Title Details

Ceremonial Driving

High shot over city crowds during royal drive. Small boy waving flag, Queen Mother leaving car, greeting dignitaries. Exterior Department of Supply, Stores & Transport Branch. Administrative staff planning driving routes at table, GS maps. Drivers rehearsing deportment drill, marching to cars, driving off in formation. Drivers performing glove and cap drill, practising procedure for royal change-over of cars, converting roof. Driver polishing car, clouds reflected on bonnet. Mechanics working on cars, CU vehicle report. Car being driven into covered trailer and driven away by truck.
Access No. 148598 | 4 mins 49 secs | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Cars over dirt road, car with Queen Mother through crowds. Progress of pilot car, royal car, household and reserve cars with police escort. CU hands on steering wheel, driver with Queen Mother, removing insignia. Crowds and Royal progress, full royal progress in rain with cars, guards on horseback and crowds lining city streets. Tilt to ticker tape falling from building. Queen Mother and Mayor in Town Hall, National anthem, Drivers cap drill, VS cheering crowds. Prime Minister Menzies and Dame Pattie greeting Queen Mother, 1958, Queen Mother boarding Qantas propellor plane, plane leaving.
Access No. 149664 | 4 mins 41 secs | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |