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HNL 1427 : World War II - Pacific & Middle East
Middle East, soldiers watch aircraft taking off from desert airstrip,Kittyhawk fighter re-armed with 500lb bomb which turns it into a bomber as well, VS Kittyhawks taking off in desert, ground crew maintain and rearm planes, Australian air crews run to their planes, put on parachutes & take off - bombers & fighters, Aerial dust stirred up by planes, VS planes in flight, VS German anti aircraft & artillery gunners, Aerial bombs dropped from plane & explode in the desert leaving craters, air to air German stuka bombers(1939 1945) WWII. RAAF
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Access No. 42945 | 3 mins 7 secs | 1940s | Middle East, Libya | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
VS allied aircraft being assembled after being delivered in crates to the West Coast of New Guinea?, Hurricanes taking off & in flight, (1939 1945). WWII. RAAF
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Access No. 42946 | 42 secs | 1940s | New Guinea? | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Germans putting supplies & paratroopers into Junker aircraft, Middle East,German aircraft taking off, Lancaster bombers take off & air to air, bombing Vichy Headquarters at Beirut Racecourse, Greek women & children clearing roads, Australian ground crews working on Kittyhawks in desert, MS planes take off enmasse in desert (1939 1945) WWII. RAAF
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Access No. 42947 | 1 min 18 secs | 1940s | Middle East, Libya, Beirut, Lebanon | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Alexandria allied warship in harbour including HMAS Perth, soldiers disembark after evacuating Greece, Middle East airfield activity in Syria, air to air bomber in flight, WS warship firing, artillery batteries firing during attack on D'Amour, smoke rising (1939 1945) WWII. RAN
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Access No. 42949 | 1 min 7 secs | 1940s | Alexandria,Egypt, D'Amour, Syria | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Pacific, map Japanese held territory, ship convoy of mainly US ships, HMAS Canberra, VS anti aircraft guns firing on US ship, WS aircraft carrier landings, WS coast, MS rapid fire anti aircraft guns - ack ack & machine guns, WS naval guns firing, gun crews loading shells into heavy naval guns, VS Guns firing to the coast, VS HMAS Canberra sinking after being hit by Japanese, VS attack on US aircraft carrier, VS naval battle and ships attacked by Japanese planes (some good natural sound effects), ships along in heavy weather (1939 1945) WWII. RAN
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Access No. 42950 | 5 mins 39 secs | 1940s | Solomon Islands, Pacific | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
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