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World War II Compilation

Australian landscape including cities, coastline and agriculture. (sound and picture quality poor). WWII
Access No. 123471 | 36 secs | 1940s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Lines of Japanese troops marching. quick shot of the ÒpuppetÓ emperor that Japan placed in Manchuria, Nazi Germany Japanese emperor in Berlin, streets decked in Swastikas & Japanese flags. Globe showing spread of Germany across the globe. Japanese leader with German Chancellor Adolf Hitler. War in Manchuria, dead Chinese civilians, Invasion of Poland (1st Sept 1939). tanks roar along dirt roads, Caption referring to Britain declaring war on Germany (Sept 3rd 1939). VS Sydney Harbour and War Memorial, Melbourne Yarra River, country valley, Audio Australian Prime Minster Robert Menzies declaring Australia also at war. WWII
Access No. 124349 | 2 mins 27 secs | 1930s | Japan, Germany, Poland, UK, Sydney, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
VS men enlisting for the defence forces including swearing in, military training, lining up for food & eating in mess,. Troops in camps, troops singing ÒRoll out the barrelÓ. Troops depart for war from Sydney, embarking onto ship, waving hats from the troopship, ship under Harbour bridge, person waving white handkerchief. WWII
Access No. 124350 | 1 min 44 secs | 1940s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Guns firing at night, caption Dunkirk. Great Britain - Montage machinery turning, Australian steel factories, munitions. Artillery on display. Food in Australia prepared and sent overseas including boxes of food, chickens, eggs, sheep, wheat harvesting. Supplies loaded onto ship, wheat loaded into hold of ship, other items lifted on in nets. WWII
Access No. 124351 | 2 mins 10 secs | 1940s | UK, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Map showing North Africa. Montage artillery guns firing, Wavell's troops moving forward at Bardia, artillery, tanks & soldiers on foot, Land action, vehicles along through sand, , soldiers advance through barbed wire and firing rifles from prone position (Australians & British troops fought together here), German artillery fired, Rommel's Afrika Corps advancing through desert to Bardia, Tobruk. silhouette of barbed wire around dugouts, German planes over, air raid siren sounded, troops man the anti aircraft guns, Stuka dive bomber, VS soldiers living in dugouts (Rats of Tobruk), men on patrol from Tobruk, Air attacks from German aircraft. Merchant ships sunk in Harbour. Burnt out tanks. Map showing northern Europe. WWII
Access No. 124352 | 4 mins 8 secs | 1940s | Bardia, Tobruk, Libya, North Africa | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Greece, military vehicles moving through country and towns. Elasson bombed by Germans as this was Thomas Blamey's headquarters, Map showing Egypt and Crete. Germans studying map. German paratroops in sky, landing in Crete. Ground action, Australians running through smoke, Germans running through town, Australians & Germans through grenades at each other, sniper, Allies taken Prisoner of War , POWs. WWII
Access No. 124353 | 2 mins | 1940s | Greece, Crete, Europe | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Map showing movement to Syria. Hitler and Italian leader Mussolini together. Invasion of Russia. 10 December 1941 tank tracks rolling, WS civilian refugees on road, Japanese leaders together with US official. Bombs dropping. Ship ablaze at Pearl Harbour. WWII
Access No. 124354 | 1 min 35 secs | 1940s | Russia, Hawaii | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Maps and newspaper headings. Japanese invasion of Singapore and Malaya. Aerial New Guinea Owen Stanley Range. Australian troops on patrol including swamps and jungle. Walking along muddy tracks, thigh deep in swamp water, VS wounded soldiers being carried and treated, VS Wounded being carried by local indigenous people (native stretcher bearers - Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels) . Hospital tent at field dressing station. Casualties on military truck. In camp, eating, The Salvation Army tent, reading mail. walking off on patrol in mist, map of Japanese expansion in New Guinea. WWII
Access No. 124355 | 2 mins 42 secs | 1940s | Singapore, Malaysia, Pacific | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Fires over Darwin. Oil fire, Damaged buildings. Map showing New Guinea. Aerials over Owen Stanley Ranges. Guns firing (1942). Australian troops setting off on Kokoda Trail carrying their packs. Gun action, machine gun fired, mortars fired. Soldier fires his rifle from the hip standing next to tall grass in Salamaua, map of the world. WWII
