Title Details

Something to Eat

Australia's position as a supplier of basic foods for the world was never so important as it is today
Year : 1947 | Total Duration : 11 Minutes |
Tug boats bringing ocean liner into Sydney harbour, British war brides arriving in Australia, some holding babies as they walk down gang plank of ship, Trams and pedestrians in busy Sydney street. Soldier and wife greeted by soldiers mother and father in garden of suburban house. Advertisement. (1946)
Access No. 40795 | 1 min 15 secs | 1940s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Reporter asks what Australia is doing about Food for Britain, Joe Scully as Minister of Commerce and Agriculture speaks on sending food to Britain, press conference. Map showing areas of crop failure around the world. Top soil blowing in wind, handful of loose top soil, team of draught horses pulling plough, rear view of harvesters ploughing paddock, stacking wheat in bags for export. CU on watch face. Newspaper headlines on poster - World Food Crisis British Ration Cut. Other headlines - Famine Australian Labor pledges aid to Britain. Advertisement. (1946)
Access No. 40796 | 1 min 29 secs | 1940s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Family at dining table, food ration book, counting money, writing cheques, passing army hat around group of men to collect donations of money. School children placing tinned food on table at school, women packing food parcels, room of packages, c/u parcels and addresses, loading food parcels onto ships. Advertisement. (1946) WWII
Access No. 40797 | 1 min 38 secs | 1940s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Journalist talking on phone to Sir Thomas Gordon, Australian Representative of British Ministry of War Transport, herd of cattle, sheep, wheat field, CU of sheaths of wheat, harvesting grapes, chickens in barn, thousands of chicks, trucks loaded with milk urns, making butter, buckets of eggs for packing, sheep in yards, hand picking apples, drovers and cattle, beef carcasses, harvesting wheat. Advertisement. (1946)
Access No. 40798 | 3 mins 3 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Women sorting apples and eggs, men working packing apples, butter, milk, cheese, grains, harvester, sheep in pens, goods train. Secretary of the Australasian Council of Trade Unions, Albert Monk, appealing to workers to support the drive for food relief for Britain. Trains, boats at wharves, loading goods on docks, men gathered around having tea and discussing shortages. Advertisement. (1946) WWII
Access No. 40799 | 2 mins 20 secs | 1940s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |