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Fruit Canning
Deals with the cultivation and canning of peaches.
Year :
1933 |
Total Duration :
6 Minutes |
Producer :
Lyn Maplestone
Director :
G.A. Gamon |
WS of peach orchard and pan over rows of peach trees. GS man ploughing soil pulled by two horses. WS irrigation weirs with LS to man climbing barrier and men with bicycles on bridge. Track from irrigation canal to people on bank and GS rotating water meter. Track through orchard to orchardists digging small ditches between rows of peach trees. GS irrigation ditches around trees full of water. CU cluster of peaches on tree.
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Access No. 46587 | 1 min 33 secs | 1930s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
MS fruit picker at work gathering peaches in sack worn on chest. GS pickers on ladders and GS men loading wooden cases of fruit onto truck five deep. GS truck past camera. WS pan across fruit boxes stacked on horse-drawn carts at cannery. VS fruit being sorted in wooden boxes on benches at cannery and WS factory floor of women in white caps pitting peaches into cane baskets. MS "cannery champion" with title given for the speed with which she pits peaches. GS men loading baskets of peaches onto vertical conveyor belt to the peeler. GS fruit peeler and CUs of peaches bouncing about on pitted surface. VS women sorting peaches into tins.
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Access No. 46590 | 2 mins 28 secs | 1930s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
GS men loading cans of peaches from wooden boxes into syruper with steaming vats in background. MS government inspector checking quality of fruit. GS tins being crimped as they pass through steriliser machinery. GS crimping machine which puts on lids. VS cans of fruit along factory lines. High angle shots of tester tapping cans of fruit checked for non-sterilized or faulty cans. GS female worker loading tins onto labelling machine and workers at the other end packing cans for export. WS display room.
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Access No. 141843 | 2 mins 13 secs | 1930s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
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