Access No. 124356 | 2 mins 23 secs | 1940s | Darwin, NT, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Pacific | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Artillery Guns firing at night, troops advancing in North Africa. Artillery fired in day, Checking for land mines. Explosions. Artillery (9th Battalion). New Guinea, fighting in Salamaua. Hand marking map showing Lae and Nazeb. 9th Battalion Troops loaded onto landing barges. Ships enroute to take Lae. Artillery loaded onto aircraft for trip to Nadzab and thence to Lae air to air US planes in flight. Paratroops jump from planes in Markham Valley, 7th division loading onto planes in Port Moresby. Aircraft in Port Moresby and Nadzab. WWII. RAAF
Access No. 124357 | 2 mins 35 secs | 1940s | North Africa, New Guinea, Pacific | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Dead Japanese soldiers. Australian soldiers holding Japanese flag, Map of New Guinea and Pacific region. (November 1944). Australian troops crammed onboard ship. Unloading onto barges, Men loading artillery guns,firing, mortars fires. VS machine Guns fired , dead Japanese soldier, casualties on stretchers. Indigenous New Guineans (native stretcher bearers - Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels) carrying stretchers. Woman radio operator. Medical doctor and female nurse, soldiers walk past Graves. Artillery Hill, Maps showing New Britain campaign. Fox holes, casualties, dead Japanese soldiers. Map WWII
Access No. 124358 | 3 mins 54 secs | 1940s | New Guinea, New Britain, pacific | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Australians landing at Wewak. Landing craft, some heavy waves. Australian soldier's faces. Infantry moving inland, Map showing coastline. Australian troops running to shore, stalking through jungle. Explosions, throwing hand grenade. Dead Japanese soldier. Tanks. Maps showing Philippines, Borneo etc. April 1945 ships bombard shore at Tarakan. CU's Australian troops watching. Oil tanks on fire. soldiers move inland after landing, WWII
Access No. 124359 | 4 mins 31 secs | 1940s | Tarakan, Papua New Guinea, Borneo | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Allied landing in Pacific - Tarakan . Ruined buildings. VS allied forces patrolling. Australian soldier talking to boy. Troops through jungle. Mortars fired, air attack. Maps of Borneo and Brunei. Ships on convoy bombarding Labuan Island. Landing craft to beach, CU's soldiers faces. Soldiers waist deep in swamp. Capturing POWs. soldiers patrolling through town, Maps of south Borneo, landing craft and explosions at Balikpapan, Australian soldiers move inland,. Australian casualties given tea by Red Cross, patrols in jungle. WWII
Access No. 124360 | 4 mins 45 secs | 1940s | Tarakan, Balikpapan, Borneo | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Australian POW's in Changi after liberation, in huts, at church. Atomic bomb mushroom cloud. Newspaper headings for Victory in Europe and Pacific. Japanese surrender on USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, Gen Sir Thomas Blamey and General MacArthur included, Japanese Foreign Minister representing Emperor HIrohito arrive. General Macarthur announces terms of surrender (no natural sound), documents signed, Japanese POW's, Japanese commander in Bougainvillea, Solomon Islands, hands over sword. Ceremony of surrender. HMS Glory, New Britain. Borneo surrender. Japanese officers interviewed by allied intelligence officers. WWII
Access No. 124361 | 4 mins | 1940s | Changi, Singapore, | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Soldiers on parade salute Major General Robertson at Japanese surrender of New Guinea . POW camps after liberation, Australian and Allied solders cheering (soldiers look like they have had some food in them before this film was shot). Japanese POW's digging trenches, being fed. Australian troops on ships sailing home. Sydney Harbour arrival, crowds on wharf, disembarkation, reunion scenes, kissing. Victory parades including women. VS Demobilisation . Signing papers. Rehabilitation centres. CU's individual faces. Short Recap of Australian involvement in WWII
Access No. 124362 | 5 mins 20 secs | 1940s | New Guinea, Singapore, Sydney | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
7th division Australian troops marching through jungle and open land enroute to Lae 9th Division soldiers walking along beach after amphibious landing. Artillery loaded onto barge for trip up the Huon Peninsula from Lae, WS Markham Valley, soldiers advancing in single file through tall grass towards Ramu, assault on Shaggy Ridge, Australian artillery firing VS, Australian boomerangs & kittyhawks attacking Japanese positions from the air , Infantry moving forward. map of Australian advance in New Guinea. WWII. RAAF
Access No. 130556 | 2 mins 32 secs | 1940s | North Africa, New Guinea, Pacific | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |