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Australian National Botanic Gardens Out takes
A look at the Australian National Botanic Gardens in Canberra and Jervis Bay.
Year :
1985 |
Total Duration :
11 Minutes |
Producer :
Ian Macarthur
Director :
Stanley Dalby |
CU Flame Heath (Astroloma conostephioides), CU gum blossoms, stills of Flinder Ranges mountain formations, stream, and GS of Australian National Botanic Gardens. CU still of Sand Bottlebrush (Beaufortia squarrosa). Original plans of Canberra with image of Walter Burley Griffin in corner in one. B&W archival footage of early Canberra transport and buildings and still of Prime Minister Ben Chiffley planting tree, 1949. CU pages of native plants in 1950s book. VS Jervis Bay annex of Botanic Gardens with WS to sea and Vs of native land. Zoom in to sign for gardens.
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Access No. 41421 | 1 min 45 secs | 1990s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
1970 B&W photograph of prime minister Sir John Gorton revealing plaque at official opening of the Canberra Botanic Gardens. VS signs showing name changes since to the current Australian National Botanic Gardens. 4WD through bush, botanists on field trip collecting specimens and cuttings. Zoom to botanist wrapping cuttings in wet newspaper by pond. CU plants placed into plant press, data being recorded. GS 4WD arriving at botanic gardens herbarium, CUs dried plants being mounted onto cardboard and labelled in offices. Botanist with microscope and books identifying pressed plants, handling flower with tweezers, returning plant folder to compactus. Track past nursery. VS propagators preparing and planting cutting, VS potted cuttings and seedlings in glasshouse with mist spray. GS gardener planting out potted plant .
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Access No. 41422 | 3 mins 15 secs | 1990s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
WS punnets of seed being germinated on bottom-heated beads in Australian National Botanic Gardens. CUs names on identification tags, VS palms and orchids in glasshouse nursery. Zoom in to purple orchids. VS gardener preparing rockery and CUs planting kangaroo paws from punnets. Tilt from sign to pink pea flowers of Kennedia retrorsa. CUs horticulturalist taking tissue culture samples in laboratory, test tube-raised clone plants, large kangaroo paw specimens in glasshouse. VS botanist taking samples from plant, CU drawing from plant in petrie dish. Education officer talking to teacher in front of information boards, overseeing students working in education centre, VS looking at acacia (wattle) blossoms through magnifying glasses. Students examining acacia bushes outdoors, VS ranger with younger school group and family group.
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Access No. 150398 | 2 mins 46 secs | 1990s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
WS Banksia Centre, GS disabled and elderly people potting and tending garden. Visitor centre and bookshop of Australian National Botanic Gardens information staff on telephone call, CUs brochures, displays, booklets available. WS couple birdwatching and walking along path through woodland trail. Zoom to trail brochures in bookshop, VS signage and Aboriginal information boards. VS people on Nature Walk, school group walking through rainforest gully. GS misting system amongst ferns, CU water dripping from leaves. WS site of proposed tropical glasshouse. GS ranger with pair of birdwatchers, CU to grey fantail on branch. GS family looking at waratah bushes. CU yellow flowering Pomaderris intermedia bushes. High shot of people walking through rainforest gully.
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Access No. 150399 | 2 mins 58 secs | 1990s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
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