Title Details

Australian Eggs

A look at Australia's large-scale poultry industry, from grading shell eggs for export to the preparation of egg pulp.
Year : 1934 | Total Duration : 10 Minutes |
Director : G. A Gamon |
Very good opening credits with rooster standing on boomerang. VS roosters and chickens, CU chicks hatching from dozens of eggs, free range chickens in orchard. Pan of rural poultry farm to "intensive Farming" sheds. High shot over sheds. VS poultry farmers harvesting lucerne pats. Larger process in farm manufacturing pellets, VS feed mix in huge drum, men filling buckets with feed and high shots over buckets being wheeled to sheds. VS men filling troughs with feed, hens feeding from behind bars. WS hens in shed, men cleaning perches and nesting boxes. CU hen in man's hand. Farm hand collecting eggs into bucket from outside shed. CU bucket full of eggs. Buckets being transported to packing sheds on rail trolley pushed by workers. CU full buckets of eggs.
Access No. 39655 | 4 mins 43 secs | 1930s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Buckets of eggs in factory. Lines of young women polishing and examining eggs before placing them in boxes. VS boxes being packed onto truck. MS woman in cool store 'candling' eggs involving being held up to light to reveal defects. Eggs being graded for weight on conveyor and sorted by size on machine. CU man holding three eggs showing 'Australia' stamp. Governor inspector inspecting random box of eggs, candling and weighing samples. GS women candling small eggs, eggs on conveyor belt to room where they are broken, pulp strained, emulsified, poured into containers and frozen. Pulping chamber being cleaned. Containers being sorted, packed and stamped by inspector. MS man showing solid block of egg pulp sawn in half. Cases of eggs being loaded onto ship for export. Domestic cooking scenes with eggs shown fried, boiled, poached and set on table. Cakes on table.
Access No. 150404 | 5 mins 14 secs | 1930s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |