Title Details

Darwin's Brave New World is the story of how four young voyagers to the Southern Hemisphere Ð Charles Darwin, Joseph Hooker, Thomas Huxley and Alfred Russel Wallace Ð revolutionized science and gave birth to an extraordinary theory about the evolution of life on earth.
Year : 2009 | Total Duration : 3 x 54 minute episodes | Producer : Mike Bluett (Series Producer), Sally Regan (Producer, Australia), Andrew Ferns (Producer, Canada)
Director : Lisa Matthews (drama), Jason Bourque (documentary) |
Big Ben clock tower. Big Ben clock tower. Big Ben clock tower. Blue Mountains - Three sisters. Blue Mountains.
Blue Mountains. Blue Mountains. Boston city skyline. Boston Red Sox sign. Buckingham Palace.
Butterfly on plant. Butterfly. Carp fish in pond. Carp fish in pond. Cockatoo.
Custom House Tower. Dinosaur skeletons at Oxford University's Museum of Natural History. Entrance to Radcliffe Camera, Oxford University Film crew at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Film crew diving with underwater camera equipment.
Fire engine parked inside station. Fire engines parked inside station. Frog underwater. Gargoyle at Merton College, Oxford University. Gargoyle at Merton College, Oxford University.
Gargoyle at Merton College, Oxford University. Gargoyles at Merton College, Oxford University. Gargoyles in facade of the Royal Academy of Arts. Gargoyles in facade of the Royal Academy of Arts. Gargoyles in facade of the Royal Academy of Arts.
Gargoyles in the facade of the Royal Academy of Arts. Gargoyles on facade of the Royal Academy of Arts. Gargoyles on facade of the Royal Academy of Arts. Gargoyles on facade of the Royal Academy of Arts. Gargoyles on facade of the Royal Academy of Arts.
Gargoyles on facade of the Royal Academy of Arts. Gargoyles on facade of the Royal Academy of Arts. Gargoyles on facade of the Royal Academy of Arts. Gargoyles on facade of the Royal Academy of Arts. Heron Island reef.
Heron Island. Heron Island. HMAS Protector remains on Heron Island reef. Intricate roof of Oxford University's Museum of Natural History. King vulture at London Zoo.
King vulture at London Zoo. King's College Chapel, University of Cambridge campus. King's College Chapel, University of Cambridge campus. Kiwi Kiwi
Lampposts, University of Cambridge campus. Lions head door knocker. London skyline. Macaque at Seattle Zoo. Maer Hall and surrounding gardens.
Maer Hall. Malvern spa. Malvern spa. Member of film crew with camera at sunset. Oxford University church.
Oxford University, Museum of Natural History. Radcliffe Camera, Oxford University Radcliffe Camera, Oxford University Radcliffe Camera, Oxford University Rocks that contain minerals that glow when exposed to ultra violet light.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Sign for Logic Lane, Oxford University. Spider web. St Paul's Cathedral.
Statue of 18th-century British painter Joshua Reynolds at  London's Royal Academy of Arts. Sunset over the ocean. Three Sisters, Blue Mountains. Trees and clouds. Trees and clouds.
Victoria Memorial. Western lowland Gorilla at London Zoo. Western lowland Gorilla at London Zoo. Western lowland Gorilla at Seattle Zoo. Western lowland Gorilla at Seattle Zoo.
Western lowland Gorilla at Seattle Zoo. Western lowland Gorilla at Seattle Zoo. Western lowland Gorilla at Seattle Zoo. Western lowland Gorilla at Seattle Zoo. Western lowland Gorilla with baby at Seattle Zoo.
Window inside the Oxford University, Museum of Natural History. Yosemite National Park. Yosemite National Park. Yosemite National Park. Yosemite National Park.