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Kompani Bilong Yumi
Surveys the varied activities of NAMASU, a commercial co-operative owned mostly by indigenous New Guineans.
Year :
1969 |
Total Duration :
25.5 Minutes |
Producer :
John Martin-Jones
Director :
Lionel Hudson |
Aerial and VS of New Guinean Tami Islanders at sea on dugout sailing canoes, CU man blowing conch shell. Islanders coming ashore at Finschafen with various trade items and artefacts, riding in NAMASU (Native Marketing Supply Service) truck through jungle. Aerials over Finschafen and coast, missionary building. New Guinean man holding trade talks in Pidgeon to group outdoors, European Papa Fugmann addressing group, NAMASU store. Good shots European and New Guinean people in cafe, street scenes around Lae. VS NAMASU offices, typists, John Senat at office machinery. VS board meeting between Zurewe, Pech, Fugmann, Johnston, Ruthenborg, Samuel and Lotto in Pidgeon, voice-over translations. Coffee buyers and storekeepers. Clay pots in village of Bilibil. VS New Guineans of various trades, artisan, foreman with science beaker, wood carver, skipper, factory worker; stevedore, weaver and boat captain.
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Access No. 148189 | 9 mins 1 sec | 1960s | Papua New Guinea | © NFSA | Colour |
VS village with long tables of coffee beans, NAMASU coffee buyer negotiating in Pidgeon. Bilibil women kneading clay, making pots. Soft drink bottling in NAMASU factory, children pounding betel nut, wood carver, carved masks. Charter boat, crew, coffee processing in Lae factory, coffee sacks on ship. Spinning and weaving wool, shipping operations. Villagers on outriggers delivering bag of copra to NAMASU boat, children in water. Bags of coffee unloaded from aeroplanes to village of Wantoat. Planes from grass runway into highlands. NAMASU GM Arthur Goward arriving in Chimbu Valley, meeting with directors in Pidgeon. Villagers. VS village life, playing mouth instruments. Highlanders freeing bogged truck, working in tea plantations in Wahgi Valley. Aerials over Mount Hagen, VS markets, animals, town scenes, woman blowing bubblegum. Crowds shopping at NAMASU store. Cat in office in-tray. Traditional dancing around spirit tower in Orae village. Dancers at Ialibu, ribbon cutting ceremony.
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Access No. 148565 | 16 mins 34 secs | 1960s | Papua New Guinea | © NFSA | Colour |
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