Title Details

Fruit Compilation

Hillside with people picking pineapples. CU unripe grapes. CU pears, hand turning one. Peaches being tipped in wooden crate. Man up tree picking apples. Elderly man picking grapes. Couple up tree picking apples. (1959)
Access No. 124734 | 55 secs | 1950s | © NFSA | Colour |
CU green orange on tree, picking activity in background. CU ripe and unripe strawberries on ground, picking behind. CU bunches of cherries on tree, CU plums on tree. CU green bananas, man picking behind. CU banana flower from underneath. CU bunch of green pawpaw / papaya ? CU side of peach. CU peach on branch, crate behind. Crate of peaches. Repeat of some of shots.
Access No. 124735 | 5 mins 12 secs | 1970s | © NFSA | Colour |
Man picking apples by hand into sack . Tractor up orchard, harrowing between trees. (Tasmania). Oranges on tree. VS picking red apples, putting into large crate to be driven away by tractor. Women in factory placing apples on conveyor belt, sorting by hand, placing in box ÒAustralian ApplesÓ (Tasmania). Man walking along line of plums growing on trellis.
Access No. 124736 | 4 mins | 1970s | Tas, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |