan man on register and VS European woman packing shopping bag. VS people shopping and queuing at checkouts. High angle shot over checkouts. Pan across township built of identical brown and white pole houses. GS of Bougainville Copper Panguna bus arriving at township and letting locals out. Tilt to sing above windscreen reading 'Smkt - Married Hill'. GS women and children walking to their homes.
Access No. 138154 | 53 secs | 1970s | Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | © NFSA - Restrictions | Colour |
High angle zoom out from township built of identical brown and white pole houses to deep scarred open cut mine and tilt from hut on hilltop to men scrambling down earth slope. GS pair of men carrying sak-sak(?) from their roofs down slope to build a new pig farm. Aerials over new Moroni village, relocated by mining company. VS village women carrying out domestic chores. Zoom out from cars along road towards mine to Moronis watching road from their village.
Access No. 138155 | 1 min 14 secs | 1970s | Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | © NFSA - Restrictions | Colour |
GS Bougainville mine Area Manager Colin Bishop speaking to local workforce in classroom-like setting. CU Papuan worker Henry Moses questioning Bishop about work roles. MS Papuan manager allocating tasks to workers and VS of Papuans and Europeans working together. VS Papuan man lecturing European men and women about getting along with the locals. VS Papuan workers in various roles around mine and in training.
Access No. 138156 | 1 min 59 secs | 1970s | Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | © NFSA | Colour |
Zoom out from Bougainville mine employees in staff canteen. VS Papuan and European male and female employees seated together at tables conversing and eating. VS dead timber on mine site being cleared and CU of man in hard hat giving instructions to tractor across the hillside via walkie-talkie. VS machinery, CU of tractor controls, tree felling. WS track following bird of prey gliding over denuded hillside hunting for food.
Access No. 138157 | 1 min 52 secs | 1970s | Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | © NFSA - Restrictions | Colour |
Zoom in to flames from fire and zoom out from bulldozer shovelling dirt over edge of quarry to WS with hydraulic hose dampening it down as it slides down slope. Low angle view of shovels over edge. High shot over tractors and hoses. MS interview with foreman in hard hat talking about open cut mining and clearing. High angle pan across denuded hillsides of mine. MS mine foreman talking to young Papuan boy Methodius about his enthusiasm for bulldozers and his future.
Access No. 138158 | 1 min 48 secs | 1970s | Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | © NFSA - Restrictions | Colour |