Title Details

HNL 1004: Cavalcade of Australia Can 5 Royal Visit Prince of Wales 1920, 1921

Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII) outside members' club, Randwick racecourse, wearing bowler hat and smoking cigar, casual. Presents cup. Large crowd. Nurses outside military hospital, Prince, in military uniform with matron inspecting grounds. Leaves in open topped car. Crowd and troops line street. Prince walks through, talks to some of the soldiers
Access No. 122837 | 2 mins 59 secs | 1920s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Good POV from warship to bows through rough seas. Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII) brief shots presenting cup at races. Inspecting Red Cross women in uniform. Rides in open topped horse drawn carriage. GV British destroyer ship, sailors lining decks. Prince with naval officers, good CU's. Aerial ship in Sydney Harbour. Military troops parade. Prince and Governor General Munro Ferguson shake hands with officials Prince shaking hands.
Access No. 122838 | 2 mins 50 secs | 1920s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII) in casual suit. Large crowd including many children waving flags. Walk past Prince. HAS Prince leading large group across bridge. With Governor General Munro Ferguson and wife. Inspecting troops.
Access No. 122839 | 2 mins 28 secs | 1920s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |