Title Details

Sir Marcus Oliphant

Sir Marcus Oliphant was a nuclear physicist, founding father of the Australian National University and a former Governor of South Australia.
Series : Australian Biography Series 1 | Year : 1992 | Total Duration : 26 Minutes | Producer : Frank Heimans
Director : Frank Heimans |
Archival colour footage rockets being launched. Planes loaded with bombs. VS atomic explosions. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about phenomenon of life. Archival colour footage VS rockets being fired / launched. Interview Oliphant, 1990s
Access No. 131118 | 44 secs | 1970s | USA; Australia | © ABC Television | Colour |
Still b&w portrait photograph Sir Marcus Oliphant as young man. Super. Interview Oliphant talking about childhood, 1992.
Access No. 131119 | 1 min 2 secs | Unknown | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Still b&w photograph Sir Marcus Oliphant's parents, Harold (ÒBaronÓ) Oliphant and wife Beatrice, 1936. Interview Oliphant talking about his father , 1992. B&W detail of father from photo of parents. Interview Oliphant talking about religious aspect of upbringing. Still b&w photograph Ernest Rutherford, head of Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, UK, with cigar in mouth reading newspaper in courtyard. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about Rutherford's talk in Adelaide, 1992.
Access No. 131120 | 2 mins 28 secs | 1930s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Archival b&w 1920s footage crowd waving from pier / wharf. Ship leaving / departure with streamers flying from deck. Tracking shot piston and wheel of moving train POV ground. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about arrival in Cambridge University, 1992.
Access No. 131121 | 2 mins 33 secs | 1920s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Still b&w photograph exterior The Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, England, 1930s. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about experiments, 1992. B&W photo Oliphant with Ernest Rutherford, 1934, Rutherford with pipe. Interview Oliphant talking about Rutherford's experiments with atoms. Pull back from b&w photograph of Oliphant and Rutherford presiding over scientific experiment / demonstration in lecture theatre with men and women watching on in b/g, 1930s. Oliphant interview,1992.
Access No. 131122 | 3 mins 12 secs | 1930s | Australia; Cambridge, England, UK | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Archival b&w footage quick shots WWII action, 1930s ,1940s. Bomber plane in flight. Fireball coming from plane. Hitler giving speech and dramatically crossing hands over chest, then Nazi salute. Bomb exploding on ground near buildings. Mass of children giving Nazi salute. Explosion. Aerial view aircraft in flight over sea. Rear view pilot in cockpit. Gunner at sight. Aerial view ship being strafed. Squadron of bombers peeling off in sky. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about initial radar experiments,1992.
Access No. 131123 | 45 secs | 1940s | Europe; Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Still b&w photograph three scientists, Dee, Skinner and Atkinson (Radar Development Group), in laboratory, 1940. Backs to camera. Sir Marcus Oliphant interview, talking about resonators, 1992.
Access No. 131124 | 16 secs | 1940s | Cambridge, England, UK; Australia | © Sir Marcus Oliphant | Colour |
Still colour image (taken from moving archival footage, 1978) of magnetron device mounted on wall. Zoom in to detail of resonator. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about magnetron,1992.
Access No. 131125 | 17 secs | 1970s | Cambridge, England, UK; Australia | © ABC Television | Colour |
Archival b&w footage WWII night aerial action. Volumes of black smoke in sky with aircraft flying through. Radar operator. Silhouette of plane. Tracking aerial to line of jeeps in desert being strafed.
Access No. 131126 | 9 secs | 1940s | Europe | © NFSA | B&W |
Archival b&w footage oscilloscope. Sir Marcus Oliphant interview talking about radar,1992. Archival b&w footage box-shaped radar dish. VS British war room. Interview Oliphant talking about moving on from radar to nuclear physics, mentioning two German refugees who worked with him. Still b&w photographs Peierls and Frisch. Interview Oliphant talking about their work on nuclear energy.
Access No. 131127 | 1 min 19 secs | 1970s | UK; Australia | © ABC Television | Colour |
Archival b&w footage full screen atomic explosion with volumes of smoke billowing. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about initial paper on nuclear bomb, 1992.
Access No. 131128 | 36 secs | 1950s | Australia | © Film World | Colour |
Archival b&w footage air to air bomber in flight above clouds. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about US responses to paper on nuclear bomb, 1992. Still b&w photograph Oliphant and Ernest Lawrence standing together. Interview Oliphant talking about Lawrence's reaction.
Access No. 131129 | 1 min 34 secs | 1970s | Australia; USA | © ABC Television | Colour |
Archival b&w footage aerial pan across Oak Ridge Tennessee Atomic Energy Installation, 1944. Super. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about reasons for pursuing nuclear weapons experiments, 1992.
Access No. 131130 | 25 secs | 1940s | Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA; Australia | © Film World | Colour |
Archival b&w footage VS manufacture of components for nuclear bomb, Tennessee Atomic Energy Installation, Oak Ridge.
Access No. 131131 | 16 secs | 1940s | Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA | © ABC Television | B&W |
Still b&w photograph Sir Marcus Oliphant, 1940s.
Access No. 131132 | 9 secs | 1940s | USA | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Archival b&w footage Hiroshima bombing, 1945. Aerial shadow of plane over fields. Super. Bomb bay in undercarriage of plane opening to reveal land below. City aerial. Aerial nuclear bomb explosion, mushroom cloud from above. Aerial mushroom cloud. People being treated. VS devastation of Hiroshima city. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about reaction to atom bomb being used on civilian cities by Christian nations, 1992.
Access No. 131133 | 1 min 21 secs | 1940s | Hiroshima, Japan ; Australia | © ABC Television | Colour |
Archival b&w footage VJ Day celebrations in Australia. Tilt up ticker tape falling from building. High pan over huge crowd. Women dancing, knees up. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about self reconcile, 1992.
Access No. 131134 | 48 secs | 1940s | Australia | © Film World | Colour |
Archival colour footage atomic, nuclear, hydrogen bomb, H-bomb explosion on Bikini Atoll, 1952. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about Russell-Einstein manifesto and subsequent security council and atomic energy commission established by UN, United Nations, 1992.
Access No. 131135 | 1 min 25 secs | 1950s | Bikini Atoll, Pacific Ocean ; Australia | © ABC Television | Colour |
Still b&w portrait photograph Doc Evatt wearing horn-rimmed glasses. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about Doc Evatt presiding as chairman of first UN, United Nations security council meeting, 1992.
Access No. 131136 | 8 secs | Unknown | Australia | © National Library of Australia | Colour |
Still b&w photograph three American, US delegates from Atomic Energy Committee to UN, United Nations assembly, 1948. B&W photo Andrei Gromyko, Soviet , Russian ambassador to UN, United Nations. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant, 1992.
Access No. 131137 | 13 secs | 1940s | USA | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Archival b&w footage UN, United Nations Security Council Assembly meeting, 1948. Super. Film news cameramen. Delegate signing book. VS delegates. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about UN policies on nuclear weapons,1992.
Access No. 131138 | 45 secs | 1940s | USA ; Australia | © ABC Television | Colour |
Still b&w photograph Marcus Oliphant standing with John Cockcroft and Robert Oppenheimer, 1948. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant relating story on nuclear weapons discussions at 1948 UN / United Nations meeting, 1992
Access No. 131139 | 2 mins | 1940s | USA; Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Colour archival footage VS nuclear power station, 1970s. Cooling system and machinery. Man saying countdown into handheld microphone at control panel. VS machinery, dial needle, equipment. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about future of nuclear power, 1992. Archival colour footage sun flare. Interview Oliphant, 1992.
Access No. 131140 | 31 secs | 1970s | Australia | © ABC Television | Colour |
Archival colour footage (could be used as contemporary image) static shot of large round golden sun sunken behind cloud. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about solar power, 1992 . Archival colour footage round golden sun low in sunrise sky. Flat terrain in F/G with several animals grazing mid frame. One animal grazing off tree, similar to baobab, silhouetted in F/G. Could be African or Australian scene.
Access No. 131141 | 3 secs | 1990s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Still b&w photograph Marcus Oliphant in white coat demonstrating cyclotron, Canberra, 1950s. Pull back from photo to reveal men standing around watching demonstration. Super. Interview Sir Marcus talking about experiments, 1992.
Access No. 131142 | 19 secs | 1950s | Australia | © Sir Marcus Oliphant | Colour |
Archival b&w footage manufacturing plant for cyclotron parts, Canberra , 1950s. VS factory interior. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about mistake of returning to Australia and effect on research career, 1992.
Access No. 131143 | 35 secs | 1950s | Australia | © ABC Television | Colour |
Still b&w photograph Marcus Oliphant in professional garb sitting at end of table outdoors. Pull back to reveal others around table : Doc Evatt, Robert Menzies, John Cockcroft; HC ÒNuggetÓ Coombs at opening of physics laboratory at ANU, Canberra, 1952. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant, 1992.
Access No. 131144 | 13 secs | 1950s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © ANU | Colour |
Still b&w photograph Marcus Oliphant standing outside Research School of Physical Sciences at Australian National University, ANU, 1950s. Pan down from sign above doorway to smiling Oliphant wearing suit and glasses in front of glass doors. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant, 1992.
Access No. 131145 | 9 secs | 1950s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © National Library of Australia | Colour |
Still b&w photograph Sir Marcus Oliphant wearing medals as Governor of South Australia, 1970s. Pan to happy face wearing glasses.
Access No. 131146 | 5 secs | 1970s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © Sir Marcus Oliphant | B&W |
Still b&w photograph Sir Marcus Oliphant as Governor of South Australia, at microphone reading first dawn service, 1971. Super.
Access No. 131147 | 4 secs | 1970s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © National Library of Australia | B&W |
Still b&w photograph Sir Marcus Oliphant, as Governor of South Australia, inspecting troops, 1970s. Pan from soldiers to Sir Marcus with rose in suit coat pocket.
Access No. 131148 | 6 secs | 1970s | SA, Australia | © Sir Marcus Oliphant | B&W |
Still b&w photograph Sir Marcus Oliphant shaking hands with decorated man, possibly Sir Thomas Playford.
Access No. 131149 | 5 secs | 1970s | Australia | © National Library of Australia | B&W |
Still b&w photograph Sir Marcus Oliphant, as Governor of South Australia, and wife welcoming Prince Philip on airport tarmac, 1974. Zoom to Oliphant and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh shaking hands. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about governorship duties, 1992.
Access No. 131150 | 45 secs | 1970s | SA, Australia | © Sir Marcus Oliphant | Colour |
Archival b&w footage Sir Marcus Oliphant, as Governor of South Australia, and wife greeting members of Johnson family as they are announced at ceremony for conferring honours to citizens, 1970s. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about governorship duties, 1992. Archival b&w footage Oliphant family at breakfast table in dining room. Chauffeur polishing windscreen of Rolls Royce, Union Jack on bonnet. Sir Marcus walks out of house and gets into Rolls Royce which then drives off down gravel driveway. Interview Oliphant talking about formalities,1992.
Access No. 131151 | 1 min 1 sec | 1970s | Australia | © ABC Television | Colour |
Still b&w photograph of Sir Marcus Oliphant cutting birthday cake at 71st birthday party, 1972. Pan from cake to Oliphant and young woman smiling as they cut the cake. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant view about about the non-existence of an afterlife and life after death. Quotes a Buddisht philosophy of a dew drop in an ocean. 1992.
Access No. 131152 | 1 min 26 secs | 1970s | Australia | © ANU | Colour |
Archival colour footage of galaxy, starfield, camera moving away. Interview Sir Marcus Oliphant talking about life,1992. Archival colour footage Earth in space, slow zoom to CU. Interview Oliphant talking about mystery of phenomenon of life,1992.
Access No. 131153 | 1 min 10 secs | 1970s | © ABC Television | Colour |