Title Details

Vineyards of Empire, The

A look at the cultivation and harvesting of grapes and the manufacture of wine, both still and sparkling.
Year : 1938 | Total Duration : 10 Minutes |
WS man rolling barrel along ground between rows of huge wine barrels. VS horse-drawn wagons laden with wine barrels, loading wine barrels onto train and high angle view of rail trucks moving away with cargo. GS barrels being loaded onto ship in nets and ship being towed from port by tug boat.
Access No. 46573 | 1 min 4 secs | 1930s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Pan of vineyard and VS workers pruning vines. Horse-drawn plough tilling between vines and pan across rows of vines. WS vineyard and pan across winery buildings. CU grapes on vine.
Access No. 46574 | 1 min 41 secs | 1930s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
WS workers picking grapes. CU picking grapes from vine and MS picking with grapes being loaded into wagon. High angle shot of procession of trucks transporting grapes from vineyards and passing over weigh bridge at entrance of winery.
Access No. 46575 | 1 min 8 secs | 1930s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
MS unloading grapes from truck at winery and putting grapes into stemmer & crusher machine. GS discarded stalks loaded onto small wagon. VS machinery. CUs wine in vats during production and VS fermenting wine vats, grape juice passing from pipe into vat, froth on top of juice in vats, man stirring the wine in vats.
Access No. 46576 | 1 min 16 secs | 1930s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
VS wine production including grapes in hopper,sedimentation machine, looking along rows of steel vats, man testing wine samples, workers washing and sterilising wine barrels, man rocking barrels.
Access No. 46580 | 1 min 3 secs | 1930s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
GS automatic wine filling apparatus in each barrel, CU wine being pumped into barrel, man removing pipes, hammering plug into cask and rolling each away at conclusion. WS stacks of wine barrels and MS two men taking samples & testing wine from barrels.
Access No. 46581 | 1 min 4 secs | 1930s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
VS bottling and labelling of wine with CUs of machinery and workers attending production line. Sparkling wine production with VS men operating machinery filling champagne bottles, corking champagne bottles and loading them onto shaking racks. MS men manually agitating bottles in racks.
Access No. 46583 | 1 min 23 secs | 1930s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
VS men ÒdisgorgingÓ sediment from bottles, men labelling, wiring & capsuling wine bottles. MS man in laboratory testing wines in glass flasks. WS rows of champagne bottles in storage and CU of cobweb covered champagne bottles.
Access No. 46584 | 54 secs | 1930s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
MS two formally dressed couples inside restaurant. CU table laden with champagne & food and couples standing around table toasting with champagne.
Access No. 46586 | 22 secs | 1930s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |