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National Capital Emerges - Canberra
A survey of the growth of Canberra from 1913 to 1963.
Year :
1964 |
Total Duration :
23 Minutes |
Producer :
Malcolm Otton
Director :
Geoffrey Cribb |
High angle WS over Canberra with Square in foreground. Travelling aerial over Canberra buildings and undeveloped land. WS new suburbs of Canberra with pans across housing developments to pale green hills. VS of road construction. VS Houses of Parliament with paddocks in foreground.
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Access No. 146092 | 2 mins 38 secs | 1960s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High angle MS over Mr J W Overall, Chairman of the National Capital Planning Committee sitting at his desk studying development maps and plans of Canberra. VS Commission meeting around table with participants looking at plans. GS in architects' offices with draftsmen working on plans. CUs plan of central area of Canberra with the central triangle explained.
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Access No. 146093 | 1 min 53 secs | 1960s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Tilt to earthmoving equipment on building site and VS machinery and men at work. VS builders using work horses, surveyors using equipment, bulldozer shovelling earth into back of truck and WS surveyor on field. VS of the Commissioner, the Associate Commissioners and the Consulting Architects gathered with to witness the turning of the first sod on the Canberra development project. WS of group pouring over plans on site. WS earthmovers removing hill from in front of Houses of Parliament.
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Access No. 146094 | 1 min 30 secs | 1950s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS new housing development with family gathered on verandah of red brick home and GS of houses in suburb. VS houses under construction on former open paddocks. Pan across paddocks to new streets and development sites. GS man digging with crane. VS builders on construction sites and man operating cement mixer. WS outdoor seated audience listening to Mr Gordon Freeth, Minister for the Interior, opening a housing exhibition at Ainsley. VS public inspecting houses. WS pan down new street past tractors in yards of newly built houses.
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Access No. 146095 | 1 min 44 secs | 1950s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS woman with hose on front lawn of suburban Canberra house with young child on tricycle watching from driveway. GS woman gardening. Tilt to CU of sign for National Capital Development Commission and WS of earthworks being carried out for first new technical college. VS of pipes being laid and construction in progress. MS graduants filing past camera in graduation robes and hats with Prime Minister Robert Menzies also in robes. Pan across seated crowd and MS Menzies giving address at laying of foundation stone.
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Access No. 146096 | 1 min 27 secs | 1950s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High angle WS pan across industrial buildings around Kings Avenue Bridge about to undergo development. Pan over building works and VS Mr Gordon Freeth, Minister for the Interior inspecting plans for the new Government Printing Office on site. VS of works showing foundations and formwork. WS pan along river with snow covered mountains in distance to low level bridge. GS cars over Scotts Crossing, Molonglo River. VS historic Rundles Farm House surrounded by wire fence as protection as earthworks commence around it for new dam. VS of cranes and dam construction.
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Access No. 146097 | 1 min 48 secs | 1950s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS first of Russell Hill Offices mostly completed with building works in foreground for the second. GS cement truck reversing into building site and VS men pouring concrete from the mixer over foundation formwork. WS city square and offices under construction. GS Statue of Ethos being delivered on back of truck to Civic Square. CUs of sculptor Tom Bass supervising it's erection. WS of statue in place with people walking past and looking at it and fountain shooting jets of water in background. Pan across Monaro Mall construction with builder at work. High angle pan over earthworks and digging of foundations for television studios on Black Mountain.
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Access No. 146098 | 1 min 36 secs | 1950s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS of building works for the retaining wall on the lake foreshores and Kings Avenue Bridge. MS of Prime Minister opening the Kings Avenue Bridge March 1962 and VS of onlookers, cars along street and High angle WS of approach roads. High angle views of construction of approach roads and tar truck spreading bitumen on new road surface. VS construction of bridge overpass. WS timber bridge on Commonwealth Avenue with pan to WS of new multi laned bridge construction works. VS of concrete sections laid on timber substructure with WS of cars along temporary diversion road past bridge works.
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Access No. 146099 | 2 mins 12 secs | 1960s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W footage of the Minister for the Interior officially closing valves to Lake Burley Griffin September 20, 1963 and the filling of the Lake with onlookers watching from bridge. Colour high angle WS views over Canberra. High angle shots over Canberra City Square with flags of the six state capitals flying and VS of pedestrians and traffic around city streets. VS of city buildings including Administrative Building, insurance offices and banks and tilts of Hobart Place buildings. CUs car number plates from all Australian states. Various WS around Canberra churches.
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Access No. 146100 | 1 min 58 secs | 1960s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Zoom out from sign for Coach House Motor Inn to WS of Inn and VS of motels around Canberra with CUs to their signage. VS of embassies and High Commissions including the German, Belgian, Japanese and South African Embassies. WS local swimming pool with tall diving platforms over diving pool. WS exterior of Olympic Ten Pin Bowling club, Legacy House and university buildings. VS technical college and high schools. WS sprinklers on high school lawns. WS exterior Tariff Board Building, Law Courts, Australian National Mint under construction and Russell Offices.
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Access No. 146101 | 3 mins 9 secs | 1960s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
VS visitors being escorted on tour of sites for new buildings from the Exhibition Hall, Regatta Point. VS architectural models of the Civic Auditorium, Commonwealth Avenue Offices, Bureau of Mineral Resources Building and National Library. WS cars crossing bridges over Lake Burley Griffin. High angle WS over traffic along major roads. WS sprinklers on landscaped city lawns.
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Access No. 146102 | 2 mins 22 secs | 1960s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
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