Title Details

Sunday Lunch

An ironic look at the family rituals which surround the pleasures of the table.
Year : 1985 | Total Duration : 12 Minutes |
Director : Claire Dobbin |
MS older couple with woman, Aileen knitting and her husband, Arthur watching television. GS Arthur seen from behind watching football game on television while his wife prepares a meal in the kitchen which she puts into oven. Arthur reluctantly goes to change his shirt while his wife leaves to answer front doorbell. Arthur and Aileen's son Bruce, his wife Margie and two children enter house.
Access No. 138494 | 2 mins 5 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Restricted Access - Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
WS of suburban backyard with clothes hanging on hills hoist, dog sitting on grass and small boy, Brett attempting to walk on stilts. CU young girl, Sharon singing to herself and GS inside loungeroom with Sharon practicing her ballet while her father and grandfather watch football on television without speaking. GS Aileen with her daughter-in-law Margie in kitchen preparing lunch and tidying.
Access No. 138495 | 1 min 12 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Restricted Access - Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
WS scene in loungeroom with Bruce and his father Arthur watching football and Bruce bickering with his mother Aileen over his having to do work on weekends. WS to small boy, Brett hanging off the hills hoist clothes line dropping onto grass after his mother shouts at him to get off. MS Aileen at window looking fed up as the dog runs across the backyard wearing an item of clothing off the clothesline.
Access No. 138496 | 34 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Restricted Access - Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
GS of family preparing for lunch with granddaughter Sharon setting the table, grandson Brett coming inside and washing his hands, and grandfather Arthur reluctantly turning off the football on the television. GS of the family sitting at the dining table with the children shoving each other and settling into uncomfortable table conversations with awkward silences, bickering and strained conversations.
Access No. 138497 | 3 mins 19 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Restricted Access - Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
VS of the family lunching at the dining table with much bickering and strained conversation. MS to daughter-in-law Margie choking on fishbone. VS of after lunch with the family having tea and cake in loungeroom looking no less strained. Margie checks her watch and nudges her husband Bruce and they make their excuses to go.
Access No. 138498 | 1 min 21 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Restricted Access - Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
WS of Margie, Bruce and children getting into car and leaving and WS of Arthur and Aileen waving them farewell from the front of the house. GS Aileen and Arthur re-entering the loungeroom and silently going back to watching the football on television and knitting.
Access No. 138499 | 1 min 39 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Restricted Access - Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |