Title Details

Aircraft at Work

Designed for classroom use, this film looks at air transport in Australia.
Series : Transport in Australia | Episode : 3 | Year : 1966 | Total Duration : 17 Minutes | Producer : Malcolm Otton
Director : Donald Crombie |
TAA plane be boarded from tarmac, CUs cockpit instruments, plane taking off. Boy flying box kite in seaside park, parents with picnic. B&W archival photograph of Lawrence Hargrave. Sea gull flying, CUs drawings of aerodynamics of birds' wings. Hargrave's box kites, model of Santos-Dumont Biplane. Archival B&W 1911 footage of Australian W.E. Hart flying Bristol aircraft. Archival WWI footage of airforce biplanes dropping bombs, Ross and Keith Smith to camera and flying Vickers Bomber. Bushland and outback landscapes. 1921 photographs of first mail service planes, WA and Qld. Early Qantas aircraft. 1926 footage of Charles Kingsford-Smith flying Southern Cross monoplane, making speech. First international mail planes. Map of Australia showing comparable distances. Aerials over outback towns. Crowded city pedestrian crossing. Transport modes with truck on road, goods train, Ansett plane landing.
Access No. 148514 | 6 mins 16 secs | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA - Restricted access | Colour |
Airport baggage counter, woman in departure lounge, people boarding TAA plane. Sydney Airport, Adelaide Airport, passengers disembarking. Mail bags, cargo being loaded into plane, cargo into freighter aircraft. Qantas jet plane landing, being loaded with cargo, passengers whilst boarding. Crowded tarmac, people at outside observation barrier, air traffic controllers on tarmac. Indigenous and non-indigenous young girls on remote cattle station running to greet mail plane, pilot and visitor greeting family. Air-to-air Northern Territory Medical Service plane over outback, doctor in cabin reading, clipping seat belt, attending sick child on station, Ernabella Mission from air. Doctor examining Aboriginal children. New Guinean people gathered outside mail plane, unloading freight. Air-to-air Ansett M.A.L. plane, light plane over suburbs. Young man taking flying lessons. Light plane taking off, crop-duster. Pilots boarding plane, in cockpit.
Access No. 148584 | 10 mins 46 secs | 1960s | Australia | © Restricted access | Colour |