Title Details

Paddington Lace

This film captures the essence of Paddington in Sydney in 1970 - its heyday as a community of bohemian artists.
Year : 1970 | Total Duration : 24 Minutes | Producer : David Bairstow
Director : Chris McCullough |
Facade of a sandstone house, Paddington. Row of terrace facades in the suburb of Paddington.
High angle zoom out and pan across Sydney suburbs, particularly in the eastern suburbs. Pan across rooftops of terrace housing. Zoom in to Paddington Street. MS bearded man painting iron lacework of verandah. VS large group of mainly elderly women walking down Paddington street on historic tour led by guide. VS ÒhippyÓ postman looking alarmed. MS local onlooker smoking. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 132045 | 1 min 45 secs | 1970s | Paddington, Sydney, NSW | © NFSA | Colour |
Bare chested man in jeans collecting milk bottles from front steps, picking flower and re-entering house. Man in kitchen taking kettle off stove and picking naked baby up out of pram and putting nappy on baby. Group of elderly women on walking tour of Paddington dispersing from street as garbage truck approaches. GS back streets. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 132047 | 2 mins 3 secs | 1970s | Paddington, Sydney, NSW | © NFSA | Colour |
Young woman down stairs in house followed by man wearing tie-dyed T-shirt having heated discussion over woman's reluctance to marry. Bearded bare-chested man in bowler hat joining in discussions. MS woman spoon-feeding baby. Group of elderly woman on walking tour of Paddington led by guide up street and outside large terrace. Interior shots of long-haired men jamming with electric guitars in room then gathering in window to talk to tour group. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 132048 | 2 mins | 1970s | Paddington, Sydney, NSW | © NFSA | Colour |
Young woman in typical 1970 fashion with floppy hat, ribbons, beads, floaty dress, bare feet and baby in pouch on back walking along street. Front yard with stone lion decoration with green painted face. CU cat. Elderly woman, young woman with baby and general street scenes. Men in large art studio looking at prints in conversation. Bearded man with head submerged in fish tank wearing snorkel and face mask. Couple sunbaking in backyard, man bear-chested in jeans and woman in pants,hat and bikini top. CUs faces in heated exchange over woman's reluctance to marry. Woman entering backyard and joining in discussion on marriage with three household members. Bare-chested man smoking; woman in sunglasses, woman in blue eyeshadow. MS baby toppling over and crying. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 132050 | 2 mins 36 secs | 1970s | Paddington, Sydney, NSW | © NFSA | Colour |
White Volkswagen Beetle driving down Paddington street. VS bearded man pursuing car on foot running until he catches up. VS driving through Paddington streets, passing green double decker bus, arriving at terrace to be auctioned. VS inside large terrace and VS auction action. VS auctioneer in bad wig and well-dressed bidders. CUs bidders gesturing. Note fashions including man in flowing white clothes and beads. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 132053 | 2 mins 26 secs | 1970s | Paddington, Sydney, NSW | © NFSA | Colour |
Paddington trio sitting around outdoor pub table lamenting local real estate prices. WS run-down small timber Paddington house. MS couple studying real estate column in newspaper and inspecting timber house and backyard. Woman wearing large floppy hat. Couple looking out to view over suburbs to city. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 132054 | 1 min 31 secs | 1970s | Paddington, Sydney, NSW | © NFSA | Colour |
Smartly dressed young woman in large round sunglasses entering bank building and having meeting with bank manager for housing loan which is refused on the grounds of her not being married. VS woman angrily recounting session at bank to her partner and looking dejected while discussing prospect of marriage. CU couple kissing. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 132055 | 3 mins 48 secs | 1970s | Paddington, Sydney, NSW | © NFSA | Colour |
VS bearded man wearing vest over bare chest riding motorbike without helmet through city streets arriving at Registry for Births, Deaths and Marriages. Note double decker buses, street signage and LS TAA sign on building top. MS and CUs of man making marriage application. VS shop scenes. People in butchers shop, hairdresser and MSs people chatting on streets. VS children and babies. MS effete man in pink suit holding pink feather duster greeting couple and congratulating them on their impending marriage. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 132056 | 1 min 51 secs | 1970s | Sydney, Paddington, NSW | © NFSA | Colour |
Paddington suburb in orange sunset light. People past anti-Vietnam war graffiti on wall. People gathered in pub doorway. Woman walking along back street in Paddington and woman in mini dress and scarf tied around head walking to house carrying champagne bottles. Woman and man drinking champagne at table discussing marriage principles and MS woman talking to bearded man about marriage fears. Couple arriving at registry for wedding to be told they have the wrong day. Couple being greeted outside registry by crowd of cheering friends. Man walking through crowd at reception holding up newspaper which he shows to couple. CU photograph of couple in newspaper under heading ÒPaddo Artists Fail to WedÓ. Couple laughing and man giving wedding ring to friend to mind. High angle shot of backyard reception. High shot over Paddington street with long row of terrace houses. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 132058 | 4 mins 50 secs | 1970s | Paddington, Sydney, NSW | © NFSA | Colour